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Upcoming Submissions (Hopefully)

Date Posted: 29th Aug 2006 at 6:48 AM

Here's a list of some projects I'm hoping to start, and some things that I've finished already.
Caludias v4.0
Rei, my new Model
Melyanna & Rontu: Re-release
Sim of Ayame from "Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven"
Sim of Aelia from "Valkyrie Profile"
Centaur, Satyr and Faerie Mesh Recolors
And some other random things.
Sorry to be so vague, but I'm tired! As always, thanks for all the comments guys! <3
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Updates, Mon. July 17th 2006 @ 10:45 P.M.

Date Posted: 18th Jul 2006 at 6:15 AM

Hello there, everyone! Here I am; happily mod-ing away.
Now, I know I haven't submitted anything in awhile; but that is going to change. I have a big back-up of sims, clothing, accessories, and even a recolor of one of Louis's skintones to submit.

I have a HUUUUGE list of sims to submit, too long to post here. They're coming, though; don't worry!
Also, Clothing to come:
Phantasy Star Online: Red HUnewearl Clothing (This one is almost done, I just need to work out a few glitches in the alpha!)

I have more than this to upload, but I'm too tired to remember it all...I'll come back with more updates later! I'll be working on a lot of clothes soon, so I'll be trying to upload those as well!
Love you all, thanks for your constant support!
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