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Dolphin's Control-This-Sim Hack (Updated 2006-03-26)

by dolphin26 Posted 17th Mar 2006 at 12:57 AM - Updated 5th Mar 2008 at 3:16 AM by dolphin26 : keywords
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Test Subject
#51 Old 27th Mar 2006 at 8:36 AM
Quote: Originally posted by worrybear
got the updated heck and it still shows "Debug - Social DL Test" ...

i only have uni.

Two suggestions,

1) Do you have two copies in your downloads folder ie did the previous version have a different name and is still there.

2) Is the previos version there with an auto generated filename ie whole string of letter and numbers. (Use Sims Clean Installer to check)

Hope it helps
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#52 Old 27th Mar 2006 at 4:19 PM
Ok, I think what I found was the reason that "Debug - Super duper hug" was showing up, but that the "Debug - Social DL Test" issue has not yet been fixed. Also, so far it sounds like this only affects people who only have the Uni EP. I haven't been able to reproduce the problem because I have all the EPs

Some questions to those that still have the problem:
1) What happens when you choose the Debug - Social DL Test? Don't save the game after you do so, since we don't know what it does or why it shows up?
2) Do you continue to get "Debug - Social DL Test" as an option if you take out my package file?
3) Does anyone that has this problem have more EPs than just Uni?

Forum Resident
#53 Old 27th Mar 2006 at 6:42 PM
i got all the EP's and the debug option is showing in my game also..
i remember trying the option once but nothing happend.
i will remove the hack later today to see if the option is still there.

will let you know what happens
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#54 Old 27th Mar 2006 at 6:46 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Mishy
i got all the EP's and the debug option is showing in my game also..
i remember trying the option once but nothing happend.
i will remove the hack later today to see if the option is still there.

will let you know what happens

Mishy, make sure you've got the latest version installed and that you save your lot before you test taking it out. There was a bug with a previous version that could cause a Debug - Super Duper Hug when you took out the hack.

Also, which debug option are you getting?
Forum Resident
#55 Old 27th Mar 2006 at 7:08 PM
i'm getting the Debug - Social DL test.
and i got the update as soon as you put it up there.

anyway, i hope you can fix it, though it doesnt really bothers me.
it is one of my favorite hacks.
Forum Resident
#56 Old 28th Mar 2006 at 12:01 AM
ok, i removed the hack and have been playing 2 lots and the debug option isnt there anymore.
Test Subject
#57 Old 28th Mar 2006 at 2:16 AM

answers to both suggestion no.


the answer to your questions
1) nothing i can tell of
2) no
3) i only have uni...

thank you.
#58 Old 28th Mar 2006 at 3:07 AM
i'm still getting the debug Social DL option too with the new version, despite uninstalling the original the installing the new one, uninstalling the new one and reinstalling it again.
i have never seen the Super Duper Hug one
selecting the social debug option doesn't appear to do anything though, at least not obviously. i tried it because i can't resist an option seriously though, i just wanted to see if there was any consequences to doing so
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#59 Old 28th Mar 2006 at 5:49 AM
Does anyone who is getting the "Debug - Social DL Test" option know how to use the testing cheats? If so, can you try to turn them on and see if a log file gets generated? If it does, send it to me. In the mean time, it seems like it's harmless enough, but I'll still keep an eye out for a way to squash the bug.
#60 Old 28th Mar 2006 at 4:58 PM
yeah i'll bung testingcheatsenabled on and get back to you
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#61 Old 28th Mar 2006 at 5:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by anelca
yeah i'll bung testingcheatsenabled on and get back to you

Thanks, Anelca! I really appreciate it!
#62 Old 28th Mar 2006 at 7:37 PM Last edited by anelca : 28th Mar 2006 at 7:46 PM.
ok well
one thing....i thought the problem had resolved itself when i went back into the game as the option was not coming up in my newest place (self built this one)
so i moved on to one that i knew was occurring in and it didn't show with one sim clicking on another
tried with another sim and there it was. went back to the new house and the option cropped up with the woohoo option pie menu. so it seems to occur in some circumstances but not in others
i've added 4 logs to a rar hmmm.....i can't add attachments for some reason to this message :/
i'll try PMing it to you or if that doesn't work i may need to fire up browser in IE (currently firefox) bear with me
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#63 Old 28th Mar 2006 at 8:31 PM
Quote: Originally posted by anelca
ok well
one thing....i thought the problem had resolved itself when i went back into the game as the option was not coming up in my newest place (self built this one)
so i moved on to one that i knew was occurring in and it didn't show with one sim clicking on another
tried with another sim and there it was. went back to the new house and the option cropped up with the woohoo option pie menu. so it seems to occur in some circumstances but not in others
i've added 4 logs to a rar hmmm.....i can't add attachments for some reason to this message :/
i'll try PMing it to you or if that doesn't work i may need to fire up browser in IE (currently firefox) bear with me

I can see them. Thanks for sending them.

