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A Midsimmer Night's Dream

by Magick Modders Posted 27th Oct 2005 at 1:24 AM - Updated 2nd Jun 2007 at 3:22 AM by tiggerypum
587 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 563 Feedback Posts, 23 Thanks Posts
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Modding Team
Original Poster
#2 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 1:25 AM Last edited by tiggerypum : 20th Jul 2007 at 3:40 AM.
Default Build Items
Create your own Camelot or Middle Earth with these build items.

All the build items below have been tested with the original game or any combination of expansions.

There are two versions of the buttress download - one has 2 story columns, which are only available in the University expansion. If you do not have University, be sure to grab the 'no-uni' version.

The items:
Battlements and Archer's Tower (new meshes)
Buttresses (new meshes) pick for uni or no uni
2 Story Cathedral Window (new mesh)
Lothlorien Windows and Doors (new meshes)
Rosette Window (new mesh)
2 Medieval Doors (new meshes)

Updated 10/29 *Please redownload the medieval doors and overwrite your old files.* The new package should fix any problems.
Attached files:
File Type: zip  Lethe_Battlements and (209.6 KB, 40470 downloads)
File Type: zip  Lethe_Buttresses (414.9 KB, 28775 downloads)
File Type: zip  Lethe_Buttresses (428.4 KB, 34071 downloads)
File Type: zip  Lethe_Cathedral Window + (1.19 MB, 45370 downloads)
File Type: zip  Lethe_Lothlorien Build Set + (1.61 MB, 42975 downloads)
File Type: zip  Lethe_Rosette Window + (1.34 MB, 45653 downloads)
File Type: zip  New Lethe Medieval doors + (542.1 KB, 41121 downloads)
Modding Team
Original Poster
#3 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 1:25 AM Last edited by tiggerypum : 1st Jun 2007 at 3:51 AM.
Default For the Ladies
Come, wish you a new gown, or perhaps a new hat?

You'll find many goodies here to keep your women and girls in the game well dressed, including some new meshes created just for this project. The necessary meshes are included with the downloads, unless otherwise marked.

A special thank you to Kate of Parsimonious and Shannara of for the use of their meshes.

There is one uni-only download here - the lady warrior.

What's here:
Nun's Robe and Coif (new meshes)
Horned and Veiled Hats (new meshes)
3 sets of Women's Gowns
2 sets of Teen Gowns
1 set of Elderly Gowns
Nightgowns for Teen, Adult, Elderly
Lady Warrior
Girls Long Gowns (new mesh)
Girls Nightgowns (same mesh as long gowns)

Women's Shifts (new mesh) added here 11/9, same as in thread
Women and Elderly Simpler Dresses added here 11/15, same as in thread
Toddler Outfits (Girls and Boys) (new mesh) added here 11/15, same as in thread
Attached files:
File Type: zip  BJE Ladies Horned Veiled (3.93 MB, 34752 downloads)
File Type: zip  BJE Nuns Robe and (1.87 MB, 31586 downloads)
File Type: zip (1.58 MB, 47998 downloads)
File Type: zip (1.43 MB, 42107 downloads)
File Type: zip (1.75 MB, 39379 downloads)
File Type: zip (3.03 MB, 34911 downloads)
File Type: zip (3.30 MB, 35677 downloads)
File Type: zip (1.62 MB, 38704 downloads)
File Type: zip (1.77 MB, 34594 downloads)
File Type: zip (4.14 MB, 28889 downloads)
File Type: zip (1.76 MB, 44050 downloads)
File Type: zip (1.69 MB, 40001 downloads)
File Type: zip (592.1 KB, 28788 downloads)
File Type: zip (1.10 MB, 27269 downloads)
File Type: zip (834.8 KB, 32568 downloads)
Modding Team
Original Poster
#4 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 1:26 AM Last edited by Magick Modders : 31st Oct 2005 at 3:52 PM.
Default For the Lords 1
And now, for the usually overlooked part of the populus, we have many options to make respectable partners for the ladies.

You'll find many goodies here to keep your men and boys in the game well dressed, including some new meshes created just for this project. The necessary meshes are included with the downloads, unless otherwise marked.

Be sure to check the next message also for more for your men!

If you want Slim's Pageboys - the mesh for them is found in Tig's Male Teen Tunics further down the selections.

What's here:
Men's Tunic, Pointy Toe Shoes (new mesh)
Plumed Hats, teen, adult, elderly (new meshes)
Men's Tunic with Cloak (new mesh)
Teen Pageboys (uses Teen Tunic mesh)
Boy's Short Tunics
Boy's Sleep Tunics
Serf's Outfits (new meshes)
Men's Tunic with Pants (new mesh)
Elderly Tunic with Pants (new mesh)
Teen Tunic with Pants (new mesh)
Attached files:
File Type: zip  BJE Medieval Mens Tunic w Pointed Toe (807.3 KB, 27203 downloads)
File Type: zip  BJE Mens Medieval Tunic and (937.5 KB, 30164 downloads)
File Type: zip (4.21 MB, 28279 downloads)
File Type: zip  BJE_Mens Medieval Plumed (4.58 MB, 26132 downloads)
File Type: zip (4.36 MB, 29194 downloads)
File Type: zip (1.56 MB, 37875 downloads)
File Type: zip (1.32 MB, 31201 downloads)
File Type: zip (1.28 MB, 39694 downloads)
File Type: zip (1.52 MB, 33363 downloads)
File Type: zip (1.33 MB, 35315 downloads)
Modding Team
Original Poster
#5 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 1:26 AM Last edited by tiggerypum : 20th Jul 2007 at 3:39 AM.
Default More for the Lords
Nay, we were not done yet. Here we have some special characters and necessities to keep your towne busy.

