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Hospital gowns *request*

by Momodoll Posted 30th Dec 2005 at 10:00 PM - Updated 29th Jul 2009 at 12:13 AM by Momodoll
70 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 66 Feedback Posts, 3 Thanks Posts
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#2 Old 30th Dec 2005 at 10:31 PM Last edited by Anime : 30th Dec 2005 at 10:33 PM. Reason: Mis-Typed Something
That's a Great Idea! I would have never thought of that good job! :smurf:

(") (")

Test Subject
#3 Old 30th Dec 2005 at 10:35 PM
Default cool
Very cool this will go great in my "Simcity General" :nod:

Happy Festivus for the Rest of Us! -Seinfeld (the show)
#4 Old 30th Dec 2005 at 10:36 PM
Could you please make these longer? See ALL hospital gowns for adults are the same size. So generally speaking on average size women they would be down to the knee or below the knee because the same gowns used for women are also used for men and on average sized men they'd be above the knee. So these are very unrealistic. Otherwise I'd have downloaded them.
Test Subject
#5 Old 30th Dec 2005 at 11:01 PM
It's a good idea!bye
Field Researcher
#6 Old 30th Dec 2005 at 11:16 PM
Bethany i think they are great! You did a good job, as for netseeker, i think you are rude and should keep your lame comments to yourself. You dont have to download them and you shouldnt critisize someones hard work. Lets see you make something better.
Test Subject
#7 Old 30th Dec 2005 at 11:24 PM
I Think their the right size, and netseeker2, If You don't like it why bother typing a messege? you COULD ask nicely why they arn't longer but other then that I think their fine Thanks again bethany! ^.^

(") (")

Test Subject
#8 Old 30th Dec 2005 at 11:35 PM
xxbethany275xx you are my favourite person in the world!!!!! Thank you soooooo much I am going to try them out right now!!!!

I didnt lose my mind, I sold it on Ebay...
Test Subject
#9 Old 31st Dec 2005 at 1:09 AM
These are fantastic thank you so much. they are perfect the way they are.
#10 Old 31st Dec 2005 at 1:55 AM
FYI I was a nurse and they are NOT lame comments they are actual facts. I do make things and you can judge for yourself how good or bad they are by clicking on my name on the side of this message and it'll take you to my profile page.


Quote: Originally posted by baby_kitty66
Bethany i think they are great! You did a good job, as for netseeker, i think you are rude and should keep your lame comments to yourself. You dont have to download them and you shouldnt critisize someones hard work. Lets see you make something better.
#11 Old 31st Dec 2005 at 1:57 AM
I highly doubt that the one your nan is wearing is that short. I'm sure it must be close to knee length.

Quote: Originally posted by xxbethany275xx
netseeker, My nan is in hospital at the moment. They have these and they are different for men and women. see, My nan's one was PINK, I don't think a man would be wearing that if it's PINK. Just a thought.


It dosn't matter because ALL adult sims are the same height in the game. ;p
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 31st Dec 2005 at 2:14 AM
That is really clever!

Kiss me! I'm Irish
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 31st Dec 2005 at 3:57 AM
I love them! Great job, Bethany! And, Netseeker, perhaps different hospitals have different length gowns? Anyway, isn't this the stereotypical hospital gown -- super short and zero dignity? Plus, if she made them longer, she might not have been able to use an existing mesh from the game. This way, we don't have to follow a thread linking to a thread linking to a site linking to another thread to find and download a mesh!
#14 Old 31st Dec 2005 at 4:36 AM
Hi Nukapei,

