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Unlock CAS Items

by Szemoka Posted 12th Nov 2022 at 3:30 AM - Updated 2nd Nov 2024 at 3:20 AM by Szemoka
20 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 11 Feedback Posts, 8 Thanks Posts
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#2 Old 12th Nov 2022 at 8:29 AM
This is great! The last time I played (there was at Simssessions festival) there were already a lot of items hidden in CAS. This mod will come very handy for soneone who still play Sims 4.
Regards Vic ^_^
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 15th Nov 2022 at 4:02 AM
this does not show up in My game. download was filed same as any other . shift clicking on a sim or mailbox shows nothing different to click on. -help. ;-)
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#4 Old 15th Nov 2022 at 6:17 AM
Quote: Originally posted by DavidNps
this does not show up in My game. download was filed same as any other . shift clicking on a sim or mailbox shows nothing different to click on. -help. ;-)

Here are possible reasons:

Make sure you have the XmlInjector_Script_v4.ts4script and place it in the Mods folder.

If you still can't see the interaction, try typing the console command testingcheats on.
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 16th Nov 2022 at 3:03 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Szemoka
Here are possible reasons:

Make sure you have the XmlInjector_Script_v4.ts4script and place it in the Mods folder.

If you still can't see the interaction, try typing the console command testingcheats on.

Thank You Much , Szemoka ! I must not have scrolled all the way down the post in excitement to see the xmlinjector bit. I always have testing cheats enabled for the game as it opens up a cool new gameplay.
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 18th Nov 2022 at 8:39 PM
Default argh...
Quote: Originally posted by DavidNps
Thank You Much , Szemoka ! I must not have scrolled all the way down the post in excitement to see the xmlinjector bit. I always have testing cheats enabled for the game as it opens up a cool new gameplay.

-I installed the other part of the mod yet Still No New option shows up when shift/clicking a sim or mailbox re Unlocking cas items.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#7 Old 20th Nov 2022 at 10:47 AM
Quote: Originally posted by DavidNps
-I installed the other part of the mod yet Still No New option shows up when shift/clicking a sim or mailbox re Unlocking cas items.

Have you enabled 'Script Mods Allowed' in the game options?

If it is not enabled, try the following steps:
1. Options - Game Options - Other
2. Check the 'Enable Custom Content and Mods' and 'Script Mods Allowed'
3. Apply Changes

Because I tested with only these two mods and there is no problem.
Test Subject
#8 Old 28th Nov 2022 at 4:46 AM
Thank you! This is easier than tracking down an updated sim with all the unlocks from the gallery every single time
Test Subject
#9 Old 3rd Dec 2022 at 5:20 AM
#10 Old 6th Dec 2022 at 9:39 AM
Ui, this mod is great and very much needed. Many thanks for sharing and lovely regards from Austria
Test Subject
#11 Old 14th Dec 2022 at 8:59 PM
Thank you for this!!
#12 Old 18th Dec 2022 at 8:16 PM
Hey, It doesn't work for me. Even when I had both testing cheats enabled and the xml injector as well as having the custom content and script mods allowed. Any advice on what to do?

Retrotrut Is On Zee Track
Test Subject
#13 Old 21st Dec 2022 at 1:12 PM
Does this unlock career-earned CAS items? Or not?
Test Subject
#14 Old 23rd Apr 2023 at 7:49 PM Last edited by BatCat : 23rd Apr 2023 at 7:51 PM. Reason: Spelling mistake
Hi. Your awesome mod used to work, but for some reason it has stopped. I'm not sure when, but possibly after the Growing together update I thought I should make you aware of this and I hope you can fix it as it was soooooo good!! Thanks. Vicky.
Lab Assistant
#15 Old 22nd Dec 2023 at 10:25 PM
Literally yesterday thinked to make it myself after winning but not achieving the HSY crown due to one long-time forgotten, obsolete and never-upd mod....TYVM!!!
Test Subject
#16 Old 3rd Apr 2024 at 2:24 PM Last edited by Applesarenice : 3rd Apr 2024 at 5:16 PM.
Is there a way to unlock, use and save the carved pumpkins from the Spooky Stuff pack to use as a clothing item/hat, so that I can continue to put them on my ghost Sims' head? I would love to have a family of literal pumpkin heads/jack-o'-lanterns, but I can't seem to find them in the unlocked items. I'm not sure if it's possible to keep them in that form indefinitely, as with the Plant Sim? As of now, ghost Sims can place the pumpkins on their heads, but they cannot be saved in that form, which is a huge shame. Is it also possible to unlock other face paints like the sickness and the dye explosion facepaints? I prefer not to use CC. Thanks for taking the time to read.
Lab Assistant
#17 Old 14th Oct 2024 at 10:35 PM
Hello, is this mod still working? I can't get it to work. I installed the XML Injector. I get the menu option to Unlock CAS Items but it doesn't seem to do anything.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#18 Old 23rd Oct 2024 at 12:10 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Juniparr
Hello, is this mod still working? I can't get it to work. I installed the XML Injector. I get the menu option to Unlock CAS Items but it doesn't seem to do anything.

Yes, this mod still works in the latest version 1.110.265.
After unlocking CAS items you can see them in CAS.
Test Subject
#19 Old 6th Nov 2024 at 5:32 AM
Hey Szemoka, MTS has recently been hacked again and Scarlet's Realm has announced they'll stop tracking mods on this website for safety reasons - would you consider making your mods available on Curseforge or Patreon, so we can keep downloading it safely? 🙏
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#20 Old 27th Nov 2024 at 6:58 AM
Quote: Originally posted by KaroNareh
Hey Szemoka, MTS has recently been hacked again and Scarlet's Realm has announced they'll stop tracking mods on this website for safety reasons - would you consider making your mods available on Curseforge or Patreon, so we can keep downloading it safely? 🙏

I noticed that MTS seems to have some news about security issues. I only share my mods on MTS now, and I am considering looking for more websites to share my mods.
I'm not sure if *.package is safe. Most of my script mods require the Lot51 Core or XmlInjector.
Test Subject
#21 Old 26th Dec 2024 at 11:39 PM
Honestly, you're an absolute gem for this. Thankyou so much for this. <3