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Welcome to Riverside

by The Riverside Group Posted 1st Mar 2014 at 1:51 PM
145 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 78 Feedback Posts, 66 Thanks Posts
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Lab Assistant
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#2 Old 29th May 2013 at 3:03 AM Last edited by The Riverside Group : 29th Aug 2014 at 3:10 PM.
Default The Anderson Family
Marty has always been the hot-shot of the two Anderson brothers. Now, with two attractive new roommates, will Bernie finally break out of his shell and emerge from the shadow of his brother?
  • Marty (Adult, Romance, Gemini): Marty doesn't mind sharing a pad with his dweeby brother, because his dweeby brother does housework. Juggling two hot chicks in the same house might be tricky, but he's up for it!
    Turn on/off should be (on) Swimsuit and Black hair (off) Fat.
  • Bernie (Adult, Knowledge, Capricorn) Bernie's always felt it was natural enough that Marty outshone him, but he's ready to find his own way to shine.
    Turn on/off should be (on) Makeup and Blonde Hair (off) Stink.
  • Jennifer (Adult, Fortune, Pisces): This place is going to cost a bit to keep up, but with all four of them working hard, they can live the good life. And that Marty...icing on the cake!
    Turn on/off should be (on) Cologne and Fitness (off) Fat.
  • Lisa (Adult, Romance, Scorpio): Jennifer's nice, Marty's hot, this place has a hot tub - what more could you.
    Turn on/off should be (on) Formal Wear Brown Hair (off) Stink.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 29th May 2013 at 3:06 AM Last edited by The Riverside Group : 27th Feb 2014 at 3:54 AM.
Default 66 Main Street (Anderson)
The Anderson Residence
66 Main Street
Modern design
3 stories
3 bedrooms and 2 baths
4x4 lot

Marty and Bernie fell in love with this house as soon as they saw it. The WOW factor completely overwhelmed them, so that they forgot to check boring stuff like accessibility and number of bathrooms. So what if you have to go outside to go to bed? Besides, there's something to be said about sharing the bathroom with a couple of cuties!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#4 Old 29th May 2013 at 8:23 PM Last edited by The Riverside Group : 29th Aug 2014 at 3:11 PM.
Default The Baxter Family
Don, Sarah, and Alex were looking for a peaceful place to keep their family together. But after many incidents and romantic clashes in the past, will Sarah be able to hold onto her husband, or will she lose him forever?
  • Don (Adult, Romance, Aries, Record Store Clerk): Why can Sarah never understand that flirting doesn't mean anything? And now her family have moved in across the street, he feels constantly spied on. Can't a man relax a little?
    Turn on/off should be (on) Swim Wear and Makeup (off) Stink.
  • Sarah (Adult, Family, Libra, Lab Assistant): If Don's flirting doesn't mean anything, why does he insist on doing it? He promised to shape up - and then Virginia saw him with some blonde - Sarah's determined to save her marriage, whatever it takes!
    Turn on/off should be (on) Cologne and Fitness (off) Vampirism.
  • Alex (Child, Grow Up, Aries, Public School Student): Now that he's a big boy, and with Grandpa and his aunt and uncle moving in across the street, Alex has so much to look forward to. If only Mom and Dad would stop arguing all the time!

Don's Story:
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#5 Old 29th May 2013 at 8:24 PM Last edited by The Riverside Group : 27th Feb 2014 at 3:55 AM.
Default 68 Surf Road (Baxter)
The Baxter Residence
68 Surf Road
Spanish style
2 stories
2 bedrooms 2.5 baths
5x5 lot

This is a sprawling house on a large lot, so you'd think that it would be possible to avoid someone if you wanted to. Perhaps the guest house should be turned into a "dog house" for errant spouses?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#6 Old 30th May 2013 at 4:23 AM Last edited by The Riverside Group : 29th Aug 2014 at 3:12 PM.
Default The Brooke Family
Danielle has always had the upper hand in getting together with guys, but now that her relationship with Josh has slowly decayed because of her sister, who will be the first one to get her "first kiss"?
  • Abraham (Adult, Fortune, Aries, Lieutenant): Abraham is proud of his new rank and plans for his family to shine in their new home. That's why he bought this house in the upscale part of town. Now if he can only keep up with the bills, his ladies will be sitting pretty.
    Turn on/off should be (on) Makeup and Blonde Hair (off) Stink.
  • Macey (Adult, Knowledge, Cancer): Macey wants to be close to both her girls and raise them into happy, healthy little women. And it's not too late to give Abraham a boy, either. Abraham's so handsome in his uniform!
    Turn on/off should be (on) Fitness and Formal Wear (off) Fatness.
  • Danielle (Teen, Popularity, Aries, Public School Student): Danielle's always been the head twin, the leader. So how come Josh Russel is suddenly hanging after her wallflower sister?
    Turn on/off should be (on) Cologne and Fitness (off) Fatness.
  • Mellissa (Teen, Family, Cancer, Public School Student): Mellisa's never minded Danielle's domineering much, before; but now it's different. Now she's got Josh!
    Turn on/off should be (on) Cologne and Brown Hair (off) Full Face Makeup.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#7 Old 30th May 2013 at 4:26 AM Last edited by The Riverside Group : 27th Feb 2014 at 3:55 AM.
Default 62 Main Street (Brooke)
The Brooke Residence
62 Main Street
Contemporary design
1 story
3 bedrooms and 2 baths
3x3 lot