You hit the nail right on the head.... It's about hospital ethics and morals and just common decency - allowing the patients to maintain a modicum of decency as much as possible. I would hate to be subjected to wearing a hospital gown this short myself - I'd be afraid to move - it's bad enough as it is with the ties in the back missing in the mid-section most of the time, nevermind adding shortness to the problem. I understand she was trying, but as a creator myself, I do *try* at least a little bit to make whatever I'm intending to make to resemble it. I don't just slap a lot together in a half hour's time and throw it out there and except people to like or download it. I spend time, researching it, making all the homecrafter material (walls, floors & terrain paints too if needed) before I even start building it and when I build it I make sure I got as close as possible to it as I can in resemblance - with game and lot size limitations taken into account. I'm sure the author of this gown could've found a somewhat longer piece of attire in the game itself to base it on. I take pride not only in what I create but in my work in the medical profession and whilst I know a lot of people lose a lot of their dignity in the hospital, at least the shortness of the gowns aren't attributing to it (maybe the fact that the ties in the back are missing might but not the length of the gown itself - unless the person is extraordinarily tall). So I'm sorry if I offended the author, but please don't call this a "hospital gown" because it's not - a backless nightie maybe, a "sex clinic gown" maybe, but NOT a hospital gown, and all I did with my original message if anyone cares to read it as it was written was state facts and say I wasn't going to download it because it's too short. Which is the truth of the matter. That's all I was trying to say. I know the author of this gown is rather young still by the response I got back from her, but still that doesn't negate the fact that she could've chosen a longer more suitable piece of attire in the game to base the gown on.


Quote: Originally posted by Nukapei
I love them! Great job, Bethany! And, Netseeker, perhaps different hospitals have different length gowns? Anyway, isn't this the stereotypical hospital gown -- super short and zero dignity? Plus, if she made them longer, she might not have been able to use an existing mesh from the game. This way, we don't have to follow a thread linking to a thread linking to a site linking to another thread to find and download a mesh!
Lab Assistant
#15 Old 31st Dec 2005 at 4:38 AM
I'd prefer them to be short...
#16 Old 31st Dec 2005 at 7:02 AM
Bethany, these are not only adorible but such a wonderful new addition to the game- something that no one (that I'm aware of) has come up with yet. Netseeker, you have both saddened and sickened me not only with your first completely uncalled for comment, but worse, with your continued unrequested opinion. No one told you that YOU had to believe this was a hospital gown, or that YOU had to download or even come in to this string. Obviously the (now) 135 people who have downloaded these do not agree with or care about your opinion. It would have been one thing to ask Bethany to make a longer gown though probably difficult considering the fact that males do not have a short sleeved dress mesh in the game, but she offered to make recolors so you could have asked. Instead you rudely put her and her WORK down. My opinion, since we're handing them out freely, stay out of strings that distress you. Thanks again Bethany!
#17 Old 31st Dec 2005 at 8:31 AM
Obviously you're one of the few people who've visited this thread that lack reading skills. I was NOT rude, I was honest if honest is being rude then I guess I'm rude. But in my books there's a big gap between being rude and being honest. Being dishonest to be "polite" is rude - it doesn't help anyone. Not the person that the "criticizer" is trying to help by pointing something out, nor all the others who've obviously either got their heads buried in the sand or so far up in the clouds they can't see what's right there in front of their faces. Have you ever heard of the story of the Emperor's clothes? Well if you have, consider me the little girl that tells it like it is.


Quote: Originally posted by Cee
Bethany, these are not only adorible but such a wonderful new addition to the game- something that no one (that I'm aware of) has come up with yet. Netseeker, you have both saddened and sickened me not only with your first completely uncalled for comment, but worse, with your continued unrequested opinion. No one told you that YOU had to believe this was a hospital gown, or that YOU had to download or even come in to this string. Obviously the (now) 135 people who have downloaded these do not agree with or care about your opinion. It would have been one thing to ask Bethany to make a longer gown though probably difficult considering the fact that males do not have a short sleeved dress mesh in the game, but she offered to make recolors so you could have asked. Instead you rudely put her and her WORK down. My opinion, since we're handing them out freely, stay out of strings that distress you. Thanks again Bethany!
#18 Old 31st Dec 2005 at 8:32 AM
Thank you Simbad, I appreciate it that *you* understood what I said and how I said it.


