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1675 W. Charter Hill
A Brief History:
Way back in the old times, a log home was built on tip of Charter Hill. This home, insulated with only pine needles, had every single aspect of it, made of wood. The furniture, windows, (Before glass was "in style") kitchen appliances, and even clothes; they were all made of wood. The only thing
not made of wood was the foundation. It seems like a recipe for disaster, right? Well it sure was. Only 5 short years after the home was built, a destructive wildfire broke out in the Charter Forest, just adjacent to the hill... thus the home. Surprisingly, the home completely burned down with a heep of smoke, leaving the only non-wooded thing behind: The foundation. In many years later, a young architect found Charter Hill, and it's old foundation left of a house in a time before. This young architect decided that it was
great place to build a home. Only three years later, this masterpiece took the old log's home place, standing nearly three floors high. The landscaping and vegetation thrives quite well, for the home is surrounded in soil full of ash. The home, this time, is made out of less-flammable materials, such as stone walls and a slate roof. The interior, though, still has the cozy yet functional feel of a modern-day looking cabin.
Some facts about the home:
Home Price:
$181,300 Simloans
$128,200 Simloans
Yes, one car, unattached to home
Yes, 3
-Other Special Features:
-** NO CC **
-Wine cellar just off of Kitchen!
-Many porches/loggias for your enjoyment!
-Landscaping around whole yard, to the max!
-Upstairs laundry "room", near each bedroom!
-Each bedroom has own full bathroom!
-Master Bedroom has en suite kitchenette!
-The foundation was NOT altered in any way, but "overlooks" in porches and actual house appear to have a foundation. They are not connected to anything below them, but are an architectural element to the home!
Here are some pictures:
The front of the home:
The back of the home:
The living room:
The kitchen:
The master bedroom chamber:
The first floor floorplan:
1- Library
2- Dining Room
3- Powder Room
4- Kitchen
5- Wine Cellar
6- Foyer
7- Living Room
8- Porch
9- Garage (upper left)
The second floor floorplan:
1- Bedroom
2- Bathroom
3- Bedroom
4- Bathroom
5- Master Bedroom Chamber
6- Master Bathroom
This home was a blast to make. It started with a simple idea and blew up into my first Challenge entry. I find it fascinating how different simmers interpret the foundation differently. It's amazing to see the same "base" to a home, but different "make-up". Awesome!
Also, I am planning on posting the home up for download sometime in the near future.
Thanks for the opportunity and happy judging!
mrmoo :D
Currently not able to take requests at this time... sorry!