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Show/Search Sim Info Mod

by itasan2 Posted 26th Apr 2016 at 12:47 AM - Updated 11th Jun 2020 at 4:29 PM by itasan2
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Field Researcher
Original Poster
#126 Old 22nd Sep 2016 at 12:53 AM Last edited by itasan2 : 23rd Sep 2016 at 8:39 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by moscow0889
Wonderful and useful mod - many thanks!

Is there any chance that you might add a function where the mod outputs the information for all sims in a particular save-game to a text file? For obvious reasons this would probably be far too much information to wade through in-game through dialogue boxes or notifications, but being able to access all the information at once in a single data dump would be great.

The easiest way would be to output all information to a file in game because output information of 10 sims (at most) to a file has been implemented in the mod already (As you probably know, the mod can output every 10 sims' sim infos to a file if Dialog/Notification/OutputFile in the mod option is OFF/OFF/ON). I don't know how long it would take to output all sims yet but it would depend on how many sims are in the world. There seems to be a player who has 500 sims in the world.

For output of the information for all sims in a particular save-game to a text file, it would be possible but it would take a little long time for me to add that function. I don't know when I can have such time but I want to add that function some day.
Mad Poster
#127 Old 27th Oct 2016 at 3:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by itasan2
The easiest way would be to output all information to a file in game because output information of 10 sims (at most) to a file has been implemented in the mod already (As you probably know, the mod can output every 10 sims' sim infos to a file if Dialog/Notification/OutputFile in the mod option is OFF/OFF/ON). I don't know how long it would take to output all sims yet but it would depend on how many sims are in the world. There seems to be a player who has 500 sims in the world.

For output of the information for all sims in a particular save-game to a text file, it would be possible but it would take a little long time for me to add that function. I don't know when I can have such time but I want to add that function some day.

I've seen games from other people with 800 or more sims...

I use the relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others cheat to get all my sims into one Relationship Panel. From there, it takes a while, but if you WANT the list, you can go through and hit Show Sim Info on each sim individually, just make sure it's going to the text file first.

With my 158 sims, the entire report took over 9000 lines. Just a benchmark.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#128 Old 27th Oct 2016 at 9:10 PM
Quote: Originally posted by egwarhammer
I've seen games from other people with 800 or more sims...

I use the relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others cheat to get all my sims into one Relationship Panel. From there, it takes a while, but if you WANT the list, you can go through and hit Show Sim Info on each sim individually, just make sure it's going to the text file first.

With my 158 sims, the entire report took over 9000 lines. Just a benchmark.

Great!! Thank you.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#129 Old 27th Oct 2016 at 9:13 PM
New Ver1.11 has been released!!
It's fixed for October 27's patch (v1.24.102.1020).
Mad Poster
#130 Old 27th Oct 2016 at 9:40 PM Last edited by egwarhammer : 31st Oct 2016 at 7:51 AM.
Thanks for the fast update! (MC is broken... )

MC 3.0.1 HOTFIX is available now. Anybody with the CL patch needs this.

If you have 1.24 game files, This is the Only Properly Working Version of MC. REDOWNLOAD all parts you use, from both sites.

I actually just dropped by to say thanks (again!) for THIS mod, @itasan2 , and for keeping it up. Fabulous.

It's about to help me shoot some trouble.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#131 Old 31st Oct 2016 at 11:33 AM
Quote: Originally posted by egwarhammer
Thanks for the fast update! (MC is broken... )

MC 3.0.1 HOTFIX is available now. Anybody with the CL patch needs this.

If you have 1.24 game files, This is the Only Properly Working Version of MC. REDOWNLOAD all parts you use, from both sites.

I actually just dropped by to say thanks (again!) for THIS mod, @itasan2 , and for keeping it up. Fabulous.

It's about to help me shoot some trouble.

Thank you for MCCC 3.0.1 information.
I was remaking my mod this October and I plan to release it (ver2.0 aka ShowSimInfo2) after City Living Expansion Pack is released.
Lab Assistant
#132 Old 1st Nov 2016 at 4:53 AM
Thank you for updating this so quickly, itasan2!
#133 Old 4th Nov 2016 at 1:17 PM
Your mod is reporting something in the attached LastException file:
Attached files:
File Type: zip (1.5 KB, 24 downloads)
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#134 Old 4th Nov 2016 at 5:17 PM Last edited by itasan2 : 5th Nov 2016 at 3:03 AM.
New Ver 2.0.0 (aka ShowSimInfo2) has been released.
1.New browsing feature
All remade. It's a sim relation-based browsing (see the screenshots). You can find a friend of a niece of a friend of your sim for example.
2.Operation of the selecting sims in the dialog (aka sim picker)
You can go back and forth between a sim picker and a sim info dialog.
3.Output to a file
The file format is the same as Ver1.11 but you can output sim infos of all sims at a time.
All sim info can be translated, finally.
Mad Poster
#135 Old 7th Nov 2016 at 12:46 AM
Quote: Originally posted by itasan2
New Ver 2.0.0 (aka ShowSimInfo2) has been released.
1.New browsing feature
All remade. It's a sim relation-based browsing (see the screenshots). You can find a friend of a niece of a friend of your sim for example.
2.Operation of the selecting sims in the dialog (aka sim picker)
You can go back and forth between a sim picker and a sim info dialog.
3.Output to a file
The file format is the same as Ver1.11 but you can output sim infos of all sims at a time.
All sim info can be translated, finally.