More goodies here to keep your men and boys in the game well dressed, including some new meshes created just for this project. The necessary meshes are included with the downloads, unless otherwise marked.

Be sure to also check the previous message here for more garments for your menfolk.

What's Here:
Medieval Outfit (new mesh)
Monk's Robe and Hood (new meshes)
Elf Warrior
Evil King
Male Swimwear/Underwear
Peasant (uni)
3 Knights

BJE Boy's Tunics added here 11/15, same as in thread
BJE Boy's Swim/Underwear added here 11/15, same as in thread

There is one uni-only download here - the peasant.

And you can find the Jeanette Hair for Male by Cevic here

??? what is that monk doing?
Attached files:
File Type: zip  BJE Monks Robe with (1.52 MB, 32915 downloads)
File Type: zip (1.31 MB, 27045 downloads)
File Type: zip  Slim_Elf (4.09 MB, 23665 downloads)
File Type: zip (6.97 MB, 22362 downloads)
File Type: zip (883.0 KB, 24589 downloads)
File Type: zip (382.3 KB, 25376 downloads)
File Type: zip (3.01 MB, 20554 downloads)
File Type: zip  Slim_Kings (2.53 MB, 23644 downloads)
File Type: zip (2.00 MB, 23177 downloads)
File Type: zip (592.6 KB, 22456 downloads)
File Type: zip (935.1 KB, 19160 downloads)
File Type: zip (179.2 KB, 23486 downloads)
File Type: zip (589.1 KB, 23797 downloads)
Modding Team
Original Poster
#6 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 1:27 AM Last edited by Magick Modders : 31st Oct 2005 at 4:13 PM.
Default More Goodies
Furnishings and other bits for your homes and streets.

Note: the rugs require the 3x4 and 2x3 rug meshes by Echo and Windkeeper which are found here:, they are not included in the downloads

Writs and Kingscoats require Uni

What's Here:
Serf Furniture Recolors
Wall Shield (new mesh)
Elven Throne (new mesh)
2 Shield Recolors (uses mesh above)
5 Writs and Kingscoats (uni)
3 Medieval Bedding
3 Pelt Rugs
Attached files:
File Type: zip  BJE_Serf (1.21 MB, 26136 downloads)
File Type: zip  Lethe_s_Throne + (659.7 KB, 31665 downloads)
File Type: zip  Lethe_s_Wall shield + (78.8 KB, 27662 downloads)
File Type: zip (203.4 KB, 24946 downloads)
File Type: zip (1.16 MB, 23343 downloads)
File Type: zip (791.1 KB, 27092 downloads)
File Type: zip (147.7 KB, 25675 downloads)
Modding Team
Original Poster
#7 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 1:28 AM Last edited by Magick Modders : 31st Oct 2005 at 4:16 PM.
Default Walls and Floors
Time for some redecorating

What's Here:
The Carved Wood Wall Pack (18 walls)
The Lothlorien Wall Pack (22 walls)
The Rivendell Wall Pack (10 walls)
Medieval Chic Pack (20 walls, 13 floors)
Attached files:
File Type: zip  Lethe_Lothlorien (1.31 MB, 22933 downloads)
File Type: zip  Lethe_Medieval Chic (2.06 MB, 23928 downloads)
File Type: zip  Lethe_Rivendell wall (401.6 KB, 20924 downloads)
File Type: zip  Lethe_s_Carved (1.52 MB, 22452 downloads)
Modding Team
Original Poster
#8 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 1:29 AM Last edited by tiggerypum : 20th Jul 2007 at 3:49 AM.
Default Lots
Lots to spruce up your neighborhood.

These lots were created with the base game and university installed, at least most of them. You can install all of them into any game using the Clean Installer.

What's Here:
Serf's Hut (residence)
Small Chapel (community)
Witchy Academy (residence)
Wizard Castle (residence)

11/9 - Added rar files - if you can, download the rars, it will go faster and reduce the system load
Attached files:
File Type: zip (9.66 MB, 14982 downloads)
File Type: zip (3.10 MB, 12643 downloads)
File Type: zip (4.46 MB, 12165 downloads)
File Type: zip (6.48 MB, 12496 downloads)
File Type: rar  BJE_Serf_Hut.rar (7.40 MB, 12779 downloads)
File Type: rar  BJE_Small_Chapel.rar (2.26 MB, 10814 downloads)
File Type: rar  WhiteArchangel_Witchy_Academy.rar (3.34 MB, 10849 downloads)
File Type: rar  WhiteArchangel_Wizard_Castle.rar (4.83 MB, 11483 downloads)
Modding Team
Original Poster
#9 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 1:30 AM Last edited by tiggerypum : 1st Jun 2007 at 1:21 PM.
Default Other recolors and lots
Come on, you know you wanna...

