Just finishing up on plumbing
Date Posted: 11th Feb 2007 at 8:30 PM
I have uploded 4 plumbing downloads; 2 have been approved, 2 are waiting for approval and I'm working on 1 more group.
Probably won't get too much done today since my son is using my computer for his school report on the state of Washington.
But I will be going back to the Halal market and getting things done there soon enough. I have also thought about doing what I called "the Sultan's bedroom" based on a tv show I saw last year.
Should be fun.
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Date Posted: 10th Feb 2007 at 5:40 PM
Well between school, family, the activist things I'm involved in and the face to face gaming I do (board and card game - which we will be at a convention for in two weeks). I haven't really been able to focus on uploading the masjid.
The problem comes again that I cannot make the file be sometthing readable for clean installer.
It doesn't seem to matter what I do. oh well -- guess I'll have to give you just the pieces.
But I'm sure you'll really like the pieces!
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American Mosque (Masjid)
Date Posted: 5th Jan 2007 at 1:58 AM
I have created a new mosque that was supposed to be my gift to mts2 for Eid ul-Adha ... but I couldn't and still can't get clean installer to even see it to clean it ... instead of getting the icon mts2 says should be there, I get a "jack in the box."
I will upload, today or tomorrow hopefully, all the decorations I made for the masjid ... and continue to find out what I am doing wrong.
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Halal Butcher Shop and Bakery (Grocery and Resturant too, maybe)
Date Posted: 18th Dec 2006 at 8:16 PM
I'ved been working on a Halal Butcher shop and a Halal Bakery (one might even say "halal grocery store." Hopefully I will have it up in a few weeks.
I've been emailing another creater here on MTS2 about the work she's done in the area of modding food - (I'm not going to say her name yet because I haven't asked her if it's okay) -- she is currently updating some of her pre-OFB sets for the butcher shop.
We talked about doing some Middle East, and Sub-continental breads, pasteries and sweets too and she has agreed to do them. (Both of us enjoy expanding the Sim2 world to help brin understanding to the real world.)
So hopefully within the year we should see some:
Bird's Nest
ghulab jamin
and maybe even some:
saffron rice
Baba Ghanouj
Aloo gosh
chicken tandori
kheema matar
I may even take a stab at modding again .....
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Letter Lights
Date Posted: 15th Dec 2006 at 5:45 PM
Okay so here I am working on my "SimMart" when I see that I downloaded a few english letters that have been made into lights (Letters like "S," "M," "A," and "L") - so I'm thinking "great!" I don't have to make but I don't have enough of the letters to spell "SimMart" -- good news is that I pretty much only download from 4 places -- 2 places are only for clothes and the other two are "the sims reasource" and here.
I go hunting, through both sites and I can't find them. Does anyone have a clue where I might find them?
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Where have I been?
Date Posted: 7th Dec 2006 at 2:33 AM
Well, besides school ... I have lost all my Sim work, pattern, in process etc. Why? Because the additional external hard drive that I have ALL my sims stuff on, well, it died.

I just haven't had the time to see if my files and all have survived. I will try during the winter break ... hopefully I will have more stuff to post.
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In queue 120 hours
Date Posted: 19th Jul 2006 at 12:58 PM
No kidding! Farm Set 3 has been in the queue for 5 days
Well, hmm, I guess I'm going to have to post Farm Set 4, which will not be the corn crib as I had hoped. This is mainly because the majority of recolors are build mode stuff, and that's the queue that Farm Set 3 (mislabeled Barn Set 3) is stuck.
So after I get home this morning I will finish the curtains and the comforters and post them for Farm Set 4.
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96 hrs - still in queue
Date Posted: 18th Jul 2006 at 1:56 PM
It has now been 96 hours that Farm Set 3 has been in the queue, waiting for approval.
I don't know when it's ever going to be approved or resolved.
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Oh it is hot ta day
Date Posted: 17th Jul 2006 at 7:59 PM
So I'm sitting here in front of the fan, debating whether to join my sons in the pool or work on sims recolors and play a bit.
I really don't want to move out of this space, because, well, I'm right in front of the fan.
I'm still waiting for the "Farm Set 3 - Hen House" (which I mistakingly labeled "Barn Set 3") to be approved. I uploaded it 14th Jul 2006 01:34 AM - but it still sits in the queue.
I don't want to upload "Farm Set 4 - Corn Crib and Silos" until set 3 has been approved.
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It's says I have to have a title
Date Posted: 13th Jul 2006 at 1:26 PM
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, (okay I can have a journal)
11, 12 . . . 20 (I can have two journals) 
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 downloads
I think I qualify for a journal -- just wanted to make sure I don't tick Delphy off.
I am working on a hen house and then finishing the barn . . . well lots of work being done on that.
I am still stuff on the Muslim prayer clock, but too timid to ask for help. I have it made in milkshape, even textured, which was fun (but a pain) but can't seem to get it into the game. I also have all the .wav files ready to import so that the "clock" can play the call to prayer and some verses.
It's made from the boom box, which has since disappeared from my game. If I can ever get this to work and into the game I would eventually like to try making a prayer clock from the grandfather clock and learning hacks so that I can have it play at certain times during the game.
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