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Furnishings and decoration for your Sims' homes.
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The Carnival Set (functional) [Update 05/08/07]
by Echo updated 5th Aug 2007 at 2:26pm
Update 5 Aug 07: Thanks to Hexameter, there's now an alternate version of the carousel with beautiful music! more...
+4 packsUniversityNightlifeOpen for BusinessPets -
Farmers' Set (With harvestable crops, electric fence & social scarecrow)
by Echo 23rd Jan 2006 at 4:06am
UPDATE 3 Feb: People using non-US English versions of the game may have noticed that the pie menu options do more...
524 472k 449
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Modding Groups
6 uploads
Purity Project
15 uploads
Every night the Boogieman checks his closet for Chuck Norris!
1 upload
Purple Hat Projects
We are Echo and Phaenoh
Please don't PM this account, send it to one of us. That way, we'll get it and might even respond! :) 2 uploads