Arms at Side poses for BodyShop
by WesHowe 18th Apr 2007 at 11:00pm
In BodyShop, the thumbnail poses show the arms at the sides, but the poses used inside BodyShop are with the more...
63 150.1k 147 -
Brightening up BodyShop for a Spring Cleaning
by WesHowe 18th Feb 2007 at 8:11am
This small package file redefines the lighting used in BodyShop, making viewing and modifying your creations there a lot friendlier. more...
235 305.6k 559 -
MTS2 EXCLUSIVE-Non Default Recolorable Pet collar
by Paleoanth and Wes_h 18th Feb 2007 at 8:26am
Recolorable Pet Collar. more...
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Rancho Como Blurb
This is the seventh calendar year that I have been fascinated with 'modding the Sims 2', and helped decode some of the mesh data types, and I wrote and maintain the Sims 2 mesh plugins for the MilkShape 3D editor. I have now moved to The Sims 3, and I am working on various mesh and animation doodad thingys.
Oh, and that gal shown to the left is a cow named Lady, one of a breed called Texas Longhorn. And they are.