Date Posted: 5th May 2008 at 7:15 AM
Views: 1240
Update on Medieval Veronaville:
The image you see above is a sweet UI edit that I made, but it doesn't totally work properly yet. The image shows up fine in the neighborhood chooser, but I wanted it to show on the load screen so I know I am loading the right game! The other day I downloaded a country roads terrain mod, and while it was pretty, I didn't love it. I edited the images a bit and now I'm TOTALLY in love with the roads in my hood. As for the hood itself, I've completed enough preliminary work outside the game (genetics, finding hacks, clean hoods) to start work inside. So far I have gone through and 'cleaned up' all the houses in the neighborhood, I delete out furniture and replace ugly carpets.
I've also given the Summerdreams their new Enayla fantasy skins and new elf/nymph outfits. I've also just finished making over both the Capp and Monty Manners and their residents. I've chosen a dark green as the Capp Color and dark red for the Montys. Next on my to do list is divide up their extreme wealth to their extrended families and get them settled in and changed clothes. And not a moment to soon either, I nominate Albany Capp's household for WORST DRESSED SIM FAMILY EVER. I plan on moving the two Capp households into the two empty large manners on the Capp side of the river and the two Monty families into the two empty large manners on the Monty side of the river. If they had enough money to do that from the beginning it might have been a little more obvious that that's where they belong!
I plan on creating 'serfs' and 'merchants' or 'artisans' for my town as well. They will be beholden to the family on who's land they live (side of the river). I haven't really worked out all the details on that yet, but I'm working on it. I decided to include Pets in my AnyGame even though I originally planned against it. I remembered all the great farm animal 'pets' that I've downloaded and just couldn't keep them out of it. I plan on having farmers grow crops and raise animals (sheep, lambs, pigs, and goats) I've seen more pets made to look like animals, but these are the best in my opinion and the most appropriate for my game. Most farmers will come to work on their lords land (thank you OFB!) and garden (thanks to a hack over at Paladin's Place.) Thanks to two other hacked objects from the there the farmers will also be able to pack their produce (and fish!) into cute little sell-able crates. A few farmers will 'own' their own farm, but they will still have to pay taxes to their lord.
The next class will be the merchants and artisans. These people will not be farmers but instead potters, tailors, barbers, painters, carpenters, and crafters. They will also include townspeople with 'jobs' such as the Midwife, the Tinker, bakers, innkeepers, 'town ladies', drunkards, and such. Many of these characters will only be providing flavor to the town but I'll try to see it that everyone has at least some purpose, like the Midwife will show up for births but also provide medicine for people who are sick. I'm thinking about getting a hack for deadly diseases, Maxis illnesses are a joke and this hood is supposed to be in the same time frame as The Plague. Some of the town buildings I'd like to see pop up in my new hood include a bakery, market, carpenter/blacksmith, tavern/brothel, orphanage (plague victims' kids have to go somewhere!), inn, convent/school, and a graveyard.
The next class is the extended families of the Capps and Montys, basically the families that start out in the sim bin. They are part of the family so they should get special treatment, but only one person can be the lord (or lady!) at a time so, they can live free of rent in their own house and employ their own servants. (Servants is another job for the middle class, I need housekeepers, cooks, and gardeners) I haven't completely figured out the economy of the hood yet, as far as who pays what to who for what, and it's still kinda shady on what the Family is supposed to do all day. Oh, that reminds me, NOBODY is getting a Maxis job, and I've made a mod to make sure no one wants to be the 'Top of Whatever' career as their LTW. I really like trying to fulfill those, and I didn't have the heart to tell my sims that no, they could never be a Superhero. I'm thinking that the upper class could be teachers of the arts; music and dance teachers, scholars, and maybe painters. Like I said, don't really know yet.
The Summerdream's are my inspiration for supernaturals. I think I'll be adding in a few more elves, nymphs, and satyrs to my hood. They will live off the land and not pay rent to the lord. I don't really know what they will do either, enjoy their FreeTime and skill up Gold Gardening badges prolly. I don't want to add in too many of these, because I still prefer the slightly more realistic side of things. The Summerdreams have enough money to finance en devours such as building a woodland retreat and they will also possibly build a park for the town.
As for the future of Veronaville, its looking like Romeo and Juliette will indeed get together, and as she is the heiress and he is the second son, they will be inheriting the Capp Manor. Mercutio will be the next Monty lord but I haven't decided who his companion will be, there are a few Capp girls, but I'm kind of intrigued with the idea of giving him Tybalt. As soon as Puck is an adult, Tatiana, Oberon, and Bottom will be moving back to the forest so he can offer the Manor to Hermia. Now that Tatiana and Oberon have their fantasy skins and nymph outfits, they don't feel quite right in that house anyways. Puck's skin doesn't have leaves or designs on it, but he is not a natural color. Hermia enjoys it. Kent Capp and Bianca Monty will eventually get together but not before Romeo moves in with Lady Capulet. Not sure if she will still be young enough to have kids but she should have time for at least one or two I think. I'm going to try to keep the town decently time synced. I'm not going to be obsessive about it though, that doesn't sound fun to me. Antonio is going to stay at home to raise the twins, I'm hoping that works, depends on how the Monty funds get divided. Though, I'm pretty sure those kids will need a Governess, I'll think about that. The large Capp family is going to be emulating I believe Nostra Damus's family. He had like 16 kids and to get away from the noise built himself an observatory on the roof. I check in SimPE and Albany's thing is Science, so its pretty darn sweet. I'll be replacing his pimp coat with another equally embarrassing, but period, cloak, fit for any Man of Science. Not sure what Regan and Whats-his-face have in store for them, I really hate playing the work-a-holic no-time-for-kids type sims. And since I'm taking away their jobs, what will they do instead?
Well, thats it for now!
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