Explore Catacombs Anytime
by Petreak 23rd Jun 2009 at 11:30am , updated 23rd Jun 2009 at 7:11pm
This mod allows you to explore the Catacombs in the Mausoleum without having to wait for the Horrified moodlet to more...
Game Mods » Overrides » Tuning Mods
Picked upload! Testers Wanted: Buyable Objects that were Non-Buyable / *Updated for NL 09-20-05*
by Petreak 10th Nov 2004 at 10:45pm
I took a bunch of the non buyable objects in game and made them buyable. more...
By Function » Extracted Maxis Objects & Collections
Picked upload! Testers Wanted: Buyable Vehicles / No Moveobjects needed for Cars *Updated for EP*
by Petreak 10th Nov 2004 at 10:33pm
*Updated 04/08/2005* These are all of the vehicles in game except 3. more...