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Cabinets with Inventory

by Simsonian Library Posted 18th Apr 2022 at 5:49 AM
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#26 Old 29th Feb 2024 at 4:07 AM Last edited by Tokey : 29th Feb 2024 at 5:16 AM. Reason: updated with fix
Anyone else having issues with this mod since the February 27th patch? I can no longer interact with the cabinets.
I'm feeling lost without it, plus my stuff is now locked away.

Rejoice! There is a fix.

Thanks to the info shared by Scarlet's Realm broken mod list and some info shared with the modding community by Lot 51!

The way the game reads tuning groups has changed in the latest patch.

To fix this mod, follow these steps:
1. Open CabinetsWithInventory_MainMod-REQUIRED.package in Sims4Studio
2. Filter the item list by "tuning".
3. Select the Object Tuning file, then select the Data tab on the right.
4. Change the Group to 00000000
5. Save, Load it back in the game. Enjoy your working cabinets! 
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