Awesome! Week off from work starts tomorrow, I'm excited to try 2.0.0 out. Thanks!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#136 Old 7th Nov 2016 at 1:47 AM
Quote: Originally posted by egwarhammer
Awesome! Week off from work starts tomorrow, I'm excited to try 2.0.0 out. Thanks!

Enjoy the mod, thank you.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#137 Old 8th Nov 2016 at 3:22 PM
New Ver2.1.0 has been released.
1.Location Info. (New Info)
Adds a LOT name to "Home" info.
Adds "Current Location" info. It's a LOT where the sim is now. NPC sims usually move during your traveling (the loading screen) so you may not meet them if you travel to their "Current Location".
2.All Sims in this LOT(New Menu/Feature)
Adds "All Sims in this LOT" to the Pie Menu. It shows all sim list in the current LOT(zone).
3.Fixed Bug
When an "away-sim-icon" was selected, the Sim Info Dialog didn't appear. Now it works properly.
Lab Assistant
#138 Old 8th Nov 2016 at 8:26 PM
Itasan2, I really like this mod and greatly appreciate your work on it. My humble thanks!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#139 Old 9th Nov 2016 at 2:23 AM
Quote: Originally posted by oldman11
Itasan2, I really like this mod and greatly appreciate your work on it. My humble thanks!

You're welcome. Thank you for the downloading.
Mad Poster
#140 Old 12th Nov 2016 at 12:06 AM
Loving 2.0.0, but I'm here to ask a tiny little favor... is there any way you could shave off a LITTLE of the mid-screen white window? I play in windowed mode because I have to see my clock (OCD thing), and the frame bars are blocking most of the bottom Quit button. I can still USE it, but I can't SEE most of it.

I'm afraid if I get a sim with more text than usual in that window, it'll go below where I can get to it and I'll have to force quit to get out of it.

Kinda missing the option to bypass that screen, I miss being able to shunt that off to the blue Notifications window instead. Personal preference, maybe it could come back sometime?

Either way, this is my number two must-have-working mod. (MC is number one, I won't even play without that one.) Welcome to Hotel California, @itasan2 ... you can check out any time, but you can never leave!

BTW, about MC... is there some reason why SSI doesn't show Ancestral Household flags?

They're different from regular trait-flags, but I don't know how... yet.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#141 Old 12th Nov 2016 at 1:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by egwarhammer
Loving 2.0.0, but I'm here to ask a tiny little favor... is there any way you could shave off a LITTLE of the mid-screen white window? I play in windowed mode because I have to see my clock (OCD thing), and the frame bars are blocking most of the bottom Quit button. I can still USE it, but I can't SEE most of it.

I'm afraid if I get a sim with more text than usual in that window, it'll go below where I can get to it and I'll have to force quit to get out of it.

Kinda missing the option to bypass that screen, I miss being able to shunt that off to the blue Notifications window instead. Personal preference, maybe it could come back sometime?

Either way, this is my number two must-have-working mod. (MC is number one, I won't even play without that one.) Welcome to Hotel California, @itasan2 ... you can check out any time, but you can never leave!

BTW, about MC... is there some reason why SSI doesn't show Ancestral Household flags?

They're different from regular trait-flags, but I don't know how... yet.

Thank you for the comment.
For Ancestral Household flags, I don't use the flag but I guess it wouldn't be a sim's trait. Maybe, it would be something like a LOT trait?
For your request, I'll try.
Mad Poster
#142 Old 12th Nov 2016 at 3:27 AM
Quote: Originally posted by itasan2
New Ver2.1.0 has been released.
1.Location Info. (New Info)
Adds a LOT name to "Home" info.
Adds "Current Location" info. It's a LOT where the sim is now. NPC sims usually move during your traveling (the loading screen) so you may not meet them if you travel to their "Current Location".
2.All Sims in this LOT(New Menu/Feature)
Adds "All Sims in this LOT" to the Pie Menu. It shows all sim list in the current LOT(zone).
3.Fixed Bug
When an "away-sim-icon" was selected, the Sim Info Dialog didn't appear. Now it works properly.

Sweet! Happy to have that back.

New toys. Love it!

Field Researcher
Original Poster
#143 Old 13th Nov 2016 at 12:13 AM
Quote: Originally posted by egwarhammer
Sweet! Happy to have that back.

New toys. Love it!