A functional house with an efficient layout, enhanced by a two-story foyer and living room with tall windows to let in the view. The wraparound porch encourages outdoor living during warm weather.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#8 Old 31st May 2013 at 7:20 PM Last edited by The Riverside Group : 29th Aug 2014 at 3:13 PM.
Default The Brooklyn Family
Isabela and Charles have raised up two troublesome teens. But can they shape the two to become civilized adults, and will they salvage their little one from the wreckage?
  • Charles (Adult, Popularity, Cancer): Charles loves Isabel, but she's too uptight about some things. Boys will be boys! Fill the house with good times and friends, and everything will be fine.
    Turn on/off should be (on) Swim Wear and Underwear (off) Stink.
  • Isabel (Adult, Family, Aquarius): Isabel can't help worrying about her boys. Blake and Gregory should be helping each other and setting a good example for Kenneth, not trying to get one up on each other.
    Turn on/off should be (on) Fitness and Black Hair (off) Fatness.
  • Blake (Teen, Popularity, Cancer, Public School Student): Blake is sure he could be a big man at school if Gregory would stop embarrassing him.
    Turn on/off should be (on) Swim Wear and Blonde Hair (off) Full Face Makeup.
  • Gregory (Teen, Romance, Aries, Public School Student): Gregory is sure he could get somewhere with the chicks if Blake would stop trying to squash his style.
    Turn on/off should be (on) Underwear and Makeup (off) Fatness.
  • Kenneth (Child, Grow Up, Cancer, Public School Student): Kenneth wishes his big brothers would stop fighting each other and going off on their own, leaving him behind.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#9 Old 31st May 2013 at 7:23 PM Last edited by The Riverside Group : 27th Feb 2014 at 3:56 AM.
Default 63 Main Street (Brooklyn)
The Brooklyn Residence
63 Main Street
Tudor style
2 story
4 bedrooms 5 baths
3x3 lot

This traditional home has the bonus of a main-floor master, which can help parents to get away from squabbling kids.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#10 Old 31st May 2013 at 7:30 PM Last edited by The Riverside Group : 29th Aug 2014 at 3:17 PM.
Default The Jefferson Family
Barbara has got the big family she's always wanted, but will she be able to manage a sit-and-do-nothing husband, a punk rebellious teen, a wild headstrong daughter, a messy low-grades son, and an attention craving toddler?
  • Sam (Adult, Knowledge, Aries): It's not true that Sam never does anything around here! Just yesterday he organized the spice rack.
    Turn on/off should be (on) Makeup and Black Hair (off) Formal Wear.
  • Barbara (Adult, Family, Cancer): Goodness, there aren't enough hours in the day!
    Turn on/off should be (on) Cologne and Formal Wear (off) Vampirism.
  • Gina (Teen, Popularity, Leo, Public School Student): How is Gina supposed to build up any street cred if she has to be seen with these people?
    Turn on/off should be (on) Cologne and Fitness (off) Fatness.
  • Carla (Child, Grow Up, Aries, Public School Student): Carla is better at most things than Jim, but don't tell him that.
  • Jim (Child, Grow Up, Pisces, Public School Student): Jim is better at most things than Carla, but don't tell her that.
  • Seth (Toddler, Grow Up): Seth was the direct result of make-up woohoo after a parental disagreement about some issue that no one now remembers.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#11 Old 31st May 2013 at 7:47 PM Last edited by The Riverside Group : 27th Feb 2014 at 4:06 AM.
Default 16 South Meadow (Jefferson)
The Jefferson Residence
16 South Meadow
L-shaped Ranch
1 story
4 bedrooms 1 bath
3x3 lot

