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Resources for WA Worlds' Routing Fix (updated 2014.01.28)

by ellacharmed Posted 20th Jul 2011 at 11:57 AM - Updated 27th Jan 2014 at 5:23 PM by ellacharmed : disapearing lot fix
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#26 Old 26th Jul 2011 at 8:50 AM
I think you just threw my game a life-preserver
Thank you!
Lab Assistant
#27 Old 27th Jul 2011 at 2:02 AM
I'm looking forward to the fixed .world files I can put in my game.

I remember when HP released her fix for Bridgeport, how there was issues about the world having slow-downs in certain places? I didn't really follow the disussion, and didn't install the fix because of it. I'm intending to install these though (since I like traveling) so I'd like to know if these newly fixed versions may be susceptible of these issues?

Also, will you release your fixed version of Bridgeport? I see on the map that you highlight several places of badness, not just up near the towers that HP corrected.

Edit: Oh yeah, and what about the other worlds you show pictures of on the wiki? Sunset Valley and Twinbrook? Will you release your version of these three other worlds eventually?
In the Arena
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#28 Old 27th Jul 2011 at 4:36 AM
Eventually...that's the keyword.
MY PC is being a douche. Some MBR messup when I play with partitions to get my hackintosh working on Lion.
Haven't even had a chance to update to 1.24, yet.
#29 Old 27th Jul 2011 at 7:47 AM
My Sims just went to Egypt and there was no more lag! Thank you, I missed going on vacation.

BTW do you plan to create a file for Barnacle Bay? Or just the non-Store worlds?
Lab Assistant
#30 Old 27th Jul 2011 at 2:46 PM
Thanks for responding. Actually, because of what the user above me said, I went ahead and downloaded the files already available. I didn't know it was going to so easy to fix my those worlds. Of course, the hard part of all of this was you putting together those routing fixes.

Anyway, I don't intend to take a vacation that soon, but when I do I'll report back.

Thanks again, ella.
Mad Poster
#31 Old 27th Jul 2011 at 3:59 PM Last edited by Menaceman44 : 29th Jul 2011 at 10:53 PM.
Well, China lags like hell with this fix but I never played China with Generations pre-patch so I don't really have anything to compare against. It's certainly playable which means I can only imagine how bad it would have been without this.
Test Subject
#32 Old 29th Jul 2011 at 8:13 PM
Like all the above, Thanks!!
Lab Assistant
#33 Old 1st Aug 2011 at 10:04 AM
Amazing! Brilliant! Huge e-hugs and for this, Ellacharm.
Thank you so much for taking the time to track down all those "little" mistakes in EA's worlds and for putting up so complete and detailed explanations.

The worlds have never been updated indeed, and I don't have very high for EA to fix them. Especially with the new patching method, the EP folders won't be touched anymore. I can understand that they make mistakes, we all do. What I don't accept is that they don't even try to solve them. And yet, with every pack released it's more and more game breaking...

Thanks again.
Lab Assistant
#34 Old 4th Aug 2011 at 9:13 AM Last edited by tryguy : 4th Aug 2011 at 9:28 AM.
Hi again,

My sims decided to visit China, and I think I found a point of interest. I am using your routing fixes, but this sim seems to be stuck. Take a look:

And a close up of him complaining about it:

He was really causing my game to lag, that's why I looked around for someone stuck, and found this guy.

Edit: Oh, and it's the top-right one, out in the middle of nowhere.

Edit2: There were a couple others stuck as well. I got a picture of one, but I didn't bother with the others. They were in Dragon Springs. The girl was in Hot Springs, at the base of the stairs.

The lagging didn't stop until I'd reset them all.
In the Arena
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#35 Old 4th Aug 2011 at 4:36 PM Last edited by ellacharm3d : 7th Aug 2011 at 6:38 PM. Reason: found reason
Re: stuck3.jpg - they are always complaining if I ask them to go from one Lot to another on the other side of the world, I have to do it in stages. And not sure what corrections can be done for these, other than redesigning the Lot and its entry/exit points relative to the path/road.

I'll confirm that spot in stuck1s.jpg, thanks for the pic.

Alright, found the reason. Assuming that the spot is the correct one depicted in your stuck1s.jpg, tryguy. After redoing the other towns and looking for disconnected intersections specifically, I realized the WA worlds are without intersections on some roads, and especially on some dead-end roads (see

Same reason for this spot, with the added surprise of the blank squares once I deleted the road pieces to add an intersection.

New fixes forthcoming in new versions.
Lab Assistant
#36 Old 12th Aug 2011 at 1:41 PM
That's cool that you found something, ella. Sorry, I forgot to check back here until just now. I'm currently preparing to play Bridgeport again (because my current family is getting too big for easy handling -- time to move the teenagers out), and I've just spied that you released Bridgeport fixes!

