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Alpha Skirt for Teens : MESH + 30 recolors (and matching shirts too)

by CatOfEvilGenius Posted 4th Nov 2008 at 6:36 PM - Updated 14th Mar 2009 at 11:39 PM by CatOfEvilGenius
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Not actually evil.
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#2 Old 1st Nov 2008 at 10:22 PM Last edited by CatOfEvilGenius : 6th Aug 2010 at 10:31 PM.
skirts that match Family Fun clothes
Family Fun stuff pack NOT required.
You may also like Cocomama's conversion of the adult dress for teens.
Thanks to Phaenoh, I used her fixed version of the Family Fun textures as source.

Tops shown are from the Family Fun stuff pack, but these skirts are cute with my Oxford shirts too!

Want more Family Fun matching stuff?

- Family Fun tied tops for adult women
- Family Fun dress tops for adult women
- Family Fun shorts, fixed for teens, converted for adults and elders
- knee shorts that match Family Fun
- Family Fun tank tops for elder women
- grandpa's FF shirts as separate tops
- Family Fun long skirts for adults and elder
- Cocomama's FF dresses for teens
- Phaenoh's default replacement Family Fun textures
Attached files:
File Type: zip  tf btm alpha skirt - Family (678.6 KB, 1939 downloads)

Please spay or neuter your pets. --- Cat Music Video! --- my meshes
Not actually evil.
Original Poster
#3 Old 1st Nov 2008 at 10:25 PM Last edited by CatOfEvilGenius : 14th Mar 2009 at 11:20 PM.
hippie skirts
The texture is from Uni (modified to fit the mesh), but the Uni expansion is not required. Cocomama converted the entire outfit, I made a separate skirt. Note that the hippie skirts have a low waist and look best with untucked tops or high, midriff baring tops.

untucked tanks by lolie2
Attached files:
File Type: zip  tf btm alpha skirt - (791.1 KB, 2552 downloads)

Please spay or neuter your pets. --- Cat Music Video! --- my meshes
Not actually evil.
Original Poster
#4 Old 1st Nov 2008 at 10:28 PM Last edited by CatOfEvilGenius : 19th Sep 2009 at 2:29 AM.
wrap skirts, short and long
I thought the adult skirt would look cute on teens, especially with the bottom layer removed.
Pink, blue, and red halter tops use HP's modest mesh (post #22).

blue halter by Maxis, made modest by HP
red halter by me (get recolor from this post, get HP's modest mesh from here, in post #22)
pink tee by migamoo
black jacket by Maxis
black babydoll by me
pink halter by Maxis, made modest by HP

Attached files:
File Type: zip  tf btm alpha skirt - (1.04 MB, 2356 downloads)
File Type: zip  tf top - matching (38.6 KB, 1656 downloads)

Please spay or neuter your pets. --- Cat Music Video! --- my meshes
Not actually evil.
Original Poster
#5 Old 1st Nov 2008 at 10:29 PM Last edited by CatOfEvilGenius : 28th Jan 2014 at 8:35 PM.
UPDATE 1/27/2014 added dark brown and black

corduroy skirts for spring and fall
I made two sets of this midlength corduroy skirt, one with tights and one without tights. It's a neutral colored, basic skirt that works well with many different tops. You may also like Aner-Dyfan's knee length skirts for teens. Check Aner-Dyfan's downloads for the adult and YA versions too.

pumps and tights
blue sweater - Nightly367 recolor of migamoo's mesh
white sweater by pixie (page seems to be no longer available)
red longsleeve thermal by Fishie

sandals, no tights
white shirt w/ tie by frizelbliz
colorful shirt by varicev
white Oxford shirt by me

Attached files:
File Type: zip  tf btm alpha skirt - (778.3 KB, 1939 downloads)
File Type: 7z  black_darkbrown_Jan2014.7z (150.3 KB, 812 downloads)

Please spay or neuter your pets. --- Cat Music Video! --- my meshes
Not actually evil.
Original Poster
#6 Old 1st Nov 2008 at 10:34 PM Last edited by CatOfEvilGenius : 14th Mar 2009 at 11:32 PM.
belted patterned skirts
This is why I love separates! Look at all the great looks you can create!
The belted skirts' textures come from an adult dress.

green tank top by me and HP - get it below, Maxis recolor
green babydoll by me
grey tank top by me and HP - get it below, Maxis recolor
grey polo by me - get it below, Maxis recolor

orange Oxford by me
orange tank top by me and HP - get it below, Maxis recolor
pink jacket by Maxis
pink Oxford by me
pink babydoll by me

Attached files:
File Type: zip  tf btm alpha skirt - belted (599.8 KB, 1984 downloads)
File Type: zip  tf tops - match belted (247.7 KB, 1612 downloads)

Please spay or neuter your pets. --- Cat Music Video! --- my meshes
Not actually evil.
Original Poster
#7 Old 1st Nov 2008 at 10:37 PM Last edited by CatOfEvilGenius : 14th Mar 2009 at 11:33 PM.
hankie hem skirts
This texture is a modification of a formal dress texture. The hemline is inspired by a dress I saw a waitress wearing in a fancy restaurant.

brown sweater by Maxis
blue Mandarin halter by me
green tank top by lolie2
Attached files:
File Type: zip  tf btm alpha skirt - hankie (558.0 KB, 1867 downloads)

Please spay or neuter your pets. --- Cat Music Video! --- my meshes
Not actually evil.
Original Poster
#8 Old 1st Nov 2008 at 10:42 PM Last edited by CatOfEvilGenius : 14th Mar 2009 at 11:36 PM.
Chinese skirts

updated Jan 23, 2009 - fixed small waist glitch on sides, new files will overwrite the old ones

Try these with my Mandarin halter top.
Shoes have zippers on the side (you just can't see them here, see next post).

