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#411 Old 20th Sep 2007 at 6:00 PM
Default How to Recover from LotAdjuster / LotExpander Problems
If your lot or neighborhood is corrupt after being modified, don't panic. Here are some suggestions on how to recover. But first, a ...

Do NOT put your corrupted lot into the lot bin. Several people have tried this in the past, and it only makes recovery more difficult.

Suggestion #1
If you made a backup of your neighborhood before using the LotAdjuster, as suggested, then just restore from your backup.

To help make the LotAdjuster better, please attach a copy of your original lot to the LotAdjuster download thread, so that I can determine what went wrong and fix it.

If you do not have a current backup, please make one now. This will ensure that you don't make things even worse than they are now. However, be sure that this is a separate backup and doesn't destroy any previous good backup that you may have.

Suggestion #2
This method will usually salvage any lots which were corrupted by the LotAdjuster. It works particularly well if you do it immediately after using the LotAdjuster, as soon as you notice a problem with the lot.

The LotAdjuster should have made backups of your neighborhood and lot before making any changes. Look under:

\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Neighborhoods\N###

where ### is the number of your neighborhood (see note below *). The files that you are looking for will be:

Lots\N###_LotXXX.bak (where XXX is your lot number)

If you are using the LotAdjuster V2.5 or later, the files will be:

Lots\N###_LotXXX.bkp (where XXX is your lot number)

Each of these files will have an associated file with the exact same file name, but the .package file extension. Rename the two .package files to .new and the two .bak (or .bkp) files to .package. Run your game in a window and see whether things look OK. If not, restore from your temporary (corrupt) backup and try the next suggestion.

If this suggestion managed to recover your lot, please attach a copy of your original lot to the LotAdjuster download thread, so that I can determine what went wrong and fix it.

* Note about determining your neighborhood number:
N001 - Pleasantview
N002 - Strangetown
N003 - Veronaville
G001 - Riverblossom Hills
F001 - Desiderata Valley
Other numbers are your custom neighborhoods. If you have problems deciding which neighborhood you want, I find that it helps to look at the neighborhood pictures under each neighborhood directory, named N###_neighborhood.png.

Suggestion #3
This method will usually salvage the family on a lot which was corrupted by the LotAdjuster, but doesn't attempt to salvage the lot itself.

Play a different family in the neighborhood and get them to invite your family to move in temporarily. You can also use the "tombstone of life and death" to add your family temporarily to another household. If this doesn't work, then restore from your temporary (corrupt) backup and post on the LotAdjuster download thread to see whether anyone can help you further.