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Lab Assistant
#201 Old 5th Feb 2018 at 4:18 AM
I would need two big glasses of tequila!!! I love how you put random things like that in your story!!
Original Poster
#202 Old 5th Feb 2018 at 6:28 PM
I love seeing y'alls theories and speculation--I've actually gotten some great ideas from them! And it is so fulfilling to read that y'all are invested and interested in the story! I can't thank you enough!

Quote: Originally posted by Emerald1234
the body was carls,and that woman yukianna abbadon just looks naturally evil,is she a vampire? or an advanced circe beaker?

I am not sure if I should confirm or deny that about Carl yet . . . lol

You'll get a hint about Yukionna's demeanor and personality if you google her name!

Quote: Originally posted by Shadow214
Good thing to see Dustin is okay after what happened.

Oh, me too! But I don't think even I am so cruel as to murder another member of the Broke family! lol

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Yes, she's a bad 'un (Abbadon) alright.

HAHA--I can't imagine I never thought of that! In my mind, it is pronounced, "Abba" like the band, and "don." Accent on first syllable.

Quote: Originally posted by Emerald1234
i feel stupid for not realizing the pun until now

Me too! But again, I suggest you google that word--I was looking for bad names! Also Samael and Asmodeus! That will provide hints about the personalities of this family!

Quote: Originally posted by kanzen
if Dustin and Lainey are going to La Fiesta Tech...

boy oh boy. I wanna see Angela get jealous. Not cos she loves him ofc. Just that she thinks she owns Justin ))

Now that is a really good idea. I had a bit different plan in mind for how to bring them together, but I think yours works better!

Quote: Originally posted by Mom50409
I would need two big glasses of tequila!!! I love how you put random things like that in your story!!

Thanks so much! I try to keep a bit of humor in the story!
#203 Old 8th Feb 2018 at 4:32 AM
Great chapter! Dustin is lucky he was rescued off the island by Carla!

Find all of my Challenges in MTS Sims 2 Challenges "Ye Olde" Section:
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The Medieval Charter Challenge & ROS for MCC;
The Crown of Laurels Challenge; & Besieged! New Medieval Challenge & Medieval ROS.
Original Poster
#204 Old 14th Feb 2018 at 5:29 PM Last edited by grumpy_otter : 18th Jan 2021 at 1:43 AM.
Default A Pleasant Story - Chapter Twenty Nine - The Rose Whispers of Passion

A Pleasant Story

Chapter Twenty-Nine

The Rose Whispers of Passion

Cyd Roseland came home from his job in the education career and played a game of fetch with his dog, Porthos, but as usual, his mind was on Mary-Sue Pleasant. He'd been enchanted with her since the day he'd met her at the mall, and thought of her often. Since they worked in the same career track he saw her quite a bit, but she never seemed more than simply friendly.

He went inside to make his dinner, and she continued to intrude on his thoughts. Maybe he could just call and ask her out? The worst she could say was "No," right?

He thought about it more as he ate, and finally decided he would take the risk. But not to take her out to eat—to something fun and casual.

He dialed the phone and when she answered asked her if she'd like to go bowling with him.

To his delight and amazement, she said yes!

Cyd changed and gussied up, then picked up Mary-Sue and escorted her to Sugar Cube Bowling lanes downtown. He was nervous, not least because he wasn't sure if Mary-Sue realized this was meant to be a real date, and not just friends hanging out. But she also seemed to be watching him carefully, almost judging him.

They laughed and chatted casually as they played, and Cyd felt a little worried that Mary-Sue only saw him as a bowling partner. Or as an amusing klutz.

He wanted to say something to indicate his interest in her, but he worried about coming off as too eager.

Oh well, she seemed to be having fun, anyway.

After they finished their game, Mary-Sue turned to Cyd and said, "So there is something I've been wanting to tell you. I wasn't sure how much you knew about my past, but it was kind of difficult to bring up. It's a little complicated."

Cyd smiled at her encouragingly. "I'm happy to hear anything you'd like to tell me. I want to get to know you."

Mary-Sue said hesitantly, "So you know my husband and I divorced because he was unfaithful."

Cyd nodded.

"What I hadn't told you--and this is why I never invited you home to visit after work--is that my husband got our maid pregnant, and she and her son from my husband now live with me."

Cyd stared at her. "You mean to tell me that you took in your husband's mistress and his and her child?" His voice was a little sharp.

