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Testers Wanted: Teen Enabled Adult Wants and Woohoo Wants And Woohoo Wants (Updated 7/1/2007)

by syberspunk Posted 27th Jun 2006 at 7:13 PM - Updated 10th Nov 2008 at 2:57 PM by syberspunk : added hack to disable go steady wants for adults
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Field Researcher
Original Poster
#2 Old 27th Jun 2006 at 7:14 PM Last edited by syberspunk : 17th Jun 2007 at 9:53 AM. Reason: expert editing info - list of wants
Expert Editing/Modding Info

As requested, here is a list of the Instances for each Want that I modified in the WantTree.package


This should be complete, but I don't remember exactly.

For people who are experienced enough with SimPE and want to use the changes I made in addition to other those made by (an)other hack(s) that also modify the WantTree.package, you can take your modded file and replace the Instances listed above with the ones in my modded file. However... if any of these Instances are already modified in your game, you will have to figure out how to resolve those conflicts/merge those changes.

I will not answer any questions regarding this if you choose to attempt to combine changes from more than one mod that affects the WantTrees.package. You are on your own. This of course, assumes you know what you are doing with SimPE. If you have never used SimPE or don't even know what it is, then you shouldn't even bother to attempt this.

Attempting to make changes or merge my mod with another effectively voids your 'warranty' and any 'tech support' that I would normally provide for this hack. :P


ETA: Edited to include Woohoo And Go Steady wants
Test Subject
#3 Old 27th Jun 2006 at 8:49 PM
it is not mycup of tea
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 27th Jun 2006 at 8:54 PM
hmmm intresting, does it work with teens and young adults?
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 28th Jun 2006 at 5:31 AM
Is there another way to enable such romantic wants for teens WITHOUT modifying the TSDATA/Res folders? I do have Jenflower's hack, and it definitely makes sense to have the wants, but this kind of hack worries me since it goes into the actual MAIN Sims 2 folder, rather than the Downloads folder :S

Field Researcher
Original Poster
#6 Old 28th Jun 2006 at 10:29 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Infernal_insanity
Is there another way to enable such romantic wants for teens WITHOUT modifying the TSDATA/Res folders?

No. There currently is no other way to make a mod for this, that I am aware of at least. The way that wants are defined is stored in these particular files. So... the only way to change how they work, and thus enable them for teens, is to mod those files. I understand your concern, but sorry, I personally don't know of any other way to do this.

Lab Assistant
#7 Old 28th Jun 2006 at 5:06 PM
Very good idea, but I would rather not get my game erased again because of a fudgie on my part. I have mostly teens, who do everything with everyone teen or older, and it would be nice if they wanted to do it, but I'm afraid for the safety of my simmies...

Out of commision because my computer is a complete piece of crap.
Test Subject
#8 Old 29th Jun 2006 at 2:14 AM
I have taken the liberty of testing this hacks for you. First of all, I have every EP besides the FFS one. I have the InTeeninmater installed and the only time I saw the adult wants for teens was when the teen was pregnant and considered an adult. With these hacks installed, teenenabledadultwants and teenenabledwoohoowants, all of my teens, pregnant or not, had adult/woohoo wants. My teens are having romantic wants with adults along with adults having romantic wants with teens. Also, my teens where having romantic wants with other teens. I installed these hacks a few days ago and have had no problems with their wants. If I find any problems, I will post it. So far, so good!
Thanks man!

Are you addicted to Mayonnaise? Is it alright if I use Mayonnaise? I will go outside if you want me to.

- Jim Gaffigan
Test Subject
#9 Old 30th Jun 2006 at 5:11 AM
Oh really can teen and adult kiss each other?... :-0
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#10 Old 30th Jun 2006 at 9:19 AM
I have updated the first post with links to Teen Woohoo and the InTeenimater. Any further questions regarding how to enable woohoo for teens, how to enable romantic interactions between teens and adults, or the location of those mods will be ignored.

