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#1076 Old 31st Jan 2017 at 2:54 AM
Default This is gonna be hard...
I just recently started this challenge and dang I cant wait till I get married to waste my life away getting an heir!
Lab Assistant
#1077 Old 5th Feb 2017 at 4:59 AM

This is Latricia Stovall and her son Polar Stovall. Polar obviously isn't heir. I'm doing this with the 100 baby challenge.(also sorry for the picture, i couldn't figure out how to minimize it)
Lab Assistant
#1078 Old 5th Feb 2017 at 6:27 AM Last edited by LoveViolet : 5th Feb 2017 at 7:01 AM.

Latricia had her 2nd child and is pregnant again, still no heirs.

Update: Latricia had another baby boy, he had 2 of the 3 genetics, so close
Test Subject
#1079 Old 23rd Feb 2017 at 7:53 PM Last edited by Felinophila : 28th Feb 2017 at 7:57 PM.
I must have played this challenge at least a dozen times but never made it to generation 10. Maybe this time...

This is my founder Lara Glass.
She is easily impressed, neat, insane, a supernatural fan and I switched shy for dislikes children.

First born daughter Ariane is obviously not an heir:

Edit 2:
Lara is pregnant again and teaching Ariane how to walk. Since she's insane, she likes wearing her bathing suit around the house
Test Subject
#1080 Old 28th Feb 2017 at 8:52 PM Last edited by irisynthe : 28th Feb 2017 at 9:29 PM.
i just started this today (finally :D) , so far its quite fun but it took so long for my sim to woo her partner (wasted time)D:
My founders name is Septimana Sors (literally means weeks times ((i think)) as im going to base the 2nd generations on week names , and the second possibly months?)
She has mint green hair and yellow eyes and has the traits : Great Kisser , Clumsy , Artistic , Mean-spirited, and of course Dislikes Children .

Her with her partner , Jenna Sors :

Looking foward to the first child :0 , will update when i get a heir
ay , seems i most definitely got lucky as i got twins - both heirs! (now i'm going to be forced to choose between them )
Anyways, so this is Monday ( Grumpy , Insane , Technophobe ) , and Tuesday ( Insane , Hates the Outdoors , Easily Impressed)

in a strange way i'm kinda sad i didn't get to do all the weekdays ( probably be regretting saying that in later generations as i may not be as lucky )
Lab Assistant
#1081 Old 1st Mar 2017 at 3:09 PM
@irisynthe: Cool! My current PG Legacy features a female founder with light chartreuse hair and pale yellow eyes. Pics to be posted when I have time to get some processed. I'm a bit further along, my third generation heir is now a child.
Test Subject
#1082 Old 2nd Mar 2017 at 11:35 PM Last edited by Simming For Life : 3rd Mar 2017 at 12:05 AM.
Hello guys! So I am not completely new to this site, like I just made an account, but I have lurked for a while now.
I decided to do this challenge today, so my founder's name is Autumn Carter. She dislikes children, is a bookworm, and is flirty. (Forgot the other two traits.) She is doing pretty good I would say. [IMG]file:///C:/Users/brooke/Documents/Electronic%20Arts/The%20Sims%203/Screenshots/Screenshot-132.jpg[/IMG]

Btw, her LTW is Heartbreaker.

This is her baby daddy sitting in the middle of her, and her babysitter. He promptly hit on the babysitter, so him and her are through, anyways he didn't create a heir. Probably cause his dark hair was a dominant trait.


This is her holding her first baby, which sadly took after her father from his hair to his eyes.


That was before her makeover.

This is her with her new boyfriend, he has light hair so hopefully they can have a heir. I think she might be pregnant!


So I think that is it.
Test Subject
#1083 Old 3rd Mar 2017 at 12:06 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Simming For Life
Hello guys! So I am not completely new to this site, like I just made an account, but I have lurked for a while now.
I decided to do this challenge today, so my founder's name is Autumn Carter. She dislikes children, is a bookworm, and is flirty. (Forgot the other two traits.) She is doing pretty good I would say. [IMG]file:///C:/Users/brooke/Documents/Electronic%20Arts/The%20Sims%203/Screenshots/Screenshot-132.jpg[/IMG]

Btw, her LTW is Heartbreaker.

This is her baby daddy sitting in the middle of her, and her babysitter. He promptly hit on the babysitter, so him and her are through, anyways he didn't create a heir. Probably cause his dark hair was a dominant trait.


This is her holding her first baby, which sadly took after her father from his hair to his eyes.


That was before her makeover.

This is her with her new boyfriend, he has light hair so hopefully they can have a heir. I think she might be pregnant!


So I think that is it.

Also, how do I post the big pictures like some of you are.
Test Subject
#1084 Old 3rd Mar 2017 at 11:07 PM Last edited by Simming For Life : 4th Mar 2017 at 12:06 AM.
Well, here we go for update #2! I am loving this challenge so much!
So Autumn was pregnant with her husband's child. (She wanted to marry her new boyfriend, the one with the light hair).

