
21st Sep 2007 at 10:16 PM
LotExpander Errors and Warnings
LotExpander Error and Warning Messages:
How to handle errors or warnings displayed by the LotExpander:
If you do not have a current backup,
stop now. Make a backup of your neighborhood and re-start the lot expansion at the beginning.
If you have a backup, then carefully read any warnings or errors which occur before continuing with the process. Here are the known messages with an explanation of what to do:
Error Message:
"Source array was not long enough. Check srcIndex and length, and the array's lower bounds."
This is a
fatal error which is displayed by the C# runtime; it is an indication that the program does not know how to deal with the current lot file.
What to do:
If you continue, your lot and possibly your neighborhood
will be corrupted. It is
never a good idea to continue after seeing this message.
To help make the LotExpander better, please attach a copy of your original lot to this thread, so that I can determine what went wrong and fix it.
Warning Message:
"This lot may be incompatible with the LotExpander because it is marked with a newer version of The Sims 2. The LotExpander only handles Expansion and Stuff Packs up to and including" {name of the currently supported EP / SP}.
The game files change with each Expansion and Stuff Pack released by EA/Maxis. This message is telling you that the current version of the LotExpander does not know how to handle your installed EPs / SPs.
What to do:
If you do not have a backup, stop now. Continuing may corrupt your lot and neighborhood.
Sometimes, the LotExpander is not affected by the new EP / SP and will be able to expand your lot without any problem. If you have a backup, you may want to continue and see whether the lot expansion proceeds normally. Be sure to keep your backup until you are sure that your lot is OK. If you have any problems, restore from your backup and wait for a new release of the LotExpander.
Warning Message:
"This is an unfinished Feature. You can use it to enlarge your lot on the other side of the street. After using this, don't replace the lot anymore. So you can't share it. Do you want to use this feature?"
You have checked the "Over the road" checkbox. This is an advanced feature.
What to do:
If you have a backup, continue at your own risk. Your final dialog from the LotExpander will be different than the one shown in the tutorial.
Warning Message:
"You didn't change any of this Lot's Values. So the only effect is unlocking all tiles of the lot. Tiles will only remain unlocked until you replace the lot the next time. Is this your intention?"
You have not specified any change to the size of the lot.
What to do:
If you want to expand the size of the lot, go back and increase the size on at least one side of the lot.
If you continue without changing the size of the lot, your final dialog from the LotExpander will be different than the one shown in the tutorial.
If you get a warning or error message which is not on this list, the wisest course is to stop trying to expand the lot unless you have a current backup. Please post the error message on this thread, so that I can add it to this list.