Looking at the logs, however, they don't look like the errors were caused by this hack. When did these errors occur? Did an error pop up every time you saw the "DEBUG - Social DL Test" option? I'm trying to determine if the "DEBUG - Social DL Test" item is an indicator to show that there was an error in my code.

#64 Old 28th Mar 2006 at 8:53 PM Last edited by anelca : 28th Mar 2006 at 8:59 PM.
no i forced those errors in the hope something may crop up, obviously not then
pressing the option on your menu whilst in cheats mode does absolutely nothing, just as it does nothing with the cheats off
(sorry forgot to add that info before, was too busy trying to get attachments to work)

i don't think there is an error with your code. i looked at the logs i forced the error on and although i'm no expert by a long shot, they just looked the usual "anything you get if you force an error" type of things, a bit like all the audio ones which show up and don't necessarily mean anything

the only thing i found odd was that the option showed up sometimes and not others. i'd need to test a bit more closely to see how random it is, or whether it's not as random as it seems. i can do this in my test n'hood which is a lot smaller than the one i was playing if you like, and if you have any particular variables you'd like trying
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#65 Old 28th Mar 2006 at 8:59 PM
Quote: Originally posted by anelca
no i forced those errors in the hope something may crop up, obviously not then
pressing the option on your menu whilst in cheats mode does absolutely nothing, just as it does nothing with the cheats off
(sorry forgot to add that info before, was too busy trying to get attachments to work)

i don't think there is an error with your code. i looked at the logs i forced the error on and although i'm no expert by a long shot, they just looked the usual "anything you get if you force an error" type of things, a bit like all the audio ones which show up and don't necessarily mean anything

That's what I thought, I just wanted to be sure.

Well, the logs didn't tell me much except to verify that you were using the latest version. Googling for the error I found out that twojeffs once had a similar issue with his visitor controller. I've dropped him an email to see if he's got any insight. In the mean time, it doesn't seem to hurt anything. Let me know if you've got any more clues...
Test Subject
#66 Old 29th Mar 2006 at 9:49 PM
thx, Dolphin, very nice. Works nice. But what's with the "Debug Social DL test"? What does it actually do? Very strange. But it's nice to not have to purchase a mirror and keep switching back and forth to pick people. I have the mirror, but this is definately a nice addition!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#67 Old 29th Mar 2006 at 11:40 PM
OK, could someone who was having problems with "Debug - Social DL Test" showing up please test this latest version? TwoJeffs gave me a suggestion on what to change, but since I could never reproduce the problem in my environment I need someone to test it for me.
Forum Resident
#68 Old 30th Mar 2006 at 12:47 AM
i just tested your previous hack in one of my lots,
the debug option was there..then i quit (unsaved) and went
back to that same lot without your mod, the debug option was gone.
then i tryed the lot with the updated hack, the debug option was gone,
so in my game you seemed to have fixed the problem
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#69 Old 30th Mar 2006 at 12:49 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Mishy
i just tested your previous hack in one of my lots,
the debug option was there..then i quit (unsaved) and went
back to that same lot without your mod, the debug option was gone.
then i tryed the lot with the updated hack, the debug option was gone,
so in my game you seemed to have fixed the problem

Excellent! I'm glad to hear this!
Forum Resident
#70 Old 30th Mar 2006 at 12:52 AM
i can imagine, it must have "bugged" you alot, hehe..
#71 Old 7th Apr 2006 at 11:25 AM
As I said before I play UNI on a Mac.
I took out your first hack file, played the game without, quitted, and opened the game with the new hack.
As far as I can see the "Debug social DL test" pie menu option is gone, at least between dorm household members. I couldn't test in a regular family because I had to re-install my game (for other reasons) and I only have students for now.

"Deep down I'm pretty superficial"

Test Subject
#72 Old 7th Apr 2006 at 10:05 PM
Hello there, new Simmie here, just wanted to say thanks a bunch for this Hack, i love being able to control my visiting sims. (also, wanted to let you know, that there are new players out there, who are jumping for joy, at all the hacks that are available to make the game alot more enjoyable) thankee thankee thankee
Test Subject
#73 Old 10th Apr 2006 at 11:30 AM
it's all good now.
(sims2 and just uni)

no more "DEBUG - Social DL Test".
i just didn't have time to play my sims for a while.

it's wonderful.
thank you so much.
#74 Old 20th Apr 2006 at 12:28 AM
Lab Assistant
#75 Old 7th May 2006 at 8:21 PM
Hey, first off...your hack is very useful and I like it very much. Now, the main reason I dl'd it was because I wanted to take *complete* control of a townie who happened to drop by and have them change their appearance and change their clothes. The makeover using the standard mirror is fine...but when I click on a dresser...there are no clothes (after buying some)there.

I even dl'd the "visitorenableddresser" hack by someone else here on MTS2 with the impression that this would allow the townies to use it to change their clothes. *Sigh*. Is this hack not supposed to support the feature of changing clothes and if not, can you make it do that?

Thanx for any help you can offer.
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