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Worshipable Argent Ape

by HystericalParoxysm Posted 1st Apr 2008 at 12:03 AM - Updated 1st Apr 2008 at 12:11 AM by HystericalParoxysm
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Moderator of Extreme Limericks
#2 Old 1st Apr 2008 at 12:08 AM
Absolutely glorious! I bow before thee, O Silver One!

There's always money in the banana stand.
Not actually evil.
#3 Old 1st Apr 2008 at 12:58 AM
I shall bring him offerings of banana bread! Unless my colleagues eat it all at the research meeting...
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 1st Apr 2008 at 1:02 AM
And I shall sacrifice my banana pudding cookies to the great shiny buttocks bearing wonderous god. Gee, I hope he likes them... Well, I'm off to buy some more banana pudding.

Edit: Stupid Daniel Pleasant ate all my banana pudding cookies, and now I must destroy him, for his not-so-shiny bald(ish) head looks like a hairy red buttocks.
He who mocks the monkey shall be struck dead!
Damn you Daniel. Cheating on Mary-Sue, breaking a family, and now betraying me and the gorilla god with your butt head.
I think I might've gona a bit too far this time...

X.x.~*~*.Mrs. My Chemical Romance.*~*~.x.X
X.x.So Long.And Good.X.x.Night.x.X Don't I look pretty walkin down the dress in the best damn dress I own? I reject your reality and substitute my own! Thats what we do on Mythbusters. We blow shit up. ~Mythbusters Princess~
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 1st Apr 2008 at 1:03 AM
Fantastic, this is going straight into my game. Although I hope one of you thought to make us some banana's I'd hate have my sims subjected to this guys wrath. Thank you!
Blenderized to Pieces
retired moderator
#6 Old 1st Apr 2008 at 1:06 AM
I Just LOVE this! I need to remind the servants of where they stand.. or is it grovel! and this fine statue is just the trick!

Field Researcher
#7 Old 1st Apr 2008 at 1:21 AM
HystericalParoxysm, this is really fantastic!!!! Thanks.

If you like my creations, you may consider to make a little donation to support my site and my modding activity.
MaryLou's Sims 2 World - MaryLou Sims 2 Forum (Italiano)
#8 Old 1st Apr 2008 at 1:41 AM
“Guns don't kill people, people kill people, and monkeys do too (if they have a gun).”

Understand Material definition-TXMT and customize the look of your objects ! This way

"The longer something exists in this world, the more wear and tear it will have."
Lab Assistant
#9 Old 1st Apr 2008 at 1:42 AM
I have finally found my faith!

Sims 2 Stuff by Ben Harris, Profile + Terms of Use!
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 1st Apr 2008 at 2:44 AM
Holy Ape Batman! That's a glorious guys are all bananas you know that right?
Field Researcher
#11 Old 1st Apr 2008 at 3:34 AM
This is great! The whole Monkey Business theme is hilarious! :D
Test Subject
#12 Old 1st Apr 2008 at 3:44 AM
If you tell an anthrologist that a silver back gorilla is a monkey, they'll probably knock you out.

Now my sims can worship an ape. A wish that I never knew that I had.

You look sharper than a page of Oscar Wilde's witticisms that have been rolled up to a point, sprinkled with lemon juice and jabbed into someone's eye.
Field Researcher
#13 Old 1st Apr 2008 at 5:15 AM
Haha, this is wonderful! My sims have been wanting for silver ape homage material.

April Fools.
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 1st Apr 2008 at 5:15 AM
Ha ha ha almost April fools. All my Twilek sims were searching for religion and will bow down before the shiny argent buttocks of glory. This will go great in my new alternative universe neighborhood (if I can only keep my game from crashing).

Lab Assistant
#15 Old 1st Apr 2008 at 5:41 AM
AWESOME!!! Another new Deity in my Sims World

GREAT JOB HystericalParoxysm
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 1st Apr 2008 at 10:46 AM
OoOoh! Love the theme on April 1st! Thankyou :D
Lab Assistant
#17 Old 1st Apr 2008 at 10:52 AM
Ooohhh... he's so shiny. And his buttocks! So shiny... and silver... and round... and polished... and...

No, I am not obsessed with an ape's ass. How dare you insinuate such a thing?! -wipes drool away-

Thanks for this awesome shiny download
#18 Old 1st Apr 2008 at 12:46 PM
Come on!! Monkeys are invading MTS2!!! Is this April's Fool? Cause Its making me pull my hair off! Anyway, The new downloads are totally great! Thanks!

Stay a Monkey!
Lab Assistant
#19 Old 1st Apr 2008 at 3:16 PM
I am obviously not worthy enough - it will not let me download its greatness
Lab Assistant
#20 Old 1st Apr 2008 at 4:30 PM
I love it... he makes a nice change to the llamas :D

Seize the moment... coz tomorrow you might be dead!
Gone Fishin'
#21 Old 1st Apr 2008 at 5:21 PM
*kneels before the awesomeness and worships*

All hail the April... I mean, Ape!
Wiki Wizard
#22 Old 1st Apr 2008 at 6:27 PM
This is really good, thanks alot:D

It's ok, we all laugh-snort occasionally!
Check out some of my other stuff here.
#23 Old 1st Apr 2008 at 7:33 PM
Whooo! Absolutely amazing! Have a banana!

So be it. Move. ~Jason Bourne
Top Secret Researcher
#24 Old 2nd Apr 2008 at 5:18 AM
I love bananas, so clearly, this is the god for me!

I've made some mods for The Sims 1 -- yes, The Sims ONE :-) -- which you can find at
Test Subject
#25 Old 11th May 2008 at 12:51 PM
This is awesome! Thanks!

The champ is here!
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