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OFB Sleep on Community Lots (discontinued)

by Echo Posted 5th Mar 2006 at 5:48 PM - Updated 20th Sep 2007 at 11:35 AM by Echo
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Field Researcher
#2 Old 5th Mar 2006 at 6:05 PM
Oooh.. Hotels.. Never thought of that one. Good stuff, this'll be useful.

Garden of Shadows; for your goth side.
Test Subject
#3 Old 5th Mar 2006 at 6:20 PM
I'm very excited to test this out. Thank you kindly =)
Field Researcher
#4 Old 5th Mar 2006 at 6:36 PM
Ooohhh great!! I see beautiful Bed and Breakfast lots in the future! Thank you!!

Test Subject
#5 Old 5th Mar 2006 at 6:51 PM
WOW!! sorry i need to go now, i'm going to make that hotel I wanted!

A Cat is For Life,
Not Just For easter
#6 Old 5th Mar 2006 at 7:13 PM
Thank you so much! At least now all my community lots will still be useful. Put hotel suites in nearly all of them so far!
#7 Old 5th Mar 2006 at 8:32 PM
The ability to nap on Recliners would be handy, too. Nice one.
#8 Old 5th Mar 2006 at 8:49 PM
Thank you, thank you, thank you, lol,
It's been annoying me that my sims have to keep constantly drinking coffee since they can't use the beds anymore. I'm downloading and will be testing asap

Please note - I'm not taking any requests at the moment.

You may include my items in your uploads but please credit with a link to either the object or my creator page please.

My Sims 2 videos
Lab Assistant
#9 Old 5th Mar 2006 at 9:48 PM
thank you i always ran hotels before ofb so i dont intend too stop now lol especially if i can put this to use when making simolians :P
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 5th Mar 2006 at 9:55 PM
My sims use the beds in their businesses. I didnt know it wasnt a capability. I have so many hacks in my game though, so who knows... could be the sleepanytime hack that I have.

Sarcasm is the KEY to living a long and enjoyable life.
Test Subject
#11 Old 5th Mar 2006 at 10:38 PM Last edited by Irishman3 : 5th Mar 2006 at 10:45 PM.
You are my hero, thank you Echo! I posted a request for this and dresser functionality restored the other day here:

Now, if someone can just re-enable dresser functions (they also seem to be disabled for sims not owning the lot in OFB), my hotel and bed-n-breakfast lots can be fully functional again.
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 5th Mar 2006 at 10:49 PM
So has anyone tested ityet?
I really wanna download this becasue I love making hotels. But i donno i have to see what the critics have to say.
Other than that.. I REALLY WANT IT!

The Flying Spaghetti Monster is REAL

*I'm Retired. But I Hope I'll Be Remember For My Dedication To This Game...."
Field Researcher
#13 Old 5th Mar 2006 at 11:28 PM
*applause* Thank you, Echo. I have a sim that has been living almost exclusively at his community lot and it will be nice for realism to be able to turn motive decay on again.

For a species that claims to be intellectually superior to all other life forms, humans do some stupid things.
Forum Resident
#14 Old 6th Mar 2006 at 12:01 AM
Thank you for this!!! My sims never could stay as long as I would like it in community lots because their need of sleep was absolutely down. Moving/going from one lot to the other takes much time. Now a better option is available for the new expansion too. Thanks again!
Lab Assistant
#15 Old 6th Mar 2006 at 12:12 AM
Thank you! I just created an MRI machine and it would really annoy me if I couldn't get a sim to sleep in the "bed".
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 6th Mar 2006 at 12:35 AM
Great I wanted to make a store where the owner lived upstairs. I will try it out
#17 Old 6th Mar 2006 at 12:54 AM
Yay! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Now if only my preorder would get here...

♦ Animal Lover, Eco Friendly, Loner, Perfectionist, Vegetarian ♦

Sensitivity is strength.
#18 Old 6th Mar 2006 at 1:44 AM
this is great and something i was going to look into as it annoyed me intensely that i was just learning about running a business and hadn't put Merolas painting on the lot, and my sims got drained energy
Field Researcher
#19 Old 6th Mar 2006 at 3:54 AM
You must be psychic! Just yesterday I was reminiscing of the old hotels/B&B's I used to make in Sims 1 many lifetimes ago... Now I don't have to remember, I can recreate! Thanks again ever so much!
Lab Assistant
#20 Old 6th Mar 2006 at 4:17 AM
THANK YOU! I was just thinking earlier how I wanted to make one of those buildings where the bottom floor is a store and the second story is where the owner lives. :D
Test Subject
#21 Old 6th Mar 2006 at 5:16 AM
Thanks! I also agree that the Nap option for the sofa would be great.
#22 Old 6th Mar 2006 at 11:21 AM
I tested this last night on a business lot,(non hotel) and it works fine for the owners, no glitches which is great.
I have promoted a manager on that lot, who is now selectable, but I couldn't get the option for her to sleep. When she gets tired, I can always have the owner send her home, but it would be nice if she could take a nap on the lot too

Many thanks for this d/load, it's made building a business easier

Please note - I'm not taking any requests at the moment.

You may include my items in your uploads but please credit with a link to either the object or my creator page please.

My Sims 2 videos
Field Researcher
#23 Old 6th Mar 2006 at 2:42 PM
Works fine for me. Haven't tried it with an appointed manager yet though, so didn't see that glitch. I guess an alternative solution to that for the moment would be the old Boolprop-make selectable, but even then not sure. And I'm wary of using that too often, game doesn't appreciate it! Hmm, but having said that this hack works great. I now have a sim living at her XXX store which is nice, the continual traveling back and forth gets really annoying really quick.
Thanks again! A briliant and again severely overlooked hack on Maxis' part.
Lab Assistant
#24 Old 6th Mar 2006 at 5:58 PM
This is working fine for allowing controlled Sims to sleep on community lots, but visitors, either on community or residential lots, still won't sleep in beds autonomously. I've been trying to make hotels for ages but nothing I've tried works (short of making the visitors selectable with the Insimenator, which sort of takes the fun out of it.) For those of you who've done hotels, how do you get visitors to sleep in the beds?
One horse disagreer of the Apocalypse
#25 Old 6th Mar 2006 at 6:40 PM
I think the problem (assuming you set ticks on the pie menu entries for visitors) is that the game sends them home when their energy is about -60, which is actually not quite low enough for them to go to bed spontaneously. You need a hack to keep them visiting till they're about -90 energy then they might find the beds.

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