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Warlokk's Female Bodyshape Variety Project- Tshirt & Halter Tops

by Warlokk Posted 1st Oct 2005 at 9:06 PM - Updated 16th Dec 2005 at 7:57 AM by Warlokk : Added Halter Tops
37 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 36 Feedback Posts
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Field Researcher
#2 Old 1st Oct 2005 at 9:19 PM
wow, um... those are big, lol!

good job!
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 1st Oct 2005 at 9:33 PM
Wee,more stuff to play with )
Original Poster
#4 Old 1st Oct 2005 at 9:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by IamYuna
wow, um... those are big, lol!

Try the 34A, it's decidedly smaller than the Maxis base (which I consider 34B for comparison)
Field Researcher
#5 Old 1st Oct 2005 at 9:59 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Warlokk
Try the 34A, it's decidedly smaller than the Maxis base (which I consider 34B for comparison)
yeah, good idea! good job over all. i think they are quite good!
Field Researcher
#6 Old 1st Oct 2005 at 10:31 PM
You're magnific
As always, totally flawless work :clap:

They're so nice looking :cdance:

Thanks so much Warlokk, for sharing :gidea:
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 1st Oct 2005 at 10:46 PM
Wow, love those boo...*uhm* I mean T-shirts
I think I'll make some recolours...

You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 1st Oct 2005 at 10:57 PM
Hey Warlokk, could you put your CAS background up for download? That's a nice one, is it all mirrors?
Field Researcher
#9 Old 1st Oct 2005 at 11:03 PM
Thank you so much Warlokk for converting other clothing! I had actually thought we had to do with those few you offered and still was quite content with it as your project is fabulous. But greater variety...! :clap: Yay! :dance: Women with different body shapes needs just as various options of dressing beutiful as default Maxis ones!
Original Poster
#10 Old 1st Oct 2005 at 11:18 PM
Pixie-- My thoughts exactly... I've got a few more planned, I hope to get at least 2 more tops done this weekend.

Targa-- I got it here from somebody, in the CAS section, I forget who but it shouldn't be hard to find.
#11 Old 2nd Oct 2005 at 12:05 AM Last edited by roxxy : 2nd Oct 2005 at 12:16 PM.
Thank you soooo much. And you did one in nearly all of my fav sizes, that is awesome. The defaults are so helpful when re-texturing and everyone knows a good tshirt is such a bsic necessity in everyone's wardrobe. LOL

These meshes look so good in game, and you are so kind to share them, hope you therefore have enjoyed the recolouring that is available for them here at MTS2.

Oh the pink tank top is just too cute, thanks, I am dying to retexture that one, but have fallen behind on my work and need to catch up. Thank you so much.

*♥.¸Here we go again .♥*
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 2nd Oct 2005 at 12:40 AM
lol awesome!

Ughhh jms if you ever get on message me k :)
Test Subject
#13 Old 2nd Oct 2005 at 12:46 AM
In going with one for each size, how about doing some natural too. A guy could lose an eye from those enhanced. :haha:
Test Subject
#14 Old 2nd Oct 2005 at 12:59 AM
y not make a default one?
#15 Old 2nd Oct 2005 at 1:23 AM
Quote: Originally posted by shadeeka
y not make a default one?

There are a few default bodymeshes available here on MTS2, these are good for the mix and match option. To do all of the sizes as defaults would be a huge project, and kind of defies the purpose of variety.

*♥.¸Here we go again .♥*
Original Poster
#16 Old 2nd Oct 2005 at 1:33 AM
Just added the Halter Tops set to the main post. Enjoy!
Lab Assistant
#17 Old 2nd Oct 2005 at 6:29 AM
Thanks Warlokk for all your hard work & for sharing with us. Would it be possiable to have some formal wear (enhanced versions) for the ladies, as I can't seem to find anything to suite them, and they are just dying to get out of the house.

Lab Assistant
#18 Old 2nd Oct 2005 at 7:10 AM
If you check the recolours list,you will find some there.
Field Researcher
#19 Old 5th Oct 2005 at 7:05 PM
Ever thought of working in a lingre shop? LOL Hopefullt these will work the skins/meshes didnt b4.. fingers crossed
Top Secret Researcher
#20 Old 6th Oct 2005 at 3:44 PM
Bootylicious here I come!
Test Subject
#21 Old 9th Oct 2005 at 8:38 AM
Can you put these in .zip files? my computer doesnt open .rar files.
Test Subject
#22 Old 9th Oct 2005 at 11:46 AM
mmm..nice idea...but what about the elder women? when the big breasted women get elder r their breasts get small like baloon?:baloons: Thats funny! :haha: :haha:
Original Poster
#23 Old 9th Oct 2005 at 8:50 PM
Still working on getting outfits out there for the adults, then I will probably do something for the teens... Elders are pretty low on the priority list, since I never play with them. Kathy has some over at InSiminator's though, but they're not tied to a skintone.
Test Subject
#24 Old 14th Oct 2005 at 3:12 PM
The next thing we need are different body shapes for men...

Thanks for all your work, Warlokk
Top Secret Researcher
#25 Old 21st Oct 2005 at 8:43 AM
This is great I am downloading all your new sets now, cant wait to go make new styles of shirts. Thank you so much for making these for all of us. Time to run and open up body shop. LOL Thanks
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