Test Subject
#11 Old 1st Jul 2006 at 12:22 AM
Will it work when it is downloaded
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 1st Jul 2006 at 8:01 AM
Can you tell me the modified WNTT's instance number(s) so I can replace the ones in my current package (so it works with the other modifications I've made)

Field Researcher
Original Poster
#13 Old 2nd Jul 2006 at 8:36 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Metroid Menace
Can you tell me the modified WNTT's instance number(s) so I can replace the ones in my current package (so it works with the other modifications I've made)


Check the first reply (by me). I have updated that reply (which was originally 'Reserved' by me) with the list of Instances in the WantTree.package. I hope this helps. Good luck.

Test Subject
#14 Old 2nd Jul 2006 at 8:29 PM
Umm yea I'm not sure if this hack caused my problem but I need some help with something... After adding this mod all the adult wants changed too "Tell dirty joke" so I removed the hack and it's still the same

Someone plz help me
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#15 Old 3rd Jul 2006 at 3:12 AM
Quote: Originally posted by FoxyLady415
Umm yea I'm not sure if this hack caused my problem but I need some help with something... After adding this mod all the adult wants changed too "Tell dirty joke" so I removed the hack and it's still the same

Someone plz help me

That is pretty odd. I haven't had any problems like this. It might be due to the fact that you only have the basegame? I have no idea if my hack would work in older versions of the game.

You can also try turning on debug mode and forcing the wants to reroll, or using other hacks to reroll the wants. See if that fixes things.

Otherwise, did you bother to back up your game Before installing this mod? If you are having problems where all the wants (and I presume by 'all' you mean all 4 slots?) are showing up as 'Tell Dirty Joke' then I suggest reverting to your backup. Your description isn't very clear or detailed. Sorry, I can't help any further.

Test Subject
#16 Old 3rd Jul 2006 at 6:24 PM
Default I fixed it
I fxied it! Lol sorry to freak you out I already backed it up before I had added this hack so no worries.

One more thing do you think there will be a Sims 2: Unleashed?
Test Subject
#17 Old 5th Jul 2006 at 2:29 AM
So, would it be wise to wait until I get the expansions before downloading this? I have the inteenimator and it works fine, but all I have is the base game.

Harry/Draco: More canon than Harry/Hermione.

"Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his." - George S. Patton
Lab Assistant
#18 Old 5th Jul 2006 at 8:54 PM
There is supposed to be a Sims 2 "Unleashed" kind of game coming out at the end of this year I believe? You will be able to have pets and take care of them. Thanks for the hack, syberspunk.
Test Subject
#19 Old 7th Jul 2006 at 3:59 PM Last edited by Cozzu : 7th Jul 2006 at 4:04 PM.
Holy moly! Ste, I was looking for something else and this popped up on my search! I have been wanting this since my very first copy of InTeen. This officially enters you on my "list" for this and your other mods. Thanks for this and I can't wait to test it out.
Now my question (since I am very tired right now) Do I need all three zipfiles from above or is the first one a combo of the other two?


*edit* Never mind the question, I guess I'm not that tired after all. I figured it out for myself.
Lab Assistant
#20 Old 9th Jul 2006 at 4:47 PM
Default Two questions
First, does anyone know, is this mod compatible with Pescado's Long Term Wants Variety mod? Yes, I do realize Ste said it is Not compatible with other 'want' related mods, but he also indicated that it Was compataible with most of Pescado & Co's work.

Secondly, is anyone successfully using this mod with the base game only?

Test Subject
#21 Old 10th Jul 2006 at 6:15 PM
I'm having the same problem as FoxyLady415 did before she realized that she
"backed it up." What do you mean by "back it up"? I tried using debug mode,
but that's not really working. Hopefully what I'm saying is clear enough and
maybe you could help me.
Test Subject
#22 Old 10th Jul 2006 at 7:49 PM
I've tested it on my Mac with University and Nightlife installed with both Woohoo Teens and InTeenimater (not at the same time of course). The hottest thing my romance teens can think of is smooching. Even on a date when any normal romance adult only thinks of woohooing.

