Posts: 52
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I finally got to finish my creation for Round 2 : ) It was a rainy day, so my other plans got cancelled and I had time to work on this for a long time today. At first I tried to make a traditional house but after all the shape of the foundation seemed to be better for a modern house.
The Archy
This modern themed house was built in 2007 by a succesful bussinesman called Andy Goder, who used it as his summer home. However during the financial chrisis, which took place in 2009, Andy's company went bankruptcy so he put his house on market.
Now this lovely burgundy/white coloured house is for sale. The price demand isn't that high as Andy is desperate to sell his house.
Livingroom (The door leads to the pool area)
Kitchen and doors to additional bedroom and bathroom:
The blue-themed master bedroom:
The dining area and computer desk:
A part of the garden:
The pool area and backyard:
Unfortunately I couldn't include a pic of the additional bedroom.
Floorplans: (Sorry for the bad quality. I'm not very good at taking floorplan pics.)
Floor 1
Floor 2
2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, livingroom/kitchen/studyroom/diningroom combination, pool area, a balcony and two carspots.
Lot price furnished: 149 503 § (339 503 § with cars)
Lot price unfurnished: 92 251 §
I had a lot of fun building this lot, hope you like it : )