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Rainbow Light Beach House
-beautiful lighting
-private beach
-backyard bar
-large open deck
-fully furnished
-1 bdrm., 1 1/2 bath
Rainbow Light Beach house used to be the Rainbow Light Church. It was turned into a house after the massive scandal two years ago. Our "world famous" gay female pastor was caught in bed with Christopher Steel! I can't say I blame her, considering he is such a great guy, but we lost all of our parishioners.
Well at least there was one good outcome from all of that - A one-of-a-kind gorgeous beach house!
"OoooOOoOooOh PRETTY COLORS!" (That's what I thought after finishing the lighting.

Front View
(Foundation was left untouched. The pillars on front have a fence through the front of them for decoration purposes; there is no floor cover extending them to the porch.)
3 Levels
(There is no CC used in this house. The shelf in front of the TV is the shelf that came with Ambitions, just part of it I hid in the wall. Pictures shown throughout the house that don't look familiar are digital photo frames, with some really great shots I got around the beach. I use the moveobjects cheat quite often, so if something is questionable, just ask!)
Kitchen, Living Room and Bedroom
The bottom floor has been completely torn out and renovated, so that the shape of the living room would match up with the bedroom. The deck is wide open and airy, because who wants to be cooped up when they can enjoy the fresh air coming in off the water?
I love the bathrooms in the house. I can tell you that there is nothing better than a long, hot bath while being able to watch the waves roll in outside your window.
The bar being so close to the beach is such a convenience! Why I can't even count how many times I've gotten drunk and gone skinny-dipping in the ocean!
....what? Too much information? My apologies. Moving along...
3 Bonus Pictures
Enjoy your stay! Please don't feed the seagulls, that is, unless you want your eyeballs pecked out.
Just kidding. You can go ahead and feed them. Just sign here first.
Thanks for viewing my Round 2 submission!
- No CC used
-Base game and Ambitions
*(only minor editing to do from this point forward)