So far any hacks I've downloaded work perfectly on the Mac version. Just the core files seem different on Macs. I've got no probelms with replacing the wants tree, the game appears not to be unstable, it just doesn't seem to have the desired effect.

I had a similar "problem" with a vampire wants for all wants tree replacement. I didn't work.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#23 Old 11th Jul 2006 at 9:54 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Talismana
First, does anyone know, is this mod compatible with Pescado's Long Term Wants Variety mod? Yes, I do realize Ste said it is Not compatible with other 'want' related mods, but he also indicated that it Was compataible with most of Pescado & Co's work.

Yes, it is compatible with Pescado's LTW Variety mod. For the most part, I use almost everything in the Director's Cut. If there is a specific conflict with any of his mods (that I am aware of) I will explicitly state so.

Quote: Originally posted by Talismana
Secondly, is anyone successfully using this mod with the base game only?

This remains to be determined yet... but thus far, it doesn't look like it works. I currently do not have a set up to test this myself. I can only go by what other users have reported. And unfortunately, I have no plans to make older compatible versions at the moment.

Quote: Originally posted by Motel56
I'm having the same problem as FoxyLady415 did before she realized that she
"backed it up." What do you mean by "back it up"? I tried using debug mode,
but that's not really working. Hopefully what I'm saying is clear enough and
maybe you could help me.

By 'back it up' I mean that you should have made a 'backup' copy of the original files in the case that something should go wrong or when you have to install a new EP, SP, or patch. Typically, installing a new EP, SP, or patch requires that all core files must be unmodified. That is, they must match the version found on your latest EP or SP. Otherwise, you will have problems trying to install a new EP, SP, or patch.

You should always make 'backup' copies of any core files before overwriting them with game mods. It is also highly recommended that you make a 'backup' copy of your game data (almost everything found in the 'EA Games' folder) just in case 'bad stuff' happens. :P

If you don't have a backup of the original files, you can probably find them on your CD. Just look for the file on the CD from your most recent EP,SP and overwrite the file. This should restore your game to normal.

Quote: Originally posted by nikolaus
Even on a date when any normal romance adult only thinks of woohooing.

So far any hacks I've downloaded work perfectly on the Mac version. Just the core files seem different on Macs. I've got no probelms with replacing the wants tree, the game appears not to be unstable, it just doesn't seem to have the desired effect.

I had a similar "problem" with a vampire wants for all wants tree replacement. I didn't work.

Hrm. I have no idea what the problem might be with Mac users. Have you found that all Mac users experience the same problem with any mod that changes the Want Tree file? Unfortunately, I don't know how to help you.

Lab Assistant
#24 Old 11th Jul 2006 at 2:39 PM
Thank you for the response, Ste.
Quote: Originally posted by syberspunk
This remains to be determined yet... but thus far, it doesn't look like it works.

We long-term core game only players are something of a rare breed, but there are more of us than you might imagine. I think I may go ahead and test this in my game. I don't play teens too often, but as soon as I do, I'll make a note to report back with my experience.
Test Subject
#25 Old 11th Jul 2006 at 6:13 PM
"If you don't have a backup of the original files, you can probably find them on your CD. Just look for the file on the CD from your most recent EP,SP and overwrite the file. This should restore your game to normal."

Since I do not have backups of the original files, I checked my 'The Sims 2 University' CD. I looked in my 'The Sims 2' Folder and checked out those folders..."Cameras", "Collections","Saved Sims", etc. But none of them seemed to contain the file that you said I should look for.

What file am I trying to overwrite?

Gaaahh. I'm so lame. haha.
Would you mind helping a confused brother out? One more time?
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