View Single Post in: Modding - Floor Tile: Settings for 2-sided/doubly-sided, animated, caustic pool-tile, and/or pool-surface-tile tiles (20070106 Update)

Mad Poster
Original Poster
#26 Old 11th May 2006 at 10:07 AM
Thanks a big bunch, Inge...

I've to announce, animated floor tiles are possible...! See the attached... Not completely a surprise if the rationale floor tiles are some recolour packages is at least pragmatic, but I failed to make it back to the very beginning of March.

Necessary changes or additions or replacements
1. txmt type = StandardMaterial
2. stdMatLightingEnabled = 0
3. minimum amounts of txmt animation properties. (Say, if the animation type = tile, only those properties related to "tile" animation are needed.)
Thee're the 3 essential ones.

Changes in performances:
1. Tile-scale limitation is now done by the tile-animation property "stdMatTextureCoordAnimNumTiles"
2. like the ceiling/doubly-sided tiles, hard to make them dark like normal tiles...

For those beginners, may read these threads for handy infos;
1. Frillen's Tutorial: Transparent Floor tiles
2. JWoods' Modding InfoCenter - Creating an Animation Cell Re-Color
3. Animation via texture-rotation
Don't forget, you can ask questions.

For other infos, may check out this post

If a mirror floor tile can exist, that may also mean object recolours can have a mirror property. Floor tile does act like an object recolour.

Wallpaper is just too recalcitrant to be modded, and seemingly all those listed properties are nothing more than some re-enforced or dysfunctional lines. I've followed the Cel-shader info sheet to try to modify the wallpaper, and nothing visually significant happened. Or, maybe I did it wrongly.

That Cel-shader sheet is from the TS2's .../materials/materials.package, the 11th file of its kind.
Attached is my extractions of all those scripts in rtf format.

I've tried switching its txmt types to all I know, but still nothing happened.


The present mirrory tiles won't work without a normal mirror in the lot nearby. This's very similar to that the animation of pool tiles and pool wallpapers (enabled to select by means of modding their scripts in the Catalog folder) requires a pool nearby in the same lot to work.
Probably, there're some other triggers missing in these instances.

This post will be updated for more infos on animated tiles.
Attached files:
File Type: rar  TS2_Materials-definitions.rar (103.2 KB, 95 downloads)
File Type: rar  Moi_test3-floor_d11f9bdd-AnimatedTiles.rar (37.2 KB, 102 downloads)