razor cut :: crazy recolors! {xm edits
by bailelizabeth 24th Mar 2008 at 11:27am
Here are the promised CRAZY!colored edits of xmsims hair #73 on page 44. more...
by bailelizabeth 7th Mar 2008 at 1:46am
New eyeset for you guys. It's been a while, I know. more...
by bailelizabeth 21st Oct 2007 at 4:04am
Here are twenty-two gorgeous new eyes for your sims. I really like how they came out, actually. more...
l u c e n t.} 17 eyes *DEFAULTS ADDED*
by bailelizabeth 9th Sep 2007 at 5:33am
Here are seventeen realistic new eyecolors for your sims. ^____^ I'm quite pleased with how they came out, heh. more...
c a l a m i t y .} 4 raon edits
by bailelizabeth 31st Aug 2007 at 10:41am
Soo... Raonsims came out with this new free mesh finally, one for males. And I was all excited and stuff... more...
s t a m p e d .} 3 obscure facial tattoos
by bailelizabeth 30th Aug 2007 at 8:55pm
Here are three peculiar "facial tattoos" for your sims. There is a swirl, a handprint, and a spider. Haha. more...
23 55k 65
i n k y.} 4 extremely dark eyeshadows
by bailelizabeth 30th Aug 2007 at 8:45pm
Since I've gotten about 392492384029384023984 requests for these pitch black gothic eyeshadows that all my sims seem to have, I've more...
l a y e r e d .} .meshless.teen.female.outfit.
by bailelizabeth 30th Aug 2007 at 8:27pm
Here is a mesh free outfit for your teen females. more...
c o n s t r i c t .} .meshless.teen.female.outfit.
by bailelizabeth 30th Aug 2007 at 8:21pm
Here is a mesh free outfit for your teen females. more...
l a c e d up .} teen.female.outfit
by bailelizabeth 30th Aug 2007 at 8:11pm
Here is an outfit for your teen females. more...
s h i m m e r .} 17 eyeshadows
by bailelizabeth 25th Aug 2007 at 7:09pm
Here are seventeen new bright shadows for your sims. more...
porcelain e m e r g e n c y .} 5 eyes
by bailelizabeth 14th Aug 2007 at 1:24am
Here are five new eyes for your sims. more...
by bailelizabeth 14th Aug 2007 at 1:18am
Here are thirteen new eyes for your sims. more...
by bailelizabeth 13th Aug 2007 at 6:00am
This is just a cute lil lolita-inspired outfit for your teen sims. more...
+ e y e c a t c h e r } 19 eyeshadows
by bailelizabeth 26th Jul 2007 at 11:24pm
Here are nineteen pretty eyeshadows for your sims. 12 are multicolored, 7 are solid. more...
{doll eyes} 3 Types of Dollish Eyes
by bailelizabeth 22nd Jul 2007 at 7:15pm
Here are, as the title states, 3 types of doll-like eyes for your sims. more...
{Gloved} Mesh-free Outfit For Teen Females
by bailelizabeth 18th Jul 2007 at 6:20am
Here is a new outfit for your teen females. more...
{PVC Princess} Four Leather Minidresses for your Teens
by bailelizabeth 18th Jul 2007 at 5:55am
Here are some PVC leather dresses for your teen girls, paired with sultry lace-up boots and fishnet stockings. more...
{Toxic} Raonsims retextures//recolors
by bailelizabeth 13th Jul 2007 at 8:50am
Here are a couple edgy edits of the new-ish Raonsims 'bob'. more...