So I sent her to take care of her Apples and Watermelons garden, (So if she wants boys or girls). They both wanted a boy, so I started her on her diet of apples.

I also let her paint some for fun.

Then she had her beautiful baby boy which she named Dylan.

He grew up into toddler, and wasn't an heir sadly.

So, I made her and Cliff (her husband) try for another baby. I think they were successful.

That is all for now, she still hasn't received her pregnancy notice. I might edit, and update again.
Site Helper
#1085 Old 4th Mar 2017 at 5:19 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Simming For Life
Also, how do I post the big pictures like some of you are.

You upload them to an image hosting site like imgur or modyourpanties, then get the image link for the picture. That link goes inside image tags like so:
{img}link goes here{/img}

Of course, the { and } changes to [ and ] in a real link.

If you are posting more than 4 pictures, the extras should go in spoiler tags, which is like the image tags except it's {spoiler}

I am Ghost. My husband is sidneydoj. I post, he downloads, and I wanted to keep my post count.
Group for Avatar Makers* Funny Stories *2017 Yearbook
Test Subject
#1086 Old 4th Mar 2017 at 1:17 PM Last edited by Felinophila : 4th Mar 2017 at 5:41 PM.
Bethaniel is not an heir either. But not to worry, Mommy is already pregnant again!

Clover is the first kid to have at least one of the traits. But still no heir!
Test Subject
#1087 Old 4th Mar 2017 at 8:14 PM Last edited by Simming For Life : 5th Mar 2017 at 1:14 AM.
Well, Autumn was preggers, and now has three beautiful baby girls. Her and Cliff both rolled wishes for a girl, and they both have the Fertility Treatment reward, for hopefully better chances for heirs.

Autumn had Ingrid, who is a Good, and Heavy Sleeper.

Then she had Iliana, who is a Couch Potato, and Clumsy.

And then there is Kimora who is a Virtuoso and is Athletic.

Autumn also found time while being pregnant to catch up with her first born, Melina Carter. She had a nice time talking with her eldest daughter.

She decided to give birth when going to visit somebody, because she was getting Stir Crazy staying cooped up in her house, taking care of a child that wasn't even her heir, and she also managed to potty train little Dylan.

Well, the day for the babies to age up was fast approaching. We were preparing, when we finally got the notices! Yay!

Little Liliana aged up first to have her father's hair and eyes, then was Ingrid who ended up having her father's hair, and Autumn's eyes (First child to actually have anything from Autumn), then there was Kimora, she aged up to look like the eldest sibling, (Melina) she had the same hair and eyes that Melina had when she was a toddler. Darn, no heir out of triplets! I thought at least one might be a heir, but nope was not my luck. Well, after that disappointment, I had Cliff and Autumn try for a baby again, and I heard the lullaby, so yeah new babies on the way! Maybe I will have a heir with the new baby.
Test Subject
#1088 Old 6th Mar 2017 at 8:29 PM
Baby No. 4, Darragh isn't an heir either. And all of the kids' father seems kind of reluctant to make any more babies. Maybe I should start an exclusive romantic relationship with him?

BTW, for the last couple of days I'm unable to just take screenshots from the "Change appearance" or "Change Outfit" screens, they just show up black; that's why I'm posting these horrible in-game pictures. Has anyone experienced that before and knows an answer?
Lab Assistant
#1089 Old 21st Mar 2017 at 2:34 AM
Finally! Processed some pictures to share the adventures of my Perfect Genetics founder, Chartreuse DeGreene, and her descendants.

Chartreuse has chartreuse(!) hair and pale, lemon yellow eyes.

I have found that it's just as hard for my Sims to find suitable mates in the game, as people report it is in real life. But, Chartreuse did meet and marry Buck (Broke). How he appeared when they first met:

Their first child, Midori, inherited her dad's hair color so could not be the heir.

After they married, I realized that Buck was quite a bit older than Chartreuse, and even had a daughter and granddaughter from his late wife. But he was quite ready to have a second family with Chartreuse, and in fact daughter Susie and granddaughter Stella stayed in the family home for a good while, helping to care for the new youngsters.

The second child, son Viridian, also could not be the heir. While not clear in this picture, he had the wrong eye color.

Next attempt produced twin girls, Peridot and Emerald. They, too, could not be heirs.

Trying again, there was a boy, Leif. Chartreuse was clearly fed up with this pregnancy gig!

But fate finally favored the legacy, as Leif qualified as a legitimate heir.

I've successfully played into another couple generations, but those pics will have to wait for another day.
Test Subject
#1090 Old 7th Apr 2017 at 12:57 AM
Hope bumps aren't minded, plan to do this but with a twist of merging it with some other challenges. Such as the "Dilute Ugly Gene" and, perhaps, the Asylum-challenge.

Secondly, here's another suggestion for more of a challenge: Some hair has at least 4 areas for color, Roots, tips, main hair, and highlights. Color each differently for more of a challenge.

