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I must say I really enjoyed this. It's definitely different having to completely come up with a floor plan cause I generally follow house plans when I build.
Here's my entry.
Opted to just do a one level so it's a nice cozy little 2 bedroom house. I followed the same general color scheme throughout. Nice bright happy colors.
The kitchen and living room are open to each other so it's small but doesn't seem as cramped. We have a master bathroom open off the master bedroom. A small laundry room.
And there's one other bathroom as well. Along with a study at the front of the foundation that is separate from the house. A little home office so to speak.
And out back we have a pool with a little flower bed right against the house.
No CC was used. It was all base game and expansion items along with the Ultra Lounge kitchen items from the store. So all official.
The Simmer formerly known as Greenlea