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Bonus: Lighting
Your textured and animated sim is probably looking so dark you can't see much. We need to add lighting.
1. Click on 'Lamp' in the Scene listing in the upper right. In the row of icons right under the Scene section, select the circle (World) icon. Put a check for 'Environmental Lighting'. This will brighten it up considerably.
2. Still with the Lamp selected, in the row of icons under the Scene section click the Data icon. It may look like a dot with rays coming out or it may be some other shape, depending on the lamp mode selected. In the lamp settings that appear underneath, you can try the different lamp types: Point, Sun, Spot, Hemi, or Area. I think Hemi or Sun with Specular unchecked gives the best appearance.
You can also experiment with moving the lamp around: zoom out far enough to see the lamp, which looks like an orange dot. Right-click it and hold to move it, then left-click to drop it in the new location.
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