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Testers wanted: Wizard's study

by Lethe_s Posted 11th Jul 2005 at 6:58 PM - Updated 23rd May 2006 at 5:39 PM by Lethe_s : update
145 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 140 Feedback Posts, 4 Thanks Posts
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#126 Old 22nd May 2007 at 8:47 PM
Default Thanks!
Lethe, It's absolutely gorgeous, as is everything else you've done. I'm really going to enjoy this one. Thanks so much!
Test Subject
#127 Old 23rd May 2007 at 8:36 PM
..Did I already thank you for this GREAT work? Well, thanks anyway. The magic circles were great, too..absolutely great..
Shame I can't download the magic bookcase. I haven't got the expansion back for it.

Well, anyways, I have a few suggestions.

1. An alchemical (and possibly an astronomical) chart as a wall-hang decoration. It would be great for your alchemy/space studies.
2. Incenses and candles (that can be put on the floor) for demon-summoning.
3. A mini solar system to illustrate the actual solar system (wooden).

I hope you like those ideas..
Test Subject
#128 Old 28th Aug 2007 at 5:29 PM
Lethe, your stuff is normally excellent, but I had a problem with the spellbook/podium thingy.

I had the base game, university and nightlife installed on my PC before I downloaded it.

After I had my Sim (Professor Snape) use it, he ended up with his arm bent at the elbow all the time and it just wouldn't go back to normal. Just thought you'd like to know

I don't know what caused the problem or how to fix it, so I ended up just forgetting about that particular lot. I've never had any problems with any of your other stuff

take care,
Lab Assistant
#129 Old 29th Oct 2007 at 7:56 AM
now let the magic begin "nice work i have a herman lily munster as family what hey need thanks same here ehh jaja thanks
Test Subject
#130 Old 16th Jan 2008 at 5:59 AM
Another one of your great magic downloads! Amazing! Thanks, and keep up the good work!

I am in need of zelda downloads-do you have any? If so, contact me immediately and give me a link to it.
I also have a Sims 2 Website-feel free to take a look.
My S2 Website
Lab Assistant
#131 Old 18th Mar 2008 at 3:36 AM
This is awesome. But how do I unrar things on Vista?
Forum Resident
#132 Old 25th Mar 2008 at 4:14 AM
Thank you SO VERY MUCH!
I needed this desperately for a movie I'm making.

You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
-Christopher Robin to Pooh
Test Subject
#133 Old 1st Sep 2008 at 9:22 AM
cool wizard stufff
WOW this is what ive been looking for, and its aweosme. thanks man!
Lab Assistant
#134 Old 26th Oct 2008 at 6:46 AM
I am re-downloading after a crash, and I know I had this before. I just don't know why I couldn't find my comment thanking you for it! I don't know why I didn't, but now that I am here again, please allow me to correct my mistake...

Your Wizard's Study is absolutely brilliant! It is exactly what I need, and fits my style perfectly. The detail on the desk is gorgeous, and the spell book and books are very nicely done. I love the alchemy notes, too. Its just a wonderful set, and I thank you for it. Properly, this time.

Top Secret Researcher
#135 Old 15th Dec 2008 at 5:47 AM
Too cool, thanks for sharing!
Test Subject
#136 Old 17th Jan 2009 at 9:25 PM
i cant get past the error page
Lab Assistant
#137 Old 9th Apr 2009 at 10:12 PM
Love the set(very much) , but I got a "Bad Block, Unable to Extract" message on the desk and the deco. Darn, Darn, Darn! I guess I'll have to try again later.
#138 Old 24th Apr 2009 at 10:17 PM
Nice! Thanks.

This Space Intentionally Left Blank
Lab Assistant
#139 Old 7th Jul 2009 at 8:22 PM
I'm definetly using this set for my necromancer. She'll be right at home.
Field Researcher
#140 Old 22nd Oct 2009 at 6:03 AM
Ho-hum. This I downloaded for the spellbook mesh to use with a recolor for a church pulpit. Because it's cloned from a reward object, and I've got BV, I can't place it on a community lot. Frustration! Maybe this issue could be addressed? Oh please?
Test Subject
#141 Old 1st Nov 2009 at 9:47 PM
hey love it major full metal alchemist fan here love to test it for you wish some one could up load a version of magic town from the sims 1that would be cool thanks again condor 147
Test Subject
#142 Old 24th May 2010 at 3:14 PM
I've been using this set for years now, I still love it ^-^ And everything works perfectly fine
Test Subject
#143 Old 22nd Jun 2011 at 10:47 PM
This is really cool thanks! The perfect addition to my witch's home. :-)
Lab Assistant
#144 Old 16th Oct 2011 at 2:30 AM
If no one answered your question before, Raistlin was a mage from the Forgotten Realms books. Stories based on the Dungeons and Dragons worlds. Check out R.A.Salvatore, he wrote the dark elf trilogies too. Same worlds as Drizzt, the famous Drow. I know, kind of a geek/nerd type thing, but I loved that series.

More on topic, thank you for this set! I personally love all the magic stuff you have, and my son will be able to use some of it in his mad science lab. It has multiple uses!
Meet Me In My Next Life
#145 Old 6th Aug 2012 at 10:09 PM
Thank you for this, Very nice.
Test Subject
#146 Old 15th Oct 2018 at 6:19 PM
Thank u!
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