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Color Tattoo Skin Male-Female Teen-Adult-Elder

by XJonasX Posted 3rd Nov 2006 at 6:24 PM - Updated 18th Jul 2010 at 2:48 PM by XJonasX
56 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 54 Feedback Posts, 1 Thanks Posts
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Lab Assistant
#2 Old 3rd Nov 2006 at 8:38 PM
Thank you for the nice colour tattoo Skin.
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 3rd Nov 2006 at 9:20 PM
it's about time!
i've resorted to making my own skins! :D

litte miss apocalypse
why can't you be a little more miraculous?
... a little less disasterous?
Field Researcher
#4 Old 3rd Nov 2006 at 9:40 PM
Wow, you're at it again! Nice to see more awesome stuff from you! I love it, like I do all the rest of your skins. Thanks! :P

...they call us walking corpses;
unholy living dead...


Leather, Spikes, Studs and Patches - Corinne's Creations
#5 Old 3rd Nov 2006 at 9:45 PM
This is nice! Can't wait to use it for my kids.

Sure. Fine. Whatever.
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 3rd Nov 2006 at 10:01 PM
Love it! Another Punky Skin in the bag!
Field Researcher
#7 Old 3rd Nov 2006 at 11:08 PM
I am glad to see stuff from you again, thank you for sharing your awesome work -gives cookie-

we are eternal, all this pain is an illusion
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 3rd Nov 2006 at 11:12 PM
I downloaded this, but it doesn't show up. The icon is there in the custom skins directory, but when applied to a sim, no tattoos show. I also have your 'New School' skin and that works fine.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#9 Old 3rd Nov 2006 at 11:14 PM Last edited by XJonasX : 3rd Nov 2006 at 11:30 PM.
Hmm I have tested this and it worked fine. I'm gonna test again right away, can anyone else confirm wheter it works or not?


tested it once again.
it works fine, maybe redownload?

can anyone else confirm that it works for them?
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 3rd Nov 2006 at 11:32 PM
Thanks. I'll download it again and see.
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 3rd Nov 2006 at 11:55 PM
Sorry, it still doesn't work. The only other option is for me to delete the file, and then try and download it with Quickinstaller. That might make a difference *although I don't see how*.
Field Researcher
#12 Old 4th Nov 2006 at 12:56 AM
Try using the clean installer. If you have the Pets EP it may be conflicting, I've seen a bunch of people having problems with the new EP and downloaded clothing, skins, and hair.

I'll come back and let you know if it works, I'll go test it right now.

...they call us walking corpses;
unholy living dead...


Leather, Spikes, Studs and Patches - Corinne's Creations
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 4th Nov 2006 at 1:27 AM Last edited by theundertakeress : 4th Nov 2006 at 1:37 AM.
Nope, I don't have the Pets EP just yet *although I do want it badly lol*.

I tried downloading it with Quickinstaller, but it still didn't work.

just as a side note, the file isn't one of those blue 'package' ones, like when you download wallpaper etc. When unzipping with winrar/winzip the file is just a 'white' icon, like you get with other objects.
Field Researcher
#14 Old 4th Nov 2006 at 3:02 AM
You're right sweetie, it doesn't work - it just shows up as a regular/dark tan skin with the swatch for the tattoo skin. I just tested it in-game, I'm not sure if it shows up in bodyshop. It's all good - I'll be patient, I just can't wait to have the skin. :P

...they call us walking corpses;
unholy living dead...


Leather, Spikes, Studs and Patches - Corinne's Creations
Lab Assistant
#15 Old 4th Nov 2006 at 3:17 AM
Likewise. I'll just keep checking back.
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 4th Nov 2006 at 4:02 AM
Nice job! Thanks! Good to see you´ve made some new stuff. I love your tatoos
Lab Assistant
#17 Old 4th Nov 2006 at 4:44 AM
Yay! I've been needing some new tattoo skins, and yours are always amazing. ^_^ :lovestruc
Fantastic as always!
Lab Assistant
#18 Old 4th Nov 2006 at 5:08 AM Last edited by interviewithasim : 8th Nov 2006 at 2:04 AM.
I'm sorry to say this but the skin doesn't work for me either, I would really like it The icon shows up, when I click on it it goes to maxis skintone. ^ ^ not sure what's wrong...

*EDIT* The skin works now! This skin is so detailed and realistic, I just love it! Thank you so much for this, I can't wait to see what your going to come up with next!!!
Lab Assistant
#19 Old 4th Nov 2006 at 9:50 AM
No, this skin doesn't show for me either. Odd, all your other ones show up, did you do anything different this time? Another odd thing is that the top of the head dissapears in bodyshop.
It's a lovely looking skin in your pics, hope you get it sorted. Love your tattoos!!

The wonder is that we can see these trees and not wonder more.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#20 Old 4th Nov 2006 at 11:01 AM
well, I did everything from scratch again, I reimported the project, made a new logo for it, so you see the difference, it's a new file.
so you might wanne retry, if it doesn't work now, I give up, cuz I have no idea what the problem is.
Field Researcher
#21 Old 4th Nov 2006 at 11:28 AM
Yay, I miss your stuff!
I tried it in BodyShop and it worked fine
Forum Resident
#22 Old 4th Nov 2006 at 12:35 PM
I've missed your stuff so much!


♥Adam Ant♥
No, I don't take request at the moment
11/7 -09 My beautiful niece was born!
Lab Assistant
#23 Old 4th Nov 2006 at 4:18 PM
<3333 Lovvvvveeeee it much
Field Researcher
#24 Old 4th Nov 2006 at 5:28 PM
It is so nice to see another skin from you..
Wonderful job on this one..
I tested it in bodyshop and game and it works fine..
Thanks.. :D

"There's nothing worse than a reverse gaurdian angel who is inside you telling you all the worst things to do.."
--William S. Burroughs
Lab Assistant
#25 Old 4th Nov 2006 at 10:58 PM
I'm sorry. I guess it must be my computer as I downloaded it again, but I still get the same blank skin which shows up. I tried it in game and nothing.

Is there a certain amount of custom skins you can have? I've run out of ideas as to why it's working for some and not for me. Considering all of the other skins have worked.
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