Retired from creation : A few explanations

Date Posted: 20th Mar 2011 at 9:09 AM

I received quite a lot of messages regarding my retirement from creation. First, thanks to all of you for you interest and then let me explain a few things :

I have noticed that whatever I am doing for the Sims 3 on MTS doesn't have a great success (Yes, perhaps except the Flea Market) This means that my style of building is no more welcome here and I feel useless to fload the MTS' pages. That's the reason why I am retiring from here, but I'll keep on commenting of course.

On the other side, my work have been seen and selected to be published on the French Official Sims Magazine (which is a real paper magazine send in the book shops) This is such a great honor, wow !! They first took one house, then another one and are now asking for more... Great success over there lol ! So I really have to concentrate on what I am building for the magazine as their criterias are very high and the lots presented always have to be totally original.

To all those who can't get the magazine I'll provide downloading links separately.
Comments 2
Retired from creation...

Date Posted: 16th Mar 2011 at 6:43 AM

... And gone with the wind

Thanks to all those who left comments, thanked and downloaded my work.

(I am aware no-one will read this... But it is said lol !)
Comments 3
Oops ! It's been a long time...

Date Posted: 5th Oct 2010 at 11:14 AM

Just noticed it's been a long time since I last wrote in my journal... I've first been playing like never with he WA EP (what a blast !) Then lost a bit interest with Ambitions and started building (my favorite hobby) like a crazy (huh, lol !) trying to find new ways to create no effects, etc., etc... You start knowing me

The for a reason I ignore all my thanks comments turned to feedback posts and little by little I started browsing my thread to change it. It was like a travel in the past until my very ugly beginnings

I noticed some of my best fellow simmers are gone and I will regret them...

I also found new fellows and wow, it is nice to have met them.

Little by little my number of downloads increases (with only 10% of thanks... yes : it seems to be the same for everybody...)

Well, I am happy to be part of the great MTS community and I want to thank you all again for your nice comments, help, support and for having trusted my work and downloaded my files.
Comments 0
My Sims3 White villa has been featured on Bine Sims revue

Date Posted: 26th Jun 2009 at 7:36 AM

I have posted this villa either here on MTS but also on SapphireSims2. It has been seen and featured from the people of Bine Sims Revue.

Here is the link

Oh, I am so happy !
Comments 3
Promoted Featured Artist on Sapphire

Date Posted: 15th Jun 2009 at 8:10 AM

OmGosh ! Can't beleive it ! Can't refrain to share my hapiness with you too...
Comments 1
Featured Lot on Bines Sims Revue

Date Posted: 28th May 2009 at 5:29 PM

On May 23, 2009 my lot Simstuga Island Emerald's Plantation has been featured on Bines Sims Revue.

If you want to have a look at it here is the link :
Comments 1
To all of you a big thanks for your support

Date Posted: 6th May 2009 at 8:05 AM

In 8 months, between September 8, 2008 and today May 6, 2009, you have downloaded my creations a little more than 86,000 times. I was not expecting it at all !

So I want to give you all a very special thanks for your trust and support and I hope you're all enjoying my stuff in game.

Thank you so much
Comments 2
Promoted Star creator

Date Posted: 20th Feb 2009 at 7:21 AM

Promoted Sapphire Moon Star Creator on Feb 19, 2009
Comments 2

Date Posted: 16th Jan 2009 at 12:01 PM

- An Iced Set of Walls and Floors, featured by Bines71- sims 2 at

- Chinese Dreams - a set of walls and floors, featured by Sapphire Sims 2 at

- Minus 25 Celsius - Residential Lot - featured at Sapphire Sims 2

- Candy Bay 1 - Residential Lot - featured at Sapphire Sims 2

- Bathroom walls "La Vie en Rose" - featured at Sapphire Sims 2 feb 18, 2009

etc, etc...

Thanks to all of you for your nice comments and support.
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