Mary-Sue was immediately defensive. "What was I supposed to do? She was a young kid and pregnant and had nowhere to . . . "

Cyd interrupted her, "Oh, no, I wasn't questioning or judging you! I was just surprised. I think that's a really nice thing of you to do!"

Mary-Sue stepped back and fanned herself a bit. "I'm glad you feel that way. I was really nervous about telling you. I wasn't sure if you'd judge me, or think it was too much drama to get involved with. I'm glad it doesn't bother you."

"Not at all!" Cyd said. "In fact, it makes me like you even more. You did know I like you, right?" He looked at her hopefully as he waited for her reply.

Mary-Sue suddenly felt about 16 years old--an uncertain teenager. She nodded at him shyly and smiled. "Me too," she said.

"Then how about a dance?" Cyd asked her.

"Here? At a bowling alley?" Mary-Sue chuckled.

"What better place," Cyd said. "We can rock to the beat of the falling pins."

Mary-Sue laughed as she moved into his arms. Cyd was happy.

When Cyd got home, Porthos greeted him at the door and sat up as if to say, "So how did it go?"

"Just fine, buddy," Cyd told him as he stroked his head.

"How about we go out for a walk?" Cyd asked him.

Porthos wiggled and stretched and indicated his approval with a happy bark. “Let's go!" he said, in doggie language, “But first, a belly rub!”

Over the next few days, Cyd took Mary-Sue out to all the fun places he could think of. They went dancing, and roller skating, and for a walk in the park. Mary-Sue introduced him to Kaylynn and Mitch, and enjoyed watching him interact with the busy toddler.

He truly seemed to be a kind man who loved kids.

After a date playing poker, Cyd asked her tentatively if she might like to come back to his place, and Mary-Sue agreed.

As they relaxed on his bed, Mary-Sue said, "There is one thing I haven't told you. You know I have two girls in college, right?"

Cyd agreed, "Yes, Angela and Lilith."

"Right," Mary-Sue said, then continued, "So you know I must be pretty old to have daughters that age and well, I know you are pretty young and . . . "

"That doesn't matter to me," Cyd interrupted, "I don't really think about age like that. I'm more concerned about who a person is on the inside."

"I'm glad to hear that," Mary-Sue said as she snuggled up to him, "But how would you feel about it if I had two daughters in college AND I was younger than you are?"

Cyd laughed and said, "I'm not sure how you'd manage that, but sounds fun!"

Mary-Sue explained to him about the potion that Cassandra had given her and how it had made her much younger than when she started.

Cyd responded, "Well, how about we find out how well it worked? A young body with all that experience sounds . . . intriguing."

Based on his enthusiastic reaction, Mary-Sue figured Cyd thought her young body and old brain worked just fine.

As she left to go home, Mary-Sue reflected that she couldn't have found a better cure to help her get over the many years of heartbreak she'd suffered as Daniel's wife.

When he got home from work the next day, Cyd found his friends Herb and Faith Goodie waiting for him. He had boarded with them briefly when he'd first moved to Pleasantview and they often dropped by just to catch up. This time though, they seemed concerned about something, so he invited them in to talk.

After they were settled at the table Cyd said, "So what's wrong? You two seem worried."

Faith asked him, "Have you met your new neighbors, Cyd?"

Cyd shook his head. "I thought I noticed a family moving in, but I haven't gone over to meet them yet. I've been busy lately."

Faith continued, "It's a family, but a family of orphans. They are six kids who lost their parents. The two oldest are just teenagers, and they are trying to take care of their younger brothers and sisters all by themselves!"

Herb said, "We were coming over to visit you yesterday and we noticed some of them in the yard, so we introduced ourselves. The house is a mess, the older two have to keep skipping school to take care of the toddlers, and I'm afraid social services may take them all away if they don't get some help."

Cyd said immediately, "Well I want to help. Will you take me over and introduce me?"

Faith said she'd walk him over and Herb said he'd stay behind and play with Porthos. As they walked the few steps over to the house next door, Faith told him, "Their name is Newson. All the kids have names starting with 'G.' The older two want to try and keep their family together, but they are so tired."

Cyd noticed that were lots of holes in the front yard and Faith said, “Oh, dear. I’ll bet they’ve been trying to dig for treasure to earn money.”

“It looks like a really nice house though,” Cyd said. “Why do you think they need money?”

Faith explained, "I know they had an inheritance from their parents, but they’re kids. Maybe they didn’t budget well.”