So, I'll be "testing" that world for a while I guess. I haven't been back to China since that time, so I don't have anything more to add. I did go to Egypt for 6 days and I had constant lag in that world for some reason. I looked all around the map for stuck sims in the obvious places, but I suspect the stuck ones where in the city somewhere, where it's hard to tell. The lagging started halfway through the vacation and I just had to live with it. Umm, and I've been to France too. That world is very fast.

I'll go back to China when you put the new fixes up, but for now I'll content myself with Big City life. Thanks for your hard work.
Test Subject
#37 Old 13th Aug 2011 at 7:38 PM
Hi ella, Thanks for these very useful tuts, I downloaded your latest ChinaRoutingFix and did a reset of the town to stop the lag, but everyone seemed to disappear! I found them doing a sim centipede thing in the residential district and thought you'd like to know.

Until I can figure out why I can't save in CAW after painting the no-routing areas, I'll try to attach a pic of the area. Dragon Camp is in the top right.

Have you found that ANY broken white line causes a problem or is it a bit hit and miss, depending on the terrain?
Mad Poster
#38 Old 13th Aug 2011 at 11:13 PM
Is that bit of the routing you circled broken though? Yes the lines disappear but that is simply because they are passing through the ground isn't it? If you follow their tragectory they still all connect to a circle.
I saw this when I was building my own world. Sometimes the routing lines just don't visually follow the contours of the terrain.

Also, although I don't have a picture to show at the moment, I believe there is an unconnected dirt track in China. When you have a Sim leave the base camp and access the main road they will bypass the first little dirt track which appears to connect to the road in favour of one that takes them further away. When I zoomed in close it appears as though they ignore it because it is not connected. I'll try and get a picture the next time I play.

My deviantART, MTS Yearbook Origin ID = Alistu
In the Arena
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Original Poster
#39 Old 14th Aug 2011 at 6:44 AM
thanks for the pic. Yeah, there's no broken routing in that spot. That area of road does not have blue non-routable paint, I even checked under the roads & walkways to be sure. This Sim centipede thing - can you post a pic of them in-game - with enough landmarks identified to help me know where the spot is and I'll check in CAW. Easier that way to have the Sims-glomping confirmed.

And yes resetsim * would remove all Sims temporarily until they reappear. If CPU is a tad slow, you'd notice it. If they then all reappear on the same exact spot after doing a resetsim, can you also post a picture of this spot? I don't think they should all reappear like that. Or better yet, if you can upload the Save to Mediafire I can download and see this for myself.

Otherwise, it is like menaceman44 said, the routing only appears broken when roads are not graded (or smoothed) properly.

Saving in CAW - have you input the Name/desc/thumbnail stuff?

most of the walkway dirt tracks are not directly connected to Roads or Lots, but I think there's an acceptable threshold for the routing to be contiguous.

I looked around while I was in CAW to confirm SerOlmy's query and found this Sidewalk has non-routable paint under it. Thx for the heads-up.
If you had meant somewhere else, I need a picture of that spot, then.
Test Subject
#40 Old 14th Aug 2011 at 11:41 AM
*oops* Yes, it turns out it's a few squares / metres? up the road. I lost my place when I went into CAW. The weird thing is... I did a reset and all the explorers were dumped into that exact spot. It looked like a statue of Kali cos they were all singing Ping and his checkers at the same time, like they had nothing better to do.

When I sent my sim over to talk to them, he complained that something was blocking his way. Then after a good few hours, they all snapped out of it and wandered back to the camp.

Anyway, I experimented with CAW a little last night and figured out where to set name/desc/thumbnail! Go me!

Also, I'll pay more attention to the line's connection to the destination circle , thanks for the reminder, menace

ps. I'm using twallan's excellent nraas Master Controller mod to reset all, but I'll try the resetsim * command today to see what difference it makes.
Test Subject
#41 Old 14th Aug 2011 at 2:07 PM
ok-a-a-y, well here're 2 clips of what's happening. No it doesn't seem to be routing, I just jumped the gun. It's worth a watch for the laugh-factor anyway.

Clip 1 is small and shows the simblob in full choral magnificence. Clip 2 is bigger and shows them at another random place after a reset (entrance to the forbidden city), moving out of the blob.

So I learned something; I tried a single reset and found that it moves the sim to 'a safe place'. That same logic must apply to the whole group, but it's a bit weird.
In the Arena
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#42 Old 14th Aug 2011 at 5:31 PM Last edited by ellacharm3d : 14th Aug 2011 at 5:41 PM.
I had meant for you to upload the Save folder where this group of stuck Sims are glomping.

As it stands, those vids tell me that yes, has an issue, which we already know.