An L-shaped house around a private courtyard with a pool. Perfect for a large active family.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#12 Old 31st May 2013 at 8:17 PM Last edited by The Riverside Group : 29th Aug 2014 at 3:18 PM.
Default The Marshall Family
Lila has just thrown the biggest party that Riverside has ever seen! But this accomplishment came at a price. If Lila neglects her young siblings during a party again, what will the consequences of her actions be?
  • Ralph (Adult, Knowledge, Cancer, Intern - Medicine): Ralph can't believe Lila went behind their back like that. Does she even know those people? This has got to be a learning experience for everybody.
    Turn on/off should be (on) Makeup and Blonde Hair (off) Fatness.
  • Margaret (Adult, Family, Virgo, Intern - Politics): Margaret has always wanted a large family and hoped she could count on Lila to pull her weight. Of course she wants her daughter to have a good time, but first things come first!
    Turn on/off should be (on) Cologne and Formal Wear (off) Full Face Makeup.
  • Lila (Teen, Popularity, Gemini, Public School Student): Lila's going down in history. History! And it's not like anything bad happened. She wouldn't let anything bad happen. Mom and Dad need to give her a break. She has to do all the work around here!
    Turn on/off should be (on) Fitness and Brown Hair (off) Red Hair.
  • Lawrence (Toddler, Grow Up, Pisces)
  • Trinity (Toddler, Grow Up, Scorpio)
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#13 Old 31st May 2013 at 8:19 PM Last edited by The Riverside Group : 27th Feb 2014 at 4:06 AM.
Default 58 Main Street (Marshall)
The Marshall Residence
58 Main Street
Cape Cod design
1 story
3 bedrooms 3 bath
4x4 lot

This large open-concept house is perfect for large gatherings with friends and family. If your family expands beyond the finished space, the house can be expanded into the gabled attic.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#14 Old 31st May 2013 at 8:25 PM Last edited by The Riverside Group : 29th Aug 2014 at 3:19 PM.
Default The Molyneux Family
After her marriage went awry, Gina knew there was nothing left to do but return to her father's home. But their lifestyles clashed the moment they arrived at his door. He didn't really have enough room, so she's stuck in the spare room with the extra fridge. And now that their sloppy behavior has destroyed her father's pristine bathroom, will she have any luck in finding a home of her own?
  • Victor (Elder, Knowledge, Aries, Retired Mad Scientist): At first Victor was glad that Gina had ditched That Loser and come home, but now...well, he hadn't realized how set in his ways he'd gotten!
    Turn on/off should be (on) Formal Wear and Grey Hair (off) Hats.
  • Gina (Adult, Fortune, Gemini): Gina wouldn't have come here if she'd had any choice. She's grateful and all, but she didn't escape from That Loser just to let her dad take over her life!
    Turn on/off should be (on) Cologne and Fitness (off) Fatness.
  • Scott (Teen, Popularity, Sagittarius, Public School Student): Scott is trying, but he can't keep track of all the new rules. Gramps needs to stop having a cow over every little thing.
    Turn on/off should be (on) Blonde Hair and Red Hair (off) Stink.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#15 Old 31st May 2013 at 8:28 PM Last edited by The Riverside Group : 27th Feb 2014 at 4:07 AM.
Default 30 South Meadow (Molyneux)
The Molyneux Residence
30 South Meadow
Cottage style
1.5 story
2+ bedrooms 1 bath
3x3 lot

A small pleasant house which is perfect for one or two, but a bit cramped when your entire family comes to stay.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#16 Old 2nd Jun 2013 at 1:30 AM Last edited by The Riverside Group : 29th Aug 2014 at 3:20 PM.
Default The Roberts Family
James is focused on his military career, and Patricia is a busy mom. But their relationship with their daughter has slowly gone down the drain. Can James and Patricia fix the situation and win back the heart of their daughter Hanna?
  • James (Adult, Fortune, Libra, Flight Officer): Neither Patricia nor Hanna understands the stress James is under at work. He's not sure how to fix the problem, but Hanna can't be allowed to act up, and he misses the fun they used to have when she was younger.
    Turn on/off should be (on) Underwear and Makeup (off) Fatness.
  • Patricia (Adult, Knowledge, Scorpio): James doesn't understand what a young girl goes through. Patricia doesn't want to show a divided front to Hanna, but she can only do so much if he keeps acting on impulse instead of studying the situation. She has so much she could teach Hanna if the girl would stop shutting her out.
    Turn on/off should be (on) Cologne and Fitness (off) Vampirism.
  • Hanna (Teen, Popularity, Aries, Public School Student): Mom and Dad don't understand anything! She might as well talk to the wall.
    Turn on/off should be (on) Glasses and Hats (off) Stink.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#17 Old 2nd Jun 2013 at 1:32 AM Last edited by The Riverside Group : 27th Feb 2014 at 4:07 AM.
Default 24 South Meadow (Roberts)
The Roberts Residence
24 South Meadow
2 story
2 bedrooms 1 bath
3x3 lot

