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(Family Fun Stuff) CAS crashing when using new clothes fix - Update 4-15-06

by PatchesSim2 Posted 15th Apr 2006 at 1:59 AM - Updated 28th Apr 2006 at 4:42 AM by PatchesSim2 : found a way to fix the missing clothing problem
29 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 28 Feedback Posts
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Test Subject
#26 Old 25th Apr 2006 at 2:00 PM
EA put today in the official site the first patch por Family Fun Stuff however this patch "only" repair many bugs (the nanny and the fix objects) and my walls continue red ... if I uninstall the Family Fun and continue with the game and expansions I will play normally with Open for Business and the game look excelent (my graphic card are update the last month).

Please, any idea if maxis will prepare a new patch or any action that I will realize to give a solution?... I don't play with this conditions
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#27 Old 28th Apr 2006 at 4:39 AM
thekaishi, the problem is caused by not having a supported video card (and the video card requirements have been the same for each game). It's likely that Maxis will not fix that problem since your system is below the minimum requirements as it is.

Also, this is not technical support. Make your own thread instead of hijacking mine.
Test Subject
#28 Old 12th May 2006 at 5:22 AM
Quote: Originally posted by PatchesSim2
thekaishi, as far as I can tell the flashing walls are caused by video cards which are (and have been since the original release of The Sims 2) not supported. Maxis only supports the video cards listed on their box and some people don't bother to check.

but I'm just basing my information on past posts people have made and I've had the same video card since this game came out (Nvidia GeForce 5900XT 128megs) so I've never had the problem. They've had this problem previously with neighborhood terrain, and a few other things before.

I've never had a problem with my walls being red until FFP and I got a nasty surprise when I tried to play my OFB family, a maxis family in a maxis home. I have no custom content in my game either. So I highly doubt it's a video card issue. Why would it suddenly show up for FFP and not all the rest?
Test Subject
#29 Old 6th Jun 2006 at 12:59 AM
thanx for the time + effort, but im having a weird problem, i only have sims2 n ffs, but when ffs is installed all my custom genetics and clothing dont wanna show up, its not like there there n then dissapear, they dont show up at all, gonna try your fix, but i dont think im havin the same prob as everyone else (my walls r kewl, mainly genetics im worried about

many thanx again
Test Subject
#30 Old 31st Dec 2006 at 7:57 AM
Quote: Originally posted by PatchesSim2
thekaishi, as far as I can tell the flashing walls are caused by video cards which are (and have been since the original release of The Sims 2) not supported. Maxis only supports the video cards listed on their box and some people don't bother to check.

but I'm just basing my information on past posts people have made and I've had the same video card since this game came out (Nvidia GeForce 5900XT 128megs) so I've never had the problem. They've had this problem previously with neighborhood terrain, and a few other things before.

Does this apply also to a laptop such as an Inspiron 1000? I don't know if my laptop has a video card, or if the type you have (if available where I live) is compatible with it.
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