But it is not helpful as it does not tell me the exact spot for me to do anything about it. Which "entrance to the forbidden city"? ie Is this the place where they got stuck or the place they were reset to?
I suppose, I'll have to put this down on the list of things to correct for China and go hunting in all 4 directions, after I've finished with Twinbrook. Thanks for the heads up, too!
Mad Poster
#43 Old 14th Aug 2011 at 9:57 PM
Okay, I went and got some shots of the piece of path I was on about.

They can all be clicked for bigger images.

My deviantART, MTS Yearbook Origin ID = Alistu
Test Subject
#44 Old 14th Sep 2011 at 12:06 AM
Sorry but I'm a bit dim and having problems with the install instructions. I am following the instructions for solution 3 to download the .world file. Have downloaded ChinaFixedRouting and extracted but have two files called S3_05CDBB3_etc and S305DA8aF6_etc and both are BNRY files and not WORLD files. I have read the instructions for downloading all the parts and joining them together but I don't seem to have part 1 part 2 etc.
What am I doing wrong?
In the Arena
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#45 Old 14th Sep 2011 at 3:47 AM Last edited by ellacharm3d : 14th Sep 2011 at 3:55 AM. Reason: link verified
Quote: Originally posted by Dabih
...I am following the instructions for solution 3 to download the .world file. ... What am I doing wrong?
That's because this is the Fixes thread , the World file(s) thread is here -

Did I paste the wrong link? *goes off to check.* [eta]: link's correct in the wiki.
Test Subject
#46 Old 3rd Feb 2013 at 7:27 PM
Thank you so much for this!

unfortunately I am unable to use the fix, it is not a world file, so I have no clue how to get it to work. Even after reading the instructions. Open S3PE as administrator? What the heck is S3pe. Pretty dumb I'm sure.

but is there anyone that could help? Or could these fixes be uploaded as world. files?

In the Arena
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#47 Old 4th Feb 2013 at 2:32 AM
What do you mean by "unable to use the fix"? Something is preventing you to download, cannot extract after downloading, cannot use s3pe, or it doesn't show up after importing in s3pe?

Or, cannot see the fix on a Save game? What patch version is the base game on?
Also, read Game_Help:World_Routing_Lags#FAQswiki

The .world files are here
In the Arena
retired moderator
Original Poster
#48 Old 4th Dec 2013 at 3:24 PM
I have started the work required for do-overs for these 3 worlds. Anyone has any new input to share?
The main reason for the do-over is I have learned a lot more things since I released these, and shows that there were a couple things that were not addressed.

I was informed (some time ago) about some terrain paint issue that affects pre-patch Saves. But since the fixes would require everyone start a New Game anyway, I don't see the relevancy of importing the fixes I was linked to (the one @Maty). But my understanding of the situation may be flawed.

So, my questions are (other than the relevancy)
- is the terrain paint issue still applicable at this time?
- other than the 2 Lots (Dragon Springs and Hot Springs) identified to have issues, are there more?
- any other issues to addressed that haven't ever been brought up?
In the Arena
retired moderator
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#49 Old 25th Dec 2013 at 6:34 AM
My gift to you guys this holiday season!
  • Dec 25, 2013 update:
    • 100% redo from scratch, on Patch 1.63.5.
    • The fixes at the edges of the maps were already done in the older versions, just not documented in the Dotted maps. Since the maps were smaller then, and I didn't use the Photomerge capability in Photoshop back then to create the world maps.
    • The update for Seasons and Island Paradise now make use of bodies of water, so since the rivers are not deep enough for boats, boats tend to just move in circles. River banks, where appropriate, are now painted with No-Sim-routing paint, since they are too steep for Sims & Pets. Some areas that have gently sloped terrain still enable Sims to go swimming, snorkeling, windsurfing out to the river if the water depth support such activities.
    • Bridges in Egypt: had some no-routing paint under them. I also re-sculpted the terrain around it to ensure the routing spline does not dip too sharply. Based on learnings from this thread.
    • In Egypt, some sidewalks/roads near mountains have been flatten and smoothed out, with the mountain slopes pushed further away from the roads.
    • Dragon Springs in China: door swapped out for an arch
    • Base camp in China: conformed Lot Edges
    • A routable pathway now exists between the Temple of Heaven and Hot Springs Lots in China. I tried to place down sidewalks and terrain paint, but the resources don't import properly, so I abandoned that.
    • Thanks to tryguy's and Menaceman44's feedback, it was found that some roads and sidewalks have no-sim-routing under them. So, where I can spot any, these have also been corrected.
    • These fixes and the corresponding worlds are still in "TESTING"; since I haven't tested these as extensively. Because:
Test Subject
#50 Old 6th Jan 2014 at 5:16 AM
The Route to Dragons Maw is broken in this spot Numerous attempts to route my sim past the broken area have failed.
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