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My Policy
I no longer take requests.
Feel free to use my lots in any stories or movies you make. You may use my recolors, walls, floors, etc. that I have made in any lots that are uploaded here or to other free sites. Giving credit is always thoughtful on your part, and appreciated by me. I ask that you don't re-upload my lots anywhere, or claim them as your own.
Keep in mind that if you download a lot and it doesn't work: (a) make sure you have the required EPs and SPs, and (b) try to download again because sometimes downloads get errors in the downloading process and can't be extracted for that reason.
Flooding sometimes occurs when you place a lot with a basement in a very flat neighborhood. Just like in real life, you need to place the lot on higher ground to avoid having the basement filled with water.
My Schools
My school lots are houses. I can do nothing to make them work like schools for you because the game just doesn't see them as schools. Even if you change them to community lots, they will still not be schools. This is not my fault - blame Maxis/EA. If you want to play one of my lots as a school, leave it as a residential lot and use Inge's hacks from Simlogical here:
Simlogical's forum for Sims 2 is here:
P.S. I am sorry, but I'm not Inge, and I don't offer support on running a school. Please politely ask questions at the forums on Simlogical for support on using her awesome school hacks.
Feel free to use my lots in any stories or movies you make. You may use my recolors, walls, floors, etc. that I have made in any lots that are uploaded here or to other free sites. Giving credit is always thoughtful on your part, and appreciated by me. I ask that you don't re-upload my lots anywhere, or claim them as your own.
Keep in mind that if you download a lot and it doesn't work: (a) make sure you have the required EPs and SPs, and (b) try to download again because sometimes downloads get errors in the downloading process and can't be extracted for that reason.
Flooding sometimes occurs when you place a lot with a basement in a very flat neighborhood. Just like in real life, you need to place the lot on higher ground to avoid having the basement filled with water.
My Schools
My school lots are houses. I can do nothing to make them work like schools for you because the game just doesn't see them as schools. Even if you change them to community lots, they will still not be schools. This is not my fault - blame Maxis/EA. If you want to play one of my lots as a school, leave it as a residential lot and use Inge's hacks from Simlogical here:
Simlogical's forum for Sims 2 is here:
P.S. I am sorry, but I'm not Inge, and I don't offer support on running a school. Please politely ask questions at the forums on Simlogical for support on using her awesome school hacks.