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Modern breeze by armiel
Here is my entry to the challenge. I called it Modern breeze
The house is very modern looking, calm shades of blue with black and white. Landscaping follows the modern line. Big flowerbeds give it warmth and more color. Low white fences keep everything nice and clean.
The back of the house has a patio with bbq, resting and a pool. The clean lines are followed on this side too, keeping the look united.
I tried to keep the floorplan very open. There is a small kitchen corner...
...Cosy livingroom...
... A bedroom for 2...
... and a bathroom... (no picture of that one, sorry :P)
I used absolutely no CC or store content. The house is base game compatible and I might upload it little later on. Build time little under 2 hours :P
I am not really any story teller, so I hope you got enough info in this little post.
I changed the collage picture to that other picture of the bedroom, cause of the no collage pictures rule posted (clarified) later on this thread.