
Downloads: 3,391
Thanks: 296

Last Activity: 29th Aug 2010 11:28 AM
Join Date: 5th Jan 2009
Total Posts: 2,899 (0.49 posts per day)

Top Download

Here is a set of three mouldy tiles for your sims' bathrooms, because not every sim has a clean house.

31st May 2009 at 9:08pm in » Walls and Floors

Sims 2

Beata125 has 2 downloads in the following areas of our download section:

13.4k Sims 2

Dirty tiles for poor sims by...

31st May 2009 at 9:08pm

15.7k Sims 2

*Requested* Male's wetsuit!

19th Apr 2009 at 4:52am

Uploading terms:

  • May be uploaded on pay sites if upload is free.
  • Do not upload to the Exchange.
  • Share only on MTS2.
With my recolours:
  • You may include with Lots.
  • You may include with Sims.
  • Do not recolour / can not be recoloured
  • Do not re-use my textures for unrelated projects.
With my walls/floors:
  • You may include with Lots.
  • Do not recolour / can not be recoloured
  • Do not re-use my textures for unrelated projects.
General terms:
  • Please give credit with a link when using my work.
  • Ask me first before modifying/using.
  • Let me know if you use my work.
  • Onoz!! Zmobies!!!


Beata125 is a member of the following groups:

Do you love going to movies? Yeah. I do too. Talk about all the new epic (or awful) films and why they rock so much (or suck SOOO bad)!
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A place for us teenage MTS users to hang and talk.
A group for people who love the Twilight series. Talk about your Twilight sims here.
Yeah we're divas, but we ride like big boys do.
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For all Twilight Fans!
If you're polish and you're trying to find your native corner somewhere, this is your place!

Like, whatever.
My nickname is Eve

Biography: Crazy random and OMG MILKSHAKES!!! Location: South West England Interests: The sims 3, rugby (to the americans-football), majoretttes, drama, dancing, music, reading, talking Occupation: 9th grade :P

Games owned: The Sims 2: Sims 2 Nightlife Open for Business Seasons Bon Voyage Free Time + 1 SPs

The Sims 3: Sims 3