A small open-concept house with a loft bedroom.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#18 Old 2nd Jun 2013 at 4:16 AM Last edited by The Riverside Group : 29th Aug 2014 at 3:20 PM.
Default The Ross Family
Dina's new in town, but she's already made one friend and one - acquaintance who should mind her own business. Dina's not out to wreck anybody's life, but she's not obliged to live by any standards but her own.
  • Dina (Adult, Romance, Aries): Dina felt lost for a time, but now she wants to live her own life, by her own standards, unfettered by convention.
    Turn on/off should be (on) Cologne and Fitness (off) Vampirism.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#19 Old 2nd Jun 2013 at 4:18 AM Last edited by The Riverside Group : 27th Feb 2014 at 4:07 AM.
Default 76 Main Street (Ross)
The Ross Residence
76 Main Street
1 story
2 bedrooms 1.5 baths
2x3 lot

A cute little Craftsman, ideal for one or two.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#20 Old 2nd Jun 2013 at 6:10 PM Last edited by The Riverside Group : 29th Aug 2014 at 3:21 PM.
Default The Russell Family
Martha asked her old friend Claire to stay with them for a few weeks, but everything turns ugly when sparks ignite between Martha's father Trenton and Claire.
  • Trenton (Elder, Romance, Gemini, Retired Mayor): Trenton spent his youth and adulthood doing his duty, and now it's time to reap the reward and party!
    Turn on/off should be (on) Makeup and Blonde Hair (off) Fatness.
  • Martha (Adult, Family, Aries): Martha is a classic representative of the "sandwich generation," looking after her elderly father while still raising her son. She'd hoped that letting her old friend Claire crash with them till she got back on her feet would get her some help around here, but she's not sure she likes Claire "helping" Dad.
    Turn on/off should be (on) Formal Wear and Black Hair (off) Stink.
  • Josh (Teen, Family, Cancer, Public School Student): Now that he's old enough to date, Josh is anxious to find The Girl. He thinks it could be Mellisa Brooke, but her sister is cute, too.
    Turn on/off should be (on) Blonde Hair and Brown Hair (off) Makeup.
  • Claire (Adult, Romance, Aries): Claire appreciates Martha's letting her stay, and Trenton is such a lively old coot. Yeah, she's landed on her feet.
    Turn on/off should be (on) Fitness and Blonde Hair (off) Hats.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#21 Old 2nd Jun 2013 at 6:13 PM Last edited by The Riverside Group : 27th Feb 2014 at 4:08 AM.
Default 67 Main Street (Russell)
The Russell Residence
67 Main Street
Ranch style
1 story
4 bedrooms 3.5 baths
3x3 lot

This compact ranch packs a lot of living into a fairly small space.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#22 Old 2nd Jun 2013 at 10:16 PM Last edited by The Riverside Group : 29th Aug 2014 at 3:25 PM.
Default The Thompson Family
The Thompsons have moved to town to help Sarah (Thompson) Baxter during her family crisis. It's always good to have family nearby. But can they make a home in Riverside?
  • Thomas (Elder, Family, Aries, Retired Captain Hero): Thomas was happy to follow his married daughter to Riverside and be close to his only (so far) grandchild. He hopes the twins will find their soul mates, and even dreams that he might have a second chance at love in this new place.
    Turn on/off should be (on) Swim Wear and Red Hair (off) Fatness.
  • Jack (Adult, Knowledge, Capricorn): Jack thinks of himself as the brains of the family. Can he finally get the intellectual stimulation he craves here in Riverside?
    Turn on/off should be (on) Formal Wear and Underwear (off) Fatness.
  • Virginia (Adult, Romance, Aquarius): When Virginia saw her sister's husband with another woman, she was furious! And a little intrigued... not that she'd ever do anything like that, of course!
    Turn on/off should be (on) Cologne and Blonde Hair (off) Fatness.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#23 Old 2nd Jun 2013 at 10:18 PM Last edited by The Riverside Group : 27th Feb 2014 at 4:08 AM.
Default 12 Colonial Crest (Thompson)
The Thompson Residence
12 Colonial Crest
Farmhouse style
2 story
3 bedrooms 2.5 baths
2x3 lot

A small farmhouse with victorian accents in the curved corner rooms and tower.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#24 Old 16th Jun 2013 at 11:26 PM
Default Clifton Springs Mall
Clifton Springs Mall

A great place to shop for clothing, magazines, and games. Then relax at our juice bar, challenge your friends to a game of pinball, soak in our hot tub, or go for a bracing swim. You won't want to go home!

Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#25 Old 20th Jun 2013 at 7:07 PM Last edited by The Riverside Group : 25th Jun 2013 at 12:40 AM.
Default Clifton Springs Park
Clifton Springs Park
Grill up some burgers and take a stroll by the lake.

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