
3rd Aug 2010 at 7:18 PM
Posts: 165
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8 Achievements
Normandy, June 22, 1944
Dear Sarah,
You must be very concerned by now not having heard of me for so long and I am so sorry for that. I wish I could have let you know I am alright sooner, but things didn't go as we planned and this is the first time I am able to write to you. As you probably heard by now there is an invasion going on in Normandy for the last 16 days and for sure those days felt like years to me. I am alright now though, please don't worry too much about me.
Shortly after we landed on the beaches of Normandy, we (Frank, Marley and myself) got seperated from our battalion. For well over 2 weeks we wandered the fields in search of our own, but all we encountered were the nazi's we had to hide from. We still don't know where they are and are beginning to get worried things have gone terribly wrong.
Late last night we happened upon a nice local family that has been kind enough to let us set up base in their home.

I can't tell you how much of a blessing this family is to us! We had run out of food days ago and survived on stealing food from the fields. But even though it was well after dark when we arrived here the lady of the house was kind enough to cook a small, but extremely welcome dinner for us.

Let me tell you something about the place we are now. I tell you I want a house like this when the war is over! The kitchen clearly is the main part of the house with a small living room attached to it.

I love what she did with the bedroom. No don't worry, nothing happened. I just saw it as we checked the house.

The 2 bathrooms are small, but have everything you would ever need in them.

After some inventory we set up our base in a seperate building. It was used as storage before, but now we have made a tactics room on the ground floor and On the uper floor we found some old beds which are such a nice change from the hard ground we had to sleep on the last 2 weeks. It's not much, but it feels like heaven!

Anyway, Frank is calling me so I am needed for work again. I hope I will be able to write to you soon.

I miss you.
Yours forever,
John McKenley
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Furnished - §70.031
Unfurnished - §50.124
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