Al Fresco Market Venue - A TS3 Store to TS4 Conversion

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Uploaded: 30th Oct 2018 at 8:12 PM
Updated: 1st Nov 2018 at 7:36 AM
Wow, that was a lot of photos! I hope I did all of the products justice; if not, I am so sorry.
This set took a lot longer then I expected which was about two weeks. The textures I did first and those alone took about 5 days. The fountain seemed like it took forevers to work out, but it actually only took two days. The Carry cart took one day...I had issues with the phong alpha, and I never worked with an alpha channel before. This set taught me a lot about myself and why we need to take our time on doing conversions or otherwise. I originally posted this set on my website, but so many people asked me to post it here. I took my time thinking it through and decided why not!
I am going to be describing each item one at a time so please bare with me.

All items are searchable by typing in the search bar Al Fresco.

Accessory Crate Chair
Now, I didn't know that this chair came with the set, but it was in the files. So, I used a basegame dining chair. This way there are more options for its use.
Texture - EA
Price 0 (Free)

Comfort -- Chair ; Comfort -- Misc ; Comfort -- Seating
Room -- All
Chair, Store, Retail, Scratchable furniture, talk to objects, scratched low, struck by lightning
Venue -- All

Veritable Veggie Cart
4 swatches - Green (EA original), Brown, Blue/Red, Red
Texture - EA and Me
Price 275

Decorative -- Lawn Ornament ; Misc
Room -- Misc ; Outdoors
Function -- Energy, Store, Retail, Scratchable, talk to objects
Venue -- All

Share Your Wares Carry Cart
I was going to add slots to this cart, but I changed my mind. If you would like to do so, be my guest.
12 swatches - 3 wood colors - 4 basket colors - 2 glass bottle colors
Texture - EA/TS3 patterns for the baskets except the white one; Wood, white basket, bottles are mine
Price 1015 (glass is expensive)

Decorative -- Lawn Ornament ; Misc ; Sculpture
Room -- Misc ; Outdoors
Function -- Sleep, Store, Retail, Scratchable, Talk to Objects, struck by lightning
Venue -- All

Fancy Floral Box
These are big in size. If using them inside a home, make sure there is plenty of room. A small house will not due. They are definitely worth having and using outside. Some flowers were re-painted by me.
4 swatches - Terracotta colors
Texture EA and me
Price 250

Decorative -- Misc ; Sculpture ; Plant
Room -- all
Function -- Energy, Pot, Store, Retail, Scratchable, Talk to Objects, struck by lightning
Venue -- All

Twinkling Tree Column
**Does not Twinkle or glow - Need Get Together**
O.o this tree! I wanted to make the plumbobs colored but glassy...didn't work. Couldn't figure it out. Then, I wanted to make them twinkle. Well, that didn't work either. Instead, the whole tree blinked red on and off like a broken stop light. Definitely didn't work. If you want the column to do these things, feel free to work with it.
20 swatches - 4 wood colors - 5 plumbob colors -- Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, White
Texture Me
Price 225

Decorative -- Lawn Ornament ; Misc ; Sculpture
Room -- Misc ; Outdoors
Function -- Sleep, Store, Retail, Talk to Objects, struck by lightning
Venue -- all

Bountiful Bushel of Fake Fruit
Aren't all content items fake?
9 swatches - 3 basket colors - 3 fruit colors -- Green, Red, Orange
Textures Baskets are TS3 pattern/EA and fruit EA
Price 120

Decorative -- Misc ; Sculpture
Room -- Dining, Kitchen, Misc, Living, Outdoors
Function -- Energy, Store, Retail, Talk to Objects, Struck by Lightning
Venue -- Arts Center, Chalet, Bar, Cafe, Lounge, Penthouse, Restaurant, Police Station, Relaxation Center

Succulent Summer Squash
Not sure how succulent they are, but EA did a great job on texturing. They look so real.
15 swatches - 7 basket colors - 3 squash colors -- Green, Purple, Yellow
Texture Baskets TS3 patterns/EA and fruit EA
Price 120

Decoration -- Misc ; Sculpture
Room -- Dining, Kitchen, Misc, Living, Outdoors
Function -- Energy, Pot, Store, Retail, Talk to Objects, Struck by lightning
Venue -- All

***Need Jungle Adventure for all of the Ivy*** ****Use MOO cheat for each ivy use****
EAs ivy was very sparse. I made the ivy fuller. I had never worked with plants like this (flowers yes). This was a challenge for me on a lot of levels, but everything was figured out and got the ivy just where I wanted it...on the wall.