Quote: Originally posted by Simbad44
I was thinking the exact same thing netseeker2 said. I didn't think it sounded "rude".............sounded like constructive criticism to me.
On the other hand you'd need a tricky mesh to make them look right.
Lab Assistant
#19 Old 31st Dec 2005 at 8:41 AM
I think that these are nice. but I do agree with netseeker2, they are too short. And I also think that reading quickly through posts can make something seem more rude than it was intended to be.
I'll download anyway. Thanks!
#20 Old 31st Dec 2005 at 8:42 AM Last edited by netseeker2 : 31st Dec 2005 at 9:53 AM.

Show me "rude".... I am copying and pasting my original message here and I defy you to show me where I was rude. If you think it's rude I suggest you brush up on your reading comprehension skills. (Now *THAT* is rude - just so you know the difference, 'tween rude, and polite constructive criticism that even explains WHY the gowns are that long on women).... Even while remaining polite, I could've merely just said they were way too short, as constructive criticism without explaining why they're the length they are on women ordinarily, to her. If you want *rude* from me, not a problem I can do that too. This message copied below though, was NOT rude. You however WERE VERY RUDE to me. Guess that's what happens when you can't understand what you're reading, huh? (Now that too was rude). Okay? Know the difference yet? Or do you want more examples? (Rude again). But the following is NOT rude... Understand?

Copy & paste starts here....

Could you please make these longer? See ALL hospital gowns for adults are the same size. So generally speaking on average size women they would be down to the knee or below the knee because the same gowns used for women are also used for men and on average sized men they'd be above the knee. So these are very unrealistic. Otherwise I'd have downloaded them


That is basically ALL I have to say to you or anyone else on this subject if you all think this open backed baby-doll nightie is a hospital gown, then have fun with it, in your sims hospitals. Personally I'll wait for a more experienced skinner to come up with one that at least resembles a hospital gown before I down one.

Quote: Originally posted by Cee
Bethany, these are not only adorible but such a wonderful new addition to the game- something that no one (that I'm aware of) has come up with yet. Netseeker, you have both saddened and sickened me not only with your first completely uncalled for comment, but worse, with your continued unrequested opinion. No one told you that YOU had to believe this was a hospital gown, or that YOU had to download or even come in to this string. Obviously the (now) 135 people who have downloaded these do not agree with or care about your opinion. It would have been one thing to ask Bethany to make a longer gown though probably difficult considering the fact that males do not have a short sleeved dress mesh in the game, but she offered to make recolors so you could have asked. Instead you rudely put her and her WORK down. My opinion, since we're handing them out freely, stay out of strings that distress you. Thanks again Bethany!
Lab Assistant
#21 Old 31st Dec 2005 at 8:44 AM Last edited by ts1and2fanatic : 31st Dec 2005 at 9:31 AM.
I think the "Otherwise I'd have downloaded them" part was what made everyone think that you we being rude.
To me It just sounds like constructive criticism.

Netseeker, might I suggest that you post a request.
#22 Old 31st Dec 2005 at 9:13 AM
Hi Ts1and2Fanatic,

Actually I thought that part was the part that was telling the person that they looked okay except for their length - in that if they weren't so short I'd have downloaded them. So basically it was "complimentary", saying they looked okay otherwise. But I guess it's how readers interpret things and as I understand some of the people on here are still quite young as is the creator of this "gown" and so maybe have a hard time "interpreting" implied meanings. But I can hardly be held responsible for how everyone interprets things, since everyone has their own vocabulary capacity and understandings and everyone has their own biases that they use to interpret things against. But if anyone knows me, they'll know I don't beat around the bush as the old saying goes. I say things straight out. Maybe they'll like it, maybe they won't, but I say it as I see it. I don't mean to offend anyone but I also don't like to be taken for an idiot either whereby someone tries to foist something off on people saying it's one thing when it's not.

