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Originally posted by Marvine on InSIMenator - posted here with additions by me
Other people and myself have spent the last two days trying to figure out a fix for the thumbnails issue with Pets made clothing for people not having the EP installed.
After fruitless attempts on my own and testing different workable but not so easy fixes by other people, it finally clicked in when sharing thoughts with Yakov (beosboxboy) and I found a quick a easy method, even if you don't have much experience of SimPE:
- Open your recolour in SimPE
- select the property set line in the top right panel
- select the "parts = ........" line in the bottom left panel
- click "add" in the bottom right panel, this will duplicate the line to the bottom of the list
- this last line being selected
- type "outfit" instead of "parts" in the right panel - no other edit needed, the number is the right one
- click "commit" and save.
You'll have to delete your thumbnails before starting the game so the changes can properly apply to the items that were already installed.
Note: The thumbnails are the files located in one of the following directoriesC:\Documents and Settings\YourWindowsScreenNameHere\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Thumbnails - *Windows 2000 & Windows XP
C:\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Thumbnails - *Windows 98 & Windows ME
Home/EA Games/The Sims 2/Thumbnails - MacOS X
* or what ever hard drive is your main Windows drive
This fixed all the files I tested, tops and full body outfits by Innocent, JayAngel, Engelchen and Cocosims (yay!!)
Now I didn't get to test this with the EP, there shouldn't be any issue but better safe than sorry... So it would be great if anybody with the EP installed gave it a try
EDIT: This fix has been shown to work with clothing, hair, and skin tones in installs of
The Sims 2 with Nightlife EP, Open for Business EP, and Glamour Life Stuff installed.
NOTA BENE: A skintone has 59 or 60 Property Sets - these must all be changed; a hair recolour package has 6 or 7 Property Sets - these must all be changed. I have not tried working with accessories or make-up yet, but I suspect the same proceedure will be required.
EDIT: doing the above process with misbehaving genetic eye colours only in the Texture Overlay XML instead of the Property Set corrected missing/misbehaving eye colours.
This fix is useful for already made content, but Numenor added a "Legacy Bodyshop" option to his BaseGameStarter here , that allows to use the base game Bodyshop to create fully compatible clothing no matter which EPs are installed.
I have only one God, Choice. If you remove the right to choose from any equation, how have you improved the world?