Any Game Starter 3 [Updated: v. 2.6]
by jonha updated 3rd Oct 2011 at 12:36pm
This is the famous Any Game Starter for Sims 3 more...
292 438.8k 291
[UPDATE] 10 new CAS Sliders (Breast, Hip, Waist, Butt, Head and more)
by jonha updated 22nd Sep 2010 at 8:12pm
:alarm: :alarm: It seems the Pets patch changed the way the sliders work in game somehow. more...
Jonha's swimwear pack for children (plus sleepwear briefs for boys)
by jonha 15th Sep 2009 at 10:47am
I think, the game lacks swimwear, so I decided to make some. more...
19 96.3k 86
Better gardening - more random fruits
by jonha 2nd Sep 2009 at 11:15pm
Did you got the opportunity to make 10 bad apples for the culinary career, but have problems to complete it, more...
25 61.3k 58
CAS Texture+Unitool v1.9.3569 r131 (Updated 9th October 2009 - Now works on OS X and Linux!)
by CTU Team 19th Aug 2009 at 12:31am
Introduction The CAS Texture Unitool (hereafter referred to as CTU), is a tool to basically allow you to edit more...
791 690.6k 454
No apple/watermelon gender disposition
by jonha updated 28th Jun 2009 at 2:42pm
Your Sims like apples but you don't want to be limited to little boys? You don't want to remove all more...
102 138.5k 124
Solid recolours for the "Wachowt" glass door
by jonha updated 14th Mar 2009 at 12:59am
This is a recolour of the simple two-tile glass door that came with the basegame. more...
26 52.5k 65
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Seamless mods
I like good mods. And I like perfect mods. My mods generally integrate seamless in the game. No strange Preferences... pie menus, no complicated ingame setup, no unintutive behaviour, no bugs. (If you find some, please tell me)
All my mods behave like an official patches, mods or expansion packs. Exceptions to that are clearly visible.
The same rules can be expected for my Fave Downloads