Attached files:
File Type: zip  tf btm alpha skirt - (511.6 KB, 1490 downloads)

Please spay or neuter your pets. --- Cat Music Video! --- my meshes
Not actually evil.
Original Poster
#9 Old 2nd Nov 2008 at 7:44 PM Last edited by CatOfEvilGenius : 14th Mar 2009 at 11:37 PM.
3 unrelated skirts
Note the slit in the back of the black and white flower skirt.
It has a low waist, best with untucked tops. The others have a high waist.

The black skirt has sheer panels. Not very exciting, but shows you can do sheer.

The long, stretchy purple skirt is for cold winter days. Has an elastic waist.
The shoes are my real life shoes, brown zip ups. Very sheer black stockings.
Maybe I should have added purple socks?

brown button up shirt by varicev
black tank top by lolie2
purple polo by Maxis
purple/grey striped shirt by frizelbliz
purple sweater by Nightly367 and migamoo

Attached files:
File Type: zip  tf btm alpha skirt - 3 (837.3 KB, 2003 downloads)

Please spay or neuter your pets. --- Cat Music Video! --- my meshes
Forum Resident
#10 Old 4th Nov 2008 at 7:32 PM
Wow, these are just awesome!!! really stunning! I love all these different styles and combining possibilities i have now. Thanks for your great work
Test Subject
#11 Old 4th Nov 2008 at 7:33 PM
My goodness! This a lot of skirts! And they're all wonderful! You definitely work hard, and your hard work is appreciated!

"And thus, She came to Earth upon a giant flying pencil to cast out the Evils of the World with her army of Cats"
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 4th Nov 2008 at 7:44 PM
These are very useful, sometimes people make alphas and they are going worng, your's is done well.
Field Researcher
#13 Old 4th Nov 2008 at 7:54 PM
Thank you for all your wonderful clothes :D

for more of my lots check out my blog:
Test Subject
#14 Old 4th Nov 2008 at 7:58 PM
Thanks!!! Any chance of these coming out in the future in AF?
Not actually evil.
Original Poster
#15 Old 4th Nov 2008 at 8:12 PM Last edited by CatOfEvilGenius : 4th Nov 2008 at 9:03 PM.
Thanks for the compliments, folks.

ambasue22 I have no plans to convert this for AF. Adult women already have two long skirts, and Aner-Dyfan made a knee length skirt for them too. There are alpha dress meshes for them, though I'm not sure about skirts. You're welcome to convert my mesh if you wish.

Please spay or neuter your pets. --- Cat Music Video! --- my meshes
Mad Poster
#16 Old 4th Nov 2008 at 8:33 PM
Nice! I'm so glad you released these! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Addicted to The Sims since 2000.
Lab Assistant
#17 Old 4th Nov 2008 at 8:57 PM
I LOVE that the shoes aren't high heels. So useful, and pretty!
#18 Old 4th Nov 2008 at 8:59 PM
I just was waiting for it and the amazing bunch of recolors! My favourites are the tiki and ethnic sets but how can I do without the other rec. ? I know that my next playing session will be dedicated only to CAS hehe Thank you Kiss and ciao.
Not actually evil.
Original Poster
#19 Old 4th Nov 2008 at 9:02 PM
sh0uriki Thanks. I don't much like wearing high heels everyday myself, so all my sims prefer comfy shoes. I tried to make the foot mesh generic enough that you could put many different kinds of shoes on it.

Please spay or neuter your pets. --- Cat Music Video! --- my meshes
Lab Assistant
#20 Old 4th Nov 2008 at 10:14 PM
These are fantastic! I'm looking forward to the babydoll shirts being released too.
Test Subject
#21 Old 4th Nov 2008 at 11:02 PM
Great idea! I'm already thinking of which sims I can use them on, thanks!
Top Secret Researcher
#22 Old 5th Nov 2008 at 1:11 AM
You are amazing! Thank you for working so hard!

Lab Assistant
#23 Old 5th Nov 2008 at 4:52 AM
These are fantastic! Thank you so much!
Lab Assistant
#24 Old 5th Nov 2008 at 3:53 PM
I'm so happy to see knee-length and longer skirts for teens, finally. I especially love the tulip-hem skirt and texture, it's very pretty!
Lab Assistant
#25 Old 5th Nov 2008 at 5:43 PM
Amazing! With this mesh, and its various recolors, I won't need any other type of skirt mesh for my teens!

Thank you for such a wonderful and handy creation!
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