Now, I have a question? I have the MTS Mods such as "Romance and Passion" as well as NRaas mods.
Field Researcher
#1091 Old 24th Apr 2017 at 9:01 AM Last edited by Manna2710 : 24th Apr 2017 at 10:28 AM.
Still on this challenge, now playing the 6th gen. I combined it with some other challenges to keep it fun. So far i used:
- runaway teen challenge with heir gen 4 (female)
- inpregnate the town challenge with heir gen 5 (male). He was up to 14 children when i moved away heir nummer six.
- escape to nowhere challenge with heir 6 (female). She is just a kid but her stepmom took her away with her toddler half brother and teen stepbrother. Dad was cheating and abusive so the stefmom ran away to Twinbrook. She had to leave one of her toddler twin babies behind. The are living at the junkyard and having a hard time. I got the 'taxi charge money' MOD installed so money is going fast

I just love to combine challenges so i don't have to abandon a save. Just move to an other town (Nraas) and use the heir in an other challenge. I will post pictures soon.

Test Subject
#1092 Old 18th May 2017 at 7:09 PM
Pretty new to challenges and this one seemed fun so decided to give it a go!
Meet my founder, Kristal

Kristal is an albino with white hair and red eyes. She's an animal lover, frugal, inappropriate, workaholic and of course dislikes children.

She met Stiles Mcgraw first day she moved to this new city and they became married the next day.

He kinda looks like he might be regretting the decision

This is their first son Dylan.

He's just become a teenager and has his mother's hair but sadly his father's grey eyes. So far he's excitable, a heavy sleeper, loves the cold and a perfectionist. He loves his siblings dearly and helped his parents in anyway he could during his childhood by either cleaning the house, feeding his siblings or playing with them.

Speaking of siblings these are the twins that came after Dylan, Liam and Ruby!

Liam (the older of the two) has his mother's red eyes but mutated black hair. Ruby as you can see will become my heir (talk about lucky haha) as she got both the white hair and red eyes!
So far they've just become children and Liam is so far artistic, grumpy and a kleptomaniac making him the loner of the family. He sometimes ends up in fights with either his siblings or parents and prefers to stick to painting whenever he can (but he does kinda look up to his big brother seeing as he's imitating his hairstyle)
Ruby on the other hand is quite different. She's clumsy, easily impressed and friendly, making her the clutz with a heart of gold <3

Can't wait for Ruby to grow up to see if I'll have the same kind of luck getting the next heir :D
Lab Assistant
#1093 Old 25th May 2017 at 4:29 AM
I already have my first heir(first born was my heir) and it's their son ;D I still need to continue playing that family, their son is still a kid.
Lab Assistant
#1094 Old 14th Jun 2017 at 6:28 PM
So I decided to go the hard route and match 3 traits. She has purple hair, green skin, and yellow eyes. Six kids in and no luck yet. When she had green-skinned triplets I crossed my fingers but no luck! I have the feeling I'm in for the long haul.
Lab Assistant
#1095 Old 16th Jun 2017 at 2:36 AM
Wanted to start this challenge for a while to have something more casual besides my legacy.
My founder has purple skin, white eyes, and turquoise hair. If a kid also happens to be a fairy and have her pointy ears that'd be awesome, but I'm not going to try to match 5 traits, I do want to have an heir eventually

There's also a lilac striped dog with stars on her face and a cat with a blue butterfly on her head. I will breed them when there's nothing else to do.
Close-up of the parents; the founder and Mysterious Mr. Gnome with normal genetics but not so normal personality:

These were the first children. The boy has the skin tone and eyes, the girl has skin tone and hair, so neither is an eligible heir. But I do think they're quite pretty!
Also the boy is friendly and evil, don't ask me how that makes sense.

Child #3 was born recently but unfortunately with normal skin.
Field Researcher
#1096 Old 16th Jun 2017 at 6:26 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Nocriel
Also the boy is friendly and evil, don't ask me how that makes sense.

Maybe he's affably evil.
Lab Assistant
#1097 Old 25th Jun 2017 at 9:28 PM
8 kids and no heir yet...I'm really regretting trying for 3 traits. May start over and just do 2.
Test Subject
#1098 Old 7th Jul 2017 at 1:34 AM
I might actually do this! I was doing a Ugly Redux challenge...but the thread is pretty inactive. Expect some pics soon!
Test Subject
#1099 Old 8th Jul 2017 at 10:57 PM Last edited by MoonBlueDJ : 8th Jul 2017 at 10:58 PM. Reason: Pics not working

This is Elora Moreau. I only created her today. I maaaay play her today, but probably not until Monday.
Test Subject
#1100 Old 11th Jul 2017 at 7:35 PM
Default Correcton! Her name is Arabella, not Elora, lol!

This is a headshot of the beauty :lovestruc

This is her and Christopher Steel. They got along quickly and she's pregnant with his baby She wants a girl.

Now this is her fishing. I forgot to mention this but her traits (other than Dislikes Children) are Angler, Exciteable, Computer Whiz and Charismatic.

That's all for now!
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