And since I know the effort I put into my creations and how long it takes to make all the homecrafter material that goes into a lot and how long it takes to construct a lot, I would hope that others would take longer than a few minutes to make something before posting it too and do a little research (either on what hospital gowns really look like, or if there's other longer more suitable meshes in the game to base it on, or both - in this case) . I am quite sure even though I've never done anything in the "skins" dept that recolouring an ingame skin (since I do know body shop exports them for you to recolour as I do make sims and I know they don't take long to make when you have the material you need at your disposal and know what you're doing) shouldn't take much longer than saying making a wall or a floor - which doesn't take that long at all - 5 minutes tops maybe and that's when you fudge around it with forever trying to figure out what type of border you should use if any etc.... Even making a whole sim with the various components available (unless you're going to be making someone in particular and want to make them look as much like that someone as possible) doesn't take more than 10 - 20 minutes. I'm sorry, I'm not expecting top quality from everyone out there, but I do expect at least a little effort from people who want to share their items. Even after all the work I've put into each of my lots (which is days or weeks in some cases, not mere minutes or hours), I still get criticisms on them and complaints and even though I use a build game with nothing in it but my homecrafter material they still tell me that some of the lots crashes their games. Wellllll..... If homecrafter material crashes their games, I think they have a more serious situation than my lots going on and are probably due for a reinstall. But I can't say that to them because I don't know that to be the case. All I know is that a few people say they crash their games while it doesn't crash mine and/or all the other people who've downloaded them. All I know is it's a naked Maxis only game with just my homecrafter material in it that I use to construct these lots. So yeah I know what criticism is all about too, but if someone who actually lived nearby one of the places I've built says it's not like this but like that and could direct me to a picture of it showing what they're talking about, I'd pull the lot in question off the net and re-do it so it was more accurate. But vague things like "it crashes my game".... Why? Is that maybe because you don't have the expansion packs it requires, or perhaps because your computer can't handle lots of that size or what? Crashes my game is rather vague. Because like I said there's nothing in them except Maxis stuff and my homecrafter stuff.

Anyhow.... As for requesting stuff.... I don't normally do that. I just take whatever is offered, if I like it. I don't normally offer constructive criticism either but felt this was in line tonight given the brevity of these "gowns". Guess I won't be offering any constructive criticism to anyone on here any more either, because it seems everyone gets all touchy feely and upset about it and can't figure out that it's meant to help and not hurt.


Quote: Originally posted by ts1and2fanatic
I think the "Otherwise I'd have downloaded them" part was what made everyone that you we being rude.
To me It just sounds like constructive criticism.

Netseeker, might I suggest that you post a request.
#23 Old 31st Dec 2005 at 10:06 AM
Another thing.... Show me the pics of the male version of this "Gown" or even where it mentions that it's available for males..... Geez you can't even comprehend pictures let alone words.... (Now that IS rude). So before you jump on people's back like you did mine, why don't you take the time to educate yourself about whatever it is you're going to be jumping all over someone's back about first? Like read the description of the file, look at the pics and read the messages that you're jumping all over someone's case about!?!

And *YOU* have the nerve to call "me" rude? You're not only rude, but you're ignorant as well (in more ways than one I might add).


Quote: Originally posted by Cee
Bethany, these are not only adorible but such a wonderful new addition to the game- something that no one (that I'm aware of) has come up with yet. Netseeker, you have both saddened and sickened me not only with your first completely uncalled for comment, but worse, with your continued unrequested opinion. No one told you that YOU had to believe this was a hospital gown, or that YOU had to download or even come in to this string. Obviously the (now) 135 people who have downloaded these do not agree with or care about your opinion. It would have been one thing to ask Bethany to make a longer gown though probably difficult considering the fact that males do not have a short sleeved dress mesh in the game, but she offered to make recolors so you could have asked. Instead you rudely put her and her WORK down. My opinion, since we're handing them out freely, stay out of strings that distress you. Thanks again Bethany!
#24 Old 31st Dec 2005 at 10:40 AM
Thanks for making these, I think they look good. These are a great adition to my sim stories. Thank you for sharing them with us!

If YoU cAn'T gEt WhAt YoU lIkE, wHy NoT TrY tO lIkE wHaT yOu GeT??
Test Subject
#25 Old 31st Dec 2005 at 1:25 PM
Can we just all stop the bashing and get back to enjoying the fact that ther is one of these finally out here on MTS2?

If someone has a problem with this creation they can make their own version in their own time instead of starting endless debates and boring people to death with long monotonous posts with their point of view that nobody cares about.

I didnt lose my mind, I sold it on Ebay...
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