Purposeful Wall Ivy
1 swatch - fuller than EA - Tileable
Texture EA
Price 110

Decoration -- Wall Deco ; Wall Sculpture ; Plant
Room -- Misc ; Outdoors
Build -- Wall Attachment
Function -- Sleep, Store, Retail, Talk to Objects, Struck by lightning
Venue - All

Pleasant Wall Ivy
1 swatch - fuller than EA - NOT tileable
Texture EA
Price 110

Decoration -- Wall Deco ; Wall Sculpture ; Plant
Room -- Misc ; Outdoors
Build -- Wall Attachment
Function -- Sleep, Store, Retail, Talk to Objects, Struck by lightning
Venue - All

Perfect Wall Ivy
1 swatch - fuller than EA - Tileable
Texture EA
Price 110

Decoration -- Wall Deco ; Wall Sculpture ; Plant
Room -- Misc ; Outdoors
Build -- Wall Attachment
Function -- Sleep, Store, Retail, Talk to Objects, Struck by lightning
Venue - All

Perpetual Wall Ivy
1 swatch - fuller than EA - NOT tileable
Texture EA
Price 110

Decoration -- Wall Deco ; Wall Sculpture ; Plant
Room -- Misc ; Outdoors
Build -- Wall Attachment
Function -- Sleep, Store, Retail, Talk to Objects, Struck by lightning
Venue - All

Trident's Spring Fountain (My favorite is Swatch 3--so beautiful when it is on)
**Need Get Together**
OO.oo o the heartache and migraines I went through on this one. I used the llama fountain. Did away with the trident pedestal (the part the fish set on) and used the llama pedestal and re-scaled it. The fish were re-scaled and adjusted to get the water to come out of the mouths just so. I think one or two is off by just a millimeter, but dear lord if you adjust one you are adjusting them all. The bottom of the pool was closed up under the pedestal. Eyes were created for the last two swatches (they turned out better than I thought). Texturing this baby was time consuming and some parts had to be just so, like the merman's fin and tail. I really like the way it all turned out. I am very proud of this one.

4 swatches - Patina/Rust - Blue - Blue/White - Green -- Swatches 3 and 4 the merman has real eyes
Textures are mine
Price 3500

Decoration -- Lawn Ornament, Deco Fountain, Deco Misc
Room -- Misc, Outdoors
Function -- Energy, Store, Retail, Talk to Objects
Venue -- All

Celestial Sun Mosaic
Used the BIG turtle pool decal for this conversion. Some of the texturing was glittered to make is "shimmer and sparkle" in the water. Not sure if it does that really well, but hey looks good. The gold/silver - the texture is foil on the gold part. I thought it looked cool.
4 swatches - Silver/Blue -- Pink/Silver -- Gold/Silver -- Silver/Gold
Textures are mine
Price 335

Decoration -- Fountain ; Pool
Room -- Misc, Outdoors
Function -- Energy, Store, Retail, Talk to Objects, Never snows, struck by lightning
Venue -- Chalet, Gym, Pool, Ruins, Star Garden, Retail, and Park (Forest)

Wheew!!! that was a lot to go through. I can't think of anything else that is descriptive enough than that. I just want you guys to have fun with the objects and hope your simmies enjoy them. It was stressful and troublesome to convert, but it was done...Don't let anyone ever tell you it can't be.

Please note:
The bottom of the fountain pool is not a texture issue. If it was, then the bottom would look the same in any direction when moving around in the game. It is an EA shadow/Whateveryouwanttocallit issue.

With the Ivy, if you can't place it on a wall -- make sure you have the move objects on. Don't ask me why it's not working unless you have it on and it still is not being placed. You might need to leave that particular lot for a moment and then go back. I had to do that a few times as well. While going from lot to lot, some lots depending on the "Season" (if you have Seasons pack), the ivy will be brown. Don't fret! Summer time the ivy is green and a lot of lots no matter the weather, the ivy is still green. I don't know why some lots are making it brown. Could be a glitch or just something to do with that particular lot.

You are more than welcome to do as you wish with the items. Recolor, reupload, whatever. BUT do NOT use my textures and claim them as your own. So not cool to do that. If you decide to use the items and upload them in a lot, don't ever do it and have the lot go through paid ads and never upload them to a forum of any kind and/or the EA game gallery. And please don't forget to tip your waitress; she worked really, really hard for you. (*coughs* give credit where credit is due please.)

Polygon Counts:

  • Accessory Crate Chair High 262 - Low 262
    Veritable Veggie Cart High 1472 - Med 1182 - Low 950
    Share Your Wares Carry Cart High 1750 - Med 1741
    Fancy Floral Box High 686 - Med 682 - Low 679
    Twinkling Tree Column High/Med/Lowest 734
    Bountiful Bushel of Fake Fruit High/Med 466
    Succulent Summer Squash High/Med 468
    Perpetual Wall Ivy High to Lowest 60
    Pleasant Wall Ivy High to Lowest 161
    Purposeful Wall Ivy High to Lowest 24
    Perfect Wall Ivy High to Lowest 60
    Trident's Spring Fountain High 6404 - Med 4152 - Low 3351
    Celestial Sun Mosaic - Pool Decal High 4
Additional Credits:
Textures created by me unless otherwise stated in description for the item then it will be EA textures i.e. accessory crate chair

TSRW - S4S - Blender 2.7 - GIMP 2.10 - Photoshop CS6 - TS3 Store

Thank you EA