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OFB Craft Objects Collections *Pets update*

by windkeeper Posted 10th Mar 2006 at 12:20 AM - Updated 16th Dec 2008 at 2:52 PM by -Maylin-
130 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 129 Feedback Posts
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Lab Assistant
#2 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 12:27 AM
Thank you this is super
could you now make the restaraunt podium and restaraunt cooker available in residental pleaaaassssseeeeeee :D
Test Subject
#3 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 12:48 AM
I cant TELL YOU how long ive wated this! thank you so much!!!

My sig is a pic of me in a game called runescape!

I love the sims...
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 12:54 AM
Awesome allthough all the hacks pretty much wrecked to point of the game lol, sensible side aside AWESOME thanks soooo much

I loved Vampire before Twilight.... and I read the book in 2005 when it came out, so all you newbies who think you know Twilight, you have no idea....
Forum Resident
#5 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 1:06 AM
i havent had the time yet to make these all myself, but have been curious to see how they work, so thanks!
Retired Moderator
retired moderator
#6 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 1:07 AM
thank you windkeeper- I need evil toys soo bad..this is great and very much appreciated.

For all of my creations and more free downloads please visit Exnem Sims
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Lab Assistant
#7 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 1:43 AM
Thanx, this is very much needed. It didn't work in the dl folder ,I am trying the collection folder.
Great Job!!!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#8 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 1:48 AM
Quote: Originally posted by VShevaV
Thanx, this is very much needed. It didn't work in the dl folder ,I am trying the collection folder.
Great Job!!!
Are you trying on residential or community lot? Current file is for residential, I'm working on the community file.
Lab Assistant
#9 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 2:30 AM
Thank you Windkeeper!! I was waiting for someone to make this thank you!! BTW, I love the doors and windows you make at TSR!!
Test Subject
#10 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 2:40 AM
Yay!!! Thanks so much!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#11 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 2:45 AM
I'm still waiting for people to report back . Is it actually working?
Forum Resident
#12 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 2:46 AM
This is wonderful, thank you!
#13 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 3:42 AM
This is great!

Thank you so much Windkeeper

Visit my site:
* * * * *
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 3:53 AM
yeah, we got the game for a while now... It's really annoying to have to craft these everytime we want more of them, thank you very much for this

Do you belive frogs can bite? If not, then you should, because they do! LOL!
The Quiet One
retired moderator
#15 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 3:56 AM
Wow, thanks Windkeeper!!! This will help immensely (for those too lazy to skill up their Sims to actually make these things). I have one question... Since these are collection files, and not actual downloads, shouldn't these files go into the Collections folder? Basically you're enabling them to be buyable via collection (much like the residential-to-community collection).

I just saw in your post where you mentioned putting the files in Collections if it doesn't work in Downloads. I *think* they do belong in Collections. If you are not 100% certain, just check out Loverat's res-to-comm collections. Those files definitely go into the Collections folder. I just know that in the past collection files found in Downloads can crash your game.

Lab Assistant
#16 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 4:06 AM
Test Subject
#17 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 4:39 AM
WINDKEEPER: can you add baked objects such as
-baked alaska
#18 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 4:50 AM
This is exactly what I was hoping for.. I'm gonna start my game up right away to test it out. Thanx.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
-Ferris Bueller
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#19 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 5:01 AM
Quote: Originally posted by daysies
I just saw in your post where you mentioned putting the files in Collections if it doesn't work in Downloads. I *think* they do belong in Collections. If you are not 100% certain, just check out Loverat's res-to-comm collections. Those files definitely go into the Collections folder. I just know that in the past collection files found in Downloads can crash your game.
Thanks for this info! Yes, they usually should go into Collections folder, but they also work in Downloads folder in my game. I specified Downloads folder thinking that people would find it easier to just drop the files there. But I guess I better change instructions, just to be safe
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#20 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 5:01 AM
Quote: Originally posted by sheant143
WINDKEEPER: can you add baked objects such as
-baked alaska
Good idea, I will work on that.
Retired Moderator
retired moderator
#21 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 5:13 AM
Ok-back with my report- I put the file in collections- And it worked fine, I didnt see any of the crafted robots tho other than servo.
The evil toys ROCK! I thank you so much

EDIT: I should actually read before I post-
*runs off to grab updated collection*
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#22 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 5:46 AM
Lol! Thank you, LyricLee!
#23 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 6:26 AM
Thankyou Windkeeper for another great mod.
Test Subject
#24 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 7:07 AM
It's me again, just tried the stove and the podium and they work great! No more voodoo NPC chefs/hostesses materializing in residential lots woohoo!!! and my home/restaurant can work properly now!

By the way, I installed it straight into my collections folder.
Lab Assistant
#25 Old 10th Mar 2006 at 8:03 AM Last edited by VShevaV : 10th Mar 2006 at 8:04 AM. Reason: typo
Ok I got it, and the communty file this is great. Thanks so much. And yes it did work on my home lot.
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