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Royalty Mod - Gerson

by Gersonjoseantonio Posted 5th Nov 2024 at 12:03 PM
3 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 2 Feedback Posts
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 20th Nov 2024 at 8:22 AM
I downloaded your mod and have discovered things in game not mentioned here that could only have been created by your mod. One interesting thing I discovered today while ordering a wedding under social is that there are parties for every noble and royal available. However, there is no picture available and no explanation of these events. What are they? What can I expect if I use them? Also, I would love to see an expansion that includes gentry as they are a class the nobles and royals can interact with. It's also a lot of fun being able to climb from the yoman or merchant class into the gentry, Then again into the noble class. I played a Medieval challenge hosted here for the Sims 2 for over 20 years. And really enjoyed medieval lessons by Terry Jones on YouTube. (He was knighted for his knowledge.) I am playing in the Regency Era with the Sims 4. Your mod is something I'm truly enjoying so far. Thank you for creating this and for your explanations.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#3 Old 5th Dec 2024 at 6:20 PM
Quote: Originally posted by celticlass64
I downloaded your mod and have discovered things in game not mentioned here that could only have been created by your mod. One interesting thing I discovered today while ordering a wedding under social is that there are parties for every noble and royal available. However, there is no picture available and no explanation of these events. What are they? What can I expect if I use them? Also, I would love to see an expansion that includes gentry as they are a class the nobles and royals can interact with. It's also a lot of fun being able to climb from the yoman or merchant class into the gentry, Then again into the noble class. I played a Medieval challenge hosted here for the Sims 2 for over 20 years. And really enjoyed medieval lessons by Terry Jones on YouTube. (He was knighted for his knowledge.) I am playing in the Regency Era with the Sims 4. Your mod is something I'm truly enjoying so far. Thank you for creating this and for your explanations.

Hi! I'm so glad you liked my mod. It took me so long to finish it and I also had so much fun doing it

Whit your question about the socials, I didn't knew.. Probably is related with the Royal Ball Situation, maybe the trait condition works with other social events.. I didn't do that intencionally, but is nice it works that way.

Yeah, at first I wanted the gentries to be one more class... But the way I imagined the mod's world is to have two factions (Aristocrats and subjects), each one with its own levels. So I moved gentry into a level of subjects
Test Subject
#4 Old 22nd Jan 2025 at 2:37 PM
Does this mod require any other mods e.g. XML, Core Library? I ask because of problems, for example I see llama pictures in events. I can't see any career or interactions for royals and nobles (with only this mod in Mods folder). Thanks for your answer.