When I played Sims3 with NRaas Mods, the most frequently-used feature was Sim Status (browsing sim infos) and Tagger (mapping sims' locations). I missed the location info so I added it to Ver2.1.0. As you know, NPC sims usually move and are assigned to specific roles during the loading screen in Sims4. So my sim wouldn't meet them even if my sim travel to their current location. But at least, I think the current location can stimulate players' imagination . That's the role of the current location. Thank you for the comment.
Test Subject
#144 Old 13th Nov 2016 at 12:16 AM
Default Help
How do ya use this thing?! Its not showing up anywhere in my game!
Mad Poster
#145 Old 13th Nov 2016 at 1:23 AM Last edited by egwarhammer : 13th Nov 2016 at 1:27 AM. Reason: question
Quote: Originally posted by kamikazewolf
How do ya use this thing?! Its not showing up anywhere in my game!

Edit: Are you not seeing a Show Sim Info button when you click on Sims? /edit

In Sims4/Mods, create a folder for it, SSI works fine.

Download the zip. Open the zip file. COPY the 3 files to that new folder. There'll be a 4th file generated by the mod, if you choose to let it write output to a text file.

Make sure your game is updated to the last version, OR that you've downloaded the proper file version for the game version you're running, if it isn't the latest.

IF you have the CL patch, 1.24, you want the latest mod at the bottom of the Files list. Currently 2.1.0.

Make sure in the GAME, you have both Mods boxes checked (green) on the Game Options tab.

That should be all you need to do, it's working fine here.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#146 Old 13th Nov 2016 at 8:02 AM
Quote: Originally posted by kamikazewolf
How do ya use this thing?! Its not showing up anywhere in my game!

Please see the screenshots attached below and follow the instruction below.
1. Place three files which was upziped to your Mods folder. (Only Mods folder or SubFolder, Not sub-sub-folder)
2. Set your game option to enable the script mods

Thank you, EG. I appreciate it.
#147 Old 13th Nov 2016 at 7:31 PM
I was wondering if you could tell me if you know what "Rock Group Small 01" means on Hidden Traits (see attached screenshot). I'm seeing this now since the City Living patch and I have no idea what it's supposed to mean. The really bizarre thing is I'm also seeing it on the pie menu as an option for cooking when a Sim is inspired and it opens a blank window. I've got a photo of that if you want to see it. And I'm also seeing it in the lot description box as "Rock Group Small 01" when I save a lot to my library!

I was thinking it might be some wacky thing from a mod, but I saw this the first time on the lot description when I just had this mod and Master Control Command Center in my game. I was updating a lot to save to my library when I noticed it. Since then I've seen it on Sims and the cooking menu like I mentioned.

I was thinking at first maybe it was some weird thing attached to lot traits, but now I don't know. Since it shows up on Sims under hidden traits, I thought I would ask you - since maybe you know something about hidden traits (I really don't).
Mad Poster
#148 Old 14th Nov 2016 at 12:25 AM
I just ran into one of those overlapped windows I mentioned, for playing in windowed mode.

Figured out how to get out of it without doing a forced restart, too... turns out if you click into any of the submenu buttons, THEIR (shorter-output) Quit button works just fine.
Mad Poster
#149 Old 14th Nov 2016 at 12:41 AM
Quote: Originally posted by aparkison
I was wondering if you could tell me if you know what "Rock Group Small 01" means on Hidden Traits (see attached screenshot). I'm seeing this now since the City Living patch and I have no idea what it's supposed to mean. The really bizarre thing is I'm also seeing it on the pie menu as an option for cooking when a Sim is inspired and it opens a blank window. I've got a photo of that if you want to see it. And I'm also seeing it in the lot description box as "Rock Group Small 01" when I save a lot to my library!

I was thinking it might be some wacky thing from a mod, but I saw this the first time on the lot description when I just had this mod and Master Control Command Center in my game. I was updating a lot to save to my library when I noticed it. Since then I've seen it on Sims and the cooking menu like I mentioned.

I was thinking at first maybe it was some weird thing attached to lot traits, but now I don't know. Since it shows up on Sims under hidden traits, I thought I would ask you - since maybe you know something about hidden traits (I really don't).

I don't have that here. I just ran the "show ALL" and checked the text file. 120 sims, "rock" isn't mentioned anywhere, here. SSI, MC, UI Cheats, a few other things I'm running (posted list to MC earlier today).

Did you update SSI to 2.1.0? (I know you've got MC all set up for 3.0.1).

Any LastException files?
#150 Old 14th Nov 2016 at 1:57 AM Last edited by aparkison : 14th Nov 2016 at 2:30 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by egwarhammer
I don't have that here. I just ran the "show ALL" and checked the text file. 120 sims, "rock" isn't mentioned anywhere, here. SSI, MC, UI Cheats, a few other things I'm running (posted list to MC earlier today).

Did you update SSI to 2.1.0? (I know you've got MC all set up for 3.0.1).

Any LastException files?

Yes on 2.10. Oh my. This is very weird. I did a game repair - but I haven't had a Last Exception file in quite awhile. Well, tomorrow I'll haul everything out and check and report back. Too tired to contemplate that this evening.

ETA: It's still there even after I pull everything out (bald Sims, empty apartments and houses and all) - but, since my game is otherwise OK, I'm going to write it off as some weirdness I can't explain.
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