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Testers wanted: Wizard's study

by Lethe_s Posted 11th Jul 2005 at 6:58 PM - Updated 23rd May 2006 at 5:39 PM by Lethe_s : update
145 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 140 Feedback Posts, 4 Thanks Posts
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retired moderator
Original Poster
#26 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 10:30 PM
wow, easy there, simmygurl
calm down and read the first post again, carefully
it says that they should work in both versions of the game, that means it's ep-ready, as most new objects are
it also says that they learn charisma from using the spell book, just like the career reward

for a tutorial, go here:
or to one of the other wonderful threads in the tutorial forum
Field Researcher
#27 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 10:30 PM
Lethe_s you know I'm happy!!! Whats a castle without a set like this, alchemist study. You made my day... thx
Lab Assistant
#28 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 11:00 PM
Wow I love this! Great Work
Test Subject
#29 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 11:01 PM
That's pretty cool! Thank you very much. I can't wait to try it out.
#30 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 11:20 PM
wow! You are a lifesaver. Thankyou. There was so little 'realistic' medieval stuff for sims2 - its fantastic!

Fumiko- I was actually thinking how great the alchemy notes would be if they were actually a computer - I use to have something similar in sims1. I used to have a mirror that was really a telephone too.
Lab Assistant
#31 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 11:36 PM
Wonderful items for my Strangetown magic practitioners, thank you very much.

"Do you not think it a matter worthy of Lamentation that, while there are so many worlds, we have not yet conquered one?" - Alexander the Great
Lab Assistant
#32 Old 11th Jul 2005 at 11:58 PM
As always your stuff is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing.
Forum Resident
#33 Old 12th Jul 2005 at 12:47 AM
amazing, great for roleplaying
Test Subject
#34 Old 12th Jul 2005 at 1:29 AM
Lethe--you are quickly becoming my favorite creators!!! You are making all the stuff I had on my list.
Lab Assistant
#35 Old 12th Jul 2005 at 2:22 AM
Default Keep it up!
Keep up with the medieval theme stuff. I've been looking for good medieval style objects for a while now and am finally finding what I'm looking for. So keep up the good work!
Test Subject
#36 Old 12th Jul 2005 at 2:35 AM
Thank you! Now I can make Raistlin's Tower.
#37 Old 12th Jul 2005 at 2:36 AM
Your stuff is great.. you're keeping my Harry Potter sims very happy you better keep 'em coming!
Field Researcher
#38 Old 12th Jul 2005 at 2:54 AM
Don't you dare be humble about superb work such as this! The GTC is wonderful, this is wonderful. We need (or should I say "want") it all. Thank you
Lab Assistant
#39 Old 12th Jul 2005 at 4:29 AM
Wow Lethe you do it again! Your one of my fav. modders next to carrigon and JM!
Lab Assistant
#40 Old 12th Jul 2005 at 4:31 AM
This set rocks! Thanks so much for making it! Great work as usual! =]
#41 Old 12th Jul 2005 at 5:18 AM
Geez Lethe, you're quickly becoming one of my favorites on this site. I love the medieval, and you've been feeding it to me like an infant on baby food. Please... I beg you... keep it coming! :agree: :yippee:
Field Researcher
#42 Old 12th Jul 2005 at 7:56 AM
this is sooo great I like it 2 much especially the Spell book
#43 Old 12th Jul 2005 at 8:29 AM
REALLY no need to be humble - you are amazingly talented! The detail on all these items looks just beautiful... I love medieval things in my game! The things you, and all the other modders, create give so much enjoyment to other, less talented people (like me). Thank you!
Test Subject
#44 Old 12th Jul 2005 at 10:28 AM
question,...what wallpaper and floor u use??? they look good

Thnx for the stuff u made :D
#45 Old 12th Jul 2005 at 3:11 PM
This set is perfect for our wizards - thank you so much!
retired moderator
Original Poster
#46 Old 12th Jul 2005 at 5:54 PM
teline, who's Raistlin?
I've heard him mentioned in these threads before...

Cateyes, the wall is from,
the floor from

to all, thanks for the wonderful comments
you make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside
Test Subject
#47 Old 12th Jul 2005 at 6:02 PM
thanks this is great
Forum Resident
#48 Old 12th Jul 2005 at 6:15 PM
This is a beautiful set! Just lovely! Thanks for putting this up for download.
Lab Assistant
#49 Old 12th Jul 2005 at 6:37 PM
Absolutely wonderful. Thank you.
#50 Old 12th Jul 2005 at 6:44 PM
Wow! It is so beautiful! Downloading and testing right now! Thank you!
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