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Cathedral of the angels

by NanetteTredoux Posted 7th Feb 2006 at 10:58 PM - Updated 23rd Jul 2006 at 6:14 PM by NanetteTredoux : Added links to custom objects
64 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 62 Feedback Posts, 1 Thanks Posts
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Lab Assistant
#2 Old 9th Feb 2006 at 8:35 PM
:jaw: OMFG...

Trashed and scattered again, I'm feelin' so low
You waste your breath while fuckin' with me, my blood is so cold
My destination always unknown, I'll find my way there
But you Goddamn Motherfuckers always wasting my time
Top Secret Researcher
#3 Old 9th Feb 2006 at 8:34 PM
looks awesome, thanks so much for sharing

*..·´°*°·..*..·°** { 7-zip here } **°·..*..·´°*°·..*
Michelle in England.
I'm a friend to everyone ;o)
*..·´°*°·..*..·°** { CEP here } **°·..*..·´°*°·..*
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#4 Old 9th Feb 2006 at 8:41 PM
Thank you MishNumber1 and Dare.
Test Subject
#5 Old 9th Feb 2006 at 8:42 PM
You know, lately there have been some utterly staggering lots posted, and here is another one. I mean, these are so good it's totally scary - OMFG is exactly right.

"wow" works too.

Many thanks for this 8-)
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#6 Old 9th Feb 2006 at 8:58 PM
Thank you so much. Most of the credit for this lot should go to the custom content creators. I tried to build a cathedral using just building cheats but I could not get it right until I found the flying buttresses here at MTS2.
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 9th Feb 2006 at 9:08 PM
Holy mother of God...

*crosses self*

That's BADASS.

Lab Assistant
#8 Old 9th Feb 2006 at 10:20 PM
That is astounding.
Test Subject
#9 Old 9th Feb 2006 at 11:31 PM
Wow, I love it! Now I can send all my dead sims to the graveyard too

Some people are just like Slinkys
They're useless, but can still make you smile if you push them down the stairs.
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 10th Feb 2006 at 1:07 AM
that church is beautiful... the one i go isn't as nice as that one.
Test Subject
#11 Old 10th Feb 2006 at 1:22 AM
I just had to add another thankyou for having all the items you used included in your download. This makes using your beautiful Cathedral even simpler.

Ohhh and even if it wasn't for the building itself, I'd download it just to be able to have the beautiful terrain paint you've created. Those are simply awesome... actually they're the best that I've had the opportunity to come across.... beautiful art for sure.

Some people are just like Slinkys
They're useless, but can still make you smile if you push them down the stairs.
Top Secret Researcher
#12 Old 10th Feb 2006 at 5:46 AM
I'm not religeous or anything but when I saw a preview pic I had to come and see it looks soooooooooooooooooooo goooooooooooooood! Great job
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#13 Old 10th Feb 2006 at 6:27 AM Last edited by NanetteTredoux : 10th Feb 2006 at 6:33 AM.
Thank you so much everyone. This is my first post here and your feedback is very precious to me.

Loboto-Me, I am so glad you like my terrains. I made them for sharing. The terrains on this lot were created with Photo-paint, not from images downloaded from texture sites. You are not likely to find identical ones unless they have been copied.
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 10th Feb 2006 at 6:43 AM
This is absolutely oustanding, you are an exquisite artist, keep up the great work and thanks for sharing! Ditto all the bravos!!!!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#15 Old 10th Feb 2006 at 7:12 AM
You are making me blush.
Test Subject
#16 Old 10th Feb 2006 at 7:27 AM
:jaw: That is AMAZING.
Lab Assistant
#17 Old 10th Feb 2006 at 9:51 AM
I'm totally.....speechless! Most Excellent!!!! Thank you!

To those who understand, no explanation is necessary.
To those who don't understand, no explanation is possible.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#18 Old 10th Feb 2006 at 1:03 PM
Thank you Froda and n8tivenc. I hope your Sims enjoy it.
A Sinful Sim
retired moderator
#19 Old 10th Feb 2006 at 3:22 PM
Holy C*** (sorry)... I thought the in-game screen on the main page (the 3rd pic in the post - looking down the isle) was a photograph. It sure got my attention.
Test Subject
#20 Old 10th Feb 2006 at 4:54 PM
Rockin' - Can't wait to use it.

Lab Assistant
#21 Old 10th Feb 2006 at 9:01 PM
This is beautiful! Do I put this in a neighborhood, or downtown? Decisions...
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#22 Old 10th Feb 2006 at 9:18 PM
If you put it downtown or on a university campus, you can replace the grill in the refreshment room with the shinytyme stove, and then you will have a working cafeteria on site, much like a soup kitchen.
Test Subject
#23 Old 10th Feb 2006 at 10:12 PM
Oh what a great idea! A soup kitchen!!!

Ohh... pssssttt Nanette? I think you should go into your profile and change your gender... unless that is.... you are a male with a girl's name

PS: Can I encourage you to continue doing those textures? They are stunning! Ohhh and more more more beautiful community lots like this :D

Some people are just like Slinkys
They're useless, but can still make you smile if you push them down the stairs.
Forum Resident
#24 Old 11th Feb 2006 at 12:46 AM
wooow! that is amazing. ^_^

Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. There is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof-V
Lab Assistant
#25 Old 11th Feb 2006 at 1:51 AM
How long did this take? (Notre Dame took over a century, I understand...) Ye've done yerself proud, lass! (Now we need an equally impressive synagogue, mosque and perhaps a Hindu temple as well...)
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