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The Mad, Scary Baglady

by Berg Posted 23rd Aug 2005 at 6:24 PM - Updated 22nd Jul 2006 at 3:06 PM by Berg
37 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 36 Feedback Posts
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Test Subject
#2 Old 23rd Aug 2005 at 7:37 PM
Great for my stories!

Wishing to be the friction in your jeans...
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 23rd Aug 2005 at 7:38 PM
very cool and very creative
Field Researcher
#4 Old 23rd Aug 2005 at 7:38 PM
Lmao glad to see you got this uploaded, berg. Thanks a bunch
#5 Old 23rd Aug 2005 at 7:39 PM
Funny. how did you get more than one trash can in that picture?
Field Researcher
#6 Old 23rd Aug 2005 at 7:47 PM
You can download them somewhere can't remember where
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 23rd Aug 2005 at 7:51 PM
Throughly disgusting but so cool well done!!!
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 23rd Aug 2005 at 7:57 PM
OMG.. how real is that?? Well done... spooky and yet sadly pathetic


Is she gonna have a wino daddy for a friend ??
Forum Resident
#9 Old 23rd Aug 2005 at 8:03 PM
OMG HAHAHAH! :laugh: This is so funny haha!
Field Researcher
#10 Old 23rd Aug 2005 at 8:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by RavingMadSim
OMG.. how real is that?? Well done... spooky and yet sadly pathetic


Is she gonna have a wino daddy for a friend ??

There's a crackpot that Berg also did. They'd go together pretty well lol

Forum Resident
#11 Old 23rd Aug 2005 at 8:38 PM
I have a nasty sim coming too Makilia Cain wait and see. Hopefully it is approved.
#12 Old 23rd Aug 2005 at 8:46 PM
OMG! Not being able to "play" the game, I didn't know the Sims could eat from trashcans no matter what! Holy ahem.... ;-)

The Quiet One
retired moderator
#13 Old 23rd Aug 2005 at 9:24 PM
ROFL!!! I think Bink13y has some competition here.
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 23rd Aug 2005 at 10:26 PM
Oh that's horrible!!

I love it!!! :bump:

Onlly Illusion brings disillusion
Lab Assistant
#15 Old 23rd Aug 2005 at 10:42 PM
ummm yeah....
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 23rd Aug 2005 at 10:46 PM
They need to make a complete set of all these things so they can be quickly downloaded for stories and movies. I'm being inspired as we speak.
Field Researcher
#17 Old 23rd Aug 2005 at 11:21 PM
I'm sitting here LMAO looking at the close up pics. I think you did a very good job and I wouldn't want to run into her in a dark alley.
Forum Resident
#18 Old 23rd Aug 2005 at 11:46 PM
Oh my goodness what a great job, that sure looks like my sim kids nanny. LOL
Field Researcher
#19 Old 24th Aug 2005 at 1:13 AM
Lol this is great. I downloaded Inge's transporting bush hack and made her into a townie. It's hilarious when she goes walking by the house and the little thought bubbles pop up with her picture in them. Thanks.
Lab Assistant
#20 Old 24th Aug 2005 at 3:39 AM
I love her thanks bergsisters. Now can you do A WineO Joe. :D

Hey Mods great Ideal you have been wanting the rating system fixed. Maybe you could Mod them like you do the post.
It Might work better.
Public Enema #2
#21 Old 24th Aug 2005 at 4:04 AM
bergsisters Biography:
I like to clean things.
Cleaning things.
and on top of this she makes Sims2 public safety videos.

I gave up a month ago on doing a bag lady because I thought it was just a tad to over the top and now bergsisters creats a PERFECT one!

Welcome to the dank and dingy side of SIMulated realism bergsisters :D
Lab Assistant
#22 Old 24th Aug 2005 at 5:06 AM
Great job! I love the eating out of the trash! Eww! Trashcans can be found here under Sims 2, Object recolors.

If you're in hell, and are mad at someone,
where do you tell them to go?
<:3 )~
Lab Assistant
#23 Old 24th Aug 2005 at 5:23 AM
Wow! She scares me so much! Good job!
Forum Resident
#24 Old 25th Aug 2005 at 12:56 AM
scary indeed... :argh:
Field Researcher
#25 Old 25th Aug 2005 at 3:32 AM
props for originality! cool
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