
Downloads: 42,447
Thanks: 598

Last Activity: 29th Jun 2019 5:41 PM
Join Date: 29th Dec 2005
Total Posts: 107 (0.02 posts per day)

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Top Download

:alarm: UPDATED - 07/15/2008 :alarm: Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, Philippines, South Korea and an Olympic flag...

5th Jul 2008 at 2:00pm in » Decorative

Sims 2 University

K!ngT!ger has 5 downloads in the following areas of our download section:

14.9k Sims 2 University

World Flags - Banners Part2

30th Oct 2008 at 3:00pm

26.1k Sims 2 University

World Flags - Banners UPD...

5th Jul 2008 at 2:00pm

9.3k Sims 2

Turkish Wall & Floor Set

10th Aug 2006 at 2:15pm

8.8k Sims 2 University

Death by Stereo - Clothing

14th Jan 2006 at 7:54pm


K!ngT!ger is not a member of any public groups

"Long live FREEDOM, where I come from, place that I call HOME!"(Ignite - A Place Called Home)

Biography: 18 years old... Location: Budapest, Hungary Interests: Formula1, History Occupation: study...

Games owned: The Sims 2: Sims 2 University Nightlife Open for Business Pets Seasons + 2 SPs