We'll be listing recolors you create right here. We'll also list lots. So have fun, play, create, and then let us all know what you've done.

All the meshes in this set you may freely recolor, and you may share your recolors on this site or other free sites.

(To clarify: the meshes are to remain here, you may give people a link to this project; and by recolor we mean you may create your own _original_ graphics/outfits to go on the meshes)

The recolors:

cwirsing - colorful thrones (that was FAST!)
dolldrms1 - wall shields
tiggerypum - shields and banners , elven dining

The lots:

mal1958 - CAS using Midsimmer Night's items
NanetteTredoux - Cathedral of the Angels

For more recolors - check the list on the upper left of the page
Modding Team
Original Poster
#10 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 1:30 AM Last edited by tiggerypum : 1st Jun 2007 at 1:05 PM.
Default More Medieval Goodies at MTS2
We're all wanting the same things, and it's impossible for our little team to create it all. Luckily for us all, there are a lot of talented folks here at mts2 who have created neat stuff. So here's pointers to more medieval and fantasy goodies:

Medieval and Renaissance


There are many more gowns in the downloads formal clothing section, we cannot possibly list them all - you'll have the easiest time just browsing the area. A search for 'medieval' will also bring you castles and other little props suitable for decorating your new neighborhood.
Modding Team
Original Poster
#11 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 1:31 AM Last edited by Magick Modders : 10th Nov 2005 at 2:19 AM.
Default Annie's Creations
Here are some elves by AnnieBonnie.

These are rar files, due to the size! Do not ask for zips, follow the help links and get something for your computer that can decode rar files. Thank you
Attached files:
File Type: rar  AnnieBonnie_LadyAlienor.rar (2.17 MB, 12311 downloads)
File Type: rar  AnnieBonnie_LadyArwenUndomiél.rar (3.81 MB, 12458 downloads)
File Type: rar  AnnieBonnie_LadyGaladrielLórien.rar (1.82 MB, 11866 downloads)
Modding Team
Original Poster
#12 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 1:31 AM
Yes, m'lady, this is the last reserved spot
#13 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 1:48 AM
Thank you!! :D


" Enjoy LIFE, 'cause DEATH is just around the CORONER ! ©"
Field Researcher
#14 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 1:52 AM
wooow this is sooo great tytyty
Field Researcher
#15 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 1:52 AM
Haha, midsimmer ... I get it.

Lilaviel: the avid downloader

"Life Drawing: An Excuse to See Naked People"
Forum Resident
#16 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 1:53 AM
Thanks!!! :D
Test Subject
#17 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 2:08 AM
OMG you guys never cease to amaze me. These are totally brilliant. I'll be building new improved castles tomorrow. Thanks so much for making your work so freely available to the likes of me..I can play the game..but it ends there.
Love those outfits in the screenshots..are they on here?
Test Subject
#18 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 2:10 AM
And as I if by magic they appeared..hugs all round :o)
Lab Assistant
#19 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 2:12 AM
This is so extremely cool!
Test Subject
#20 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 2:14 AM Last edited by LyricLee : 27th Oct 2005 at 2:47 AM.
HOMG! Thank you so much....this is the closet thing to what a i wanted since i always wants Making Magic For Sims 2 !!!!! TYTYTYTY! you think when the animations are "craked" can you make magic wands that you could actually use and make other sims into frogs and stuff (like the making magic one but its the wand alone [no machines & junk]) and it would have every spell and be held in there hands 24/7 (mostly :P). That would be awesome. But anyways TY , and yes, i know i might go a little overbord
For a Grown Person i think i shouldnt be so open-loose-minded and thats weird that i am smart complementing to that 0.0

Strive not for perfection, but for the inner greatness of you to become - Paunda

Copy And Paste The PRETTIER bunny into pro to gain fame and domination over other bunny
Forum Resident
#21 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 2:20 AM
This set is so awesome. I can not wait till it is all uploaded

Now known as CMW15
Test Subject
#22 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 2:22 AM
*hugs* you are the greatest!! thank you so much for this great set!
Retired Moderator
retired moderator
#23 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 2:33 AM
Beautiful job Guys and Girls

For all of my creations and more free downloads please visit Exnem Sims
Grand Re-Opening NOW!!!
Come join our Banner Contest Today!!
Lab Assistant
#24 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 2:45 AM
*crosses fingers and prays for bathing apparel for men and women*

This is SO awesome, guys!

Is spying really as bad as it sounds? C'mon. They're in your thoughts. You're in their bushes. It evens out.
Lab Assistant
#25 Old 27th Oct 2005 at 2:50 AM
Awesome! Great work! Can't wait to see the rest of it!
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