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Ascarion's Visions: Shaded eyes without make-up!
by ascarion 27th Jul 2007 at 1:36am
Eyes - so it's told - are the soul's mirror... more...
Men on high heels: Callboy and Rockstar
by ascarion 6th Jun 2007 at 2:41am
Ya, it had been more a suggestion than a request by Knightskykyte to create some sexy re-colours of giantsquid2000 marvellous more...
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There's somethin' about the way u look tonite...
Policies: If you ever want to use my creations in non-payed public (like here on MTS2), feel free to do so, but...
please, never forget to give me some credits, send me much love, hugs and - if possible - pics! (I'm a curious guy!).
If you want to use my stuff/sims on any donation- or pay-site, pm me first: there are some rules! :)
Policies: If you ever want to use my creations in non-payed public (like here on MTS2), feel free to do so, but...
please, never forget to give me some credits, send me much love, hugs and - if possible - pics! (I'm a curious guy!).
If you want to use my stuff/sims on any donation- or pay-site, pm me first: there are some rules! :)