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disaSim2 - Sims 2 BHAV console disassembler 2.4f

by dizzy2 Posted 22nd Dec 2004 at 6:06 AM - Updated 27th Nov 2013 at 10:31 PM by Nysha
133 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 132 Feedback Posts
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Field Researcher
Original Poster
#2 Old 23rd Dec 2004 at 8:18 AM Last edited by dizzy2 : 30th Jun 2005 at 8:46 AM.
This does what I just said it does. For more info see:

EDIT: I don't think the above link works any more. Oh well. One of these days, I'll get my act together and finish the guide I started a few months ago.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#3 Old 24th Dec 2004 at 11:15 AM
... A quote from txt file (which you obviously didn't bother to read):

"To use this program, copy it to wherever your packages are and run this with the desired package specified from a command shell."
#4 Old 26th Dec 2004 at 4:37 PM
I downloaded disasims2 to "C:\Documents and Settings\Me\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads" where most of my ".package" files are. I ran the command prompt, (in many different ways), "C:\Documents and Settings\Me\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\disasims2 cigen.package cigen.txt". It doesn't seem to open anything except an error message that says, " 'C:\Documents and Settings\Me\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\disasims2 cigen.package cigen.txt' is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file". I also ran disasims2.exe cigen.package cigen.txt with the same results. This program does not seem to do anything but irritate. :blah:
Whats up with that?
#5 Old 26th Dec 2004 at 4:39 PM
P.S. I read the txt file.
#6 Old 26th Dec 2004 at 4:59 PM
before you correct me, I ran "disasim2" not "disasims2".
#7 Old 26th Dec 2004 at 5:05 PM
Finally got it to work, but so far, only with "objects.package". It's painstakingly processing 17256 BHAVs. Guess I'll keep trying.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#8 Old 27th Dec 2004 at 8:32 AM
Don't expect a lot of AI (this is what BHAVs define) in normal "Download" type objects. There are many objects and hacks that do not change the AI whatsoever.

This program was mainly made with "objects.package" in mind (where 99% of the AI is stored).
#9 Old 30th Dec 2004 at 6:25 AM
can't find it
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 9th Jan 2005 at 12:16 AM
jeez, beta testers.
#11 Old 17th Jan 2005 at 3:02 PM
help meee
#12 Old 25th Jan 2005 at 5:04 AM
Can this program alter sims actions like make elders play cops and robbers?
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 29th Jan 2005 at 10:40 PM
Very useful! Tells alot more info on each line than simPE.
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 29th Jan 2005 at 10:42 PM
One thing though, if it is a custom content with category FFFFFFFF, disasim2 goes on forever making HUGE files(cancelled it at 125MB). Just have to set the category to 00000000 first.
Test Subject
#15 Old 8th Feb 2005 at 4:46 AM
This is an excellent tool.

I'm actually running it on Linux (don't ask), and the only change I would make is to make sure that whatever stream reports the count of BHAVs processed is unbuffered (in C, it would be "setbuf(stream, 0)", but Im not a C++ guy).

Thanks very much for a wonderful tool!
Test Subject
#16 Old 17th Feb 2005 at 10:46 AM
hey, what does it do?!
Test Subject
#17 Old 25th Feb 2005 at 9:46 AM Last edited by Shy : 26th May 2005 at 12:05 PM.
Version 2.0.
Attached files:
File Type: zip (214.4 KB, 285 downloads)
Test Subject
#18 Old 1st Mar 2005 at 1:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by atavera
Is there any documentation on the opcodes for the primitives?
The only documentation is source code of disaSim2. Sorry.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#19 Old 6th Mar 2005 at 6:19 AM
Wow. I'd forgotten how damn complicated this stuff is. Good job, Shy.
Lab Assistant
#20 Old 27th May 2005 at 6:12 AM Last edited by LizzLove : 7th Jun 2005 at 12:43 AM. Reason: Fix a typo, and add something
Thank you! Thank You!!!!!

This is just what the doctor ordered. I was just about to put togeather a post asking for help on some of the primitive parameters. I think your software has answered most of my questions, and done so in way to be so helpful to us that work with the bhav files a lot.

[Edit] I have been using this a LOT in the last week. Really wonderful work. You may know I do mostly bhav mods, so this has been a godsend. My eternal thanks.

Systemic Anomaly
#21 Old 27th May 2005 at 10:17 PM Last edited by jase439 : 27th May 2005 at 10:21 PM.
This is an excellent companion to SimPE. Wish I had come across this when I started out *lol* How the hell did this gem slip under my radar? Hard core, man. This would have saved me DAYS of reverse engineering. The joy of 20/20 hindsight!

This thing needs to be up in a sticky post.
Test Subject
#22 Old 28th May 2005 at 4:49 AM
Sorry, Can't get into the link in #2 Post. How does it work?
Systemic Anomaly
#23 Old 28th May 2005 at 6:33 AM
The Wiki is grossly outdated (and incorrect in several places). The information provided by disasim2 appears to be much more current.
#24 Old 4th Jun 2005 at 12:38 PM
it doesnt work for says press anykey to continue so i do and nothing happens...
Lab Assistant
#25 Old 4th Jun 2005 at 1:16 PM
You have to run it with a command afterward. like

disasim2.exe MyObject.package MyObject.txt

tells it to open MyObject.package, and create MyPackage.txt.

A shortcut that I use, is to create a windows shortcut to the disasim2.exe, and in the target path after the ""s I add the name of my package, and the name of the txt, resulting in a doubleclick decoding(instead of opening the command prompt and typing it all out by hand)
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