Faith rang the bell, and a girl's voice called, "Come in!" and they entered. The large main room seemed to be full of kids, and toys, and laundry, and was messy, but Cyd observed that the kids all seemed happy and clean. Two toddlers and an older boy were playing with toys on the floor, while a teenage girl and her sister were playing chess.

A teenage boy was trying to do his homework in a very bare kitchen.

Faith swooped in, calling out greetings, and introduced Cyd to the children. She picked up the little boy, Garrett, and invited Cyd to pick up the other toddler, Georgia. The teenagers Ginger and Gavin came over to meet Cyd, and then he met the middle children, Gabriella and Gallagher.

"I guess your parents really loved names that started with 'G'!" Cyd laughed.

The kids chuckled politely; this was a joke they'd heard before.

Cyd and Faith told the oldest ones that they'd look after the littles so they could get their homework done, so Gavin and Ginger sat down in the mess and got to work. It took them a long time; they hadn't had anyone available to teach them how to study.

Faith worked on cleaning the kitchen while Cyd began on the living room.

When they'd finished, Cyd sat down to play a little chess with Ginger and talk to her about their situation.

"I'd really like to focus on my studies," she told him, "But it's hard with all the kids to take care of. This house we got was maybe too expensive, but Gavin and I thought a nice safe place to live was important."

Cyd nodded. "And what would you like to do when you grow up? Do you have career plans?"

"I LOVE gaming," Ginger told him, but I am not sure if I'll ever be able to get started. I need to see all the younger kids off to college. But that’s why I practice my chess all the time—so I can get a gaming scholarship."

"Maybe we can come up with something to make it easier for you," Cyd told her.

"Let me help you right now," he said. "I think Georgia is ready for the potty!"

Ginger was happy to let Cyd take care of it, and continued practicing her skills.

Then he got a bottle for Garrett, and was tickled by how cutely the baby bounced when he saw his dinner coming.

Cyd then put Garrett to bed while Ginger washed up and went to bed herself. Before she climbed in, she thanked Cyd and Faith for helping out.

"It's nice to go to bed without worrying about the little ones for once," she said through a huge yawn.

Cyd looked around the upstairs, and thought there would be plenty of room for another bed in there. He didn't think he wanted to leave these poor kids alone to struggle.

He spoke to Faith about possibly moving in to take care of the kids for a while. Faith said, "I can come over and help with cooking sometimes, and Herb can help with gardening and fixing things. But I think it's wonderful for you to offer to stay with them, Cyd. Herb and I thought about doing that, but keeping up with six kids would be a bit much at our ages."

He then proposed his idea to Gavin.

"It seems to be really hard for you guys," Cyd said, "And I was thinking I could maybe move in with you for a while to help out. Until the little ones are older, at least."

Gavin seemed thrilled with the idea. "That would be great! Ginger and I are exhausted half the time, and our grades suck. I'll have to ask her about it, though."

Cyd told him that would be fine, but that he'd plan to stay there for the night at least, and watch the toddlers tomorrow so Ginger and Gavin wouldn't have to skip school.

He and Faith said goodbye, and Cyd told them he'd be back once he had locked up his house.

Back home, he found Herb and Porthos practicing “play dead.”

He and Faith filled Herb in on the plan but Cyd started up suddenly. "What about Porthos? I don't think it's a good idea to bring him there--there's too much chaos right now."

Herb spoke immediately, "He can stay with us. He and I are good friends and it will be nice to have a dog around again."

Herb and Faith said goodnight, and Porthos trotted along with them happily. He liked everybody.

Cyd then picked up the phone to call Mary-Sue and let her know about his new possible living situation.

"I just couldn't leave them all there alone. I hope you understand," he told her.

"Of course," she said. "I know a little about taking care of people in trouble."

Cyd packed a bag and headed next door. His first step was to finish cleaning up the living room.

Then he took care of the toddlers during the night so Ginger and Gavin could sleep, and when the middle kids woke up, he helped them learn how to do their homework.

When Ginger woke, refreshed for the first time in months, she was delighted to agree to the plan to have Cyd stay with them. Gabriella asked if Cyd would swing her around before the school bus arrived and they went out in the yard.

The kids went off to school after the bus arrived and and Cyd called off from work so he could stay with the toddlers.

He was surprised at how easy he found it to care for the children while cleaning and organizing the house. He called Faith over to direct the new decor they needed, and she and Herb were happy to contribute some furniture. Faith got a bit carried away in the kitchen and completely redecorated it.

When Gavin and Ginger got home from high school, Cyd ran out excitedly to greet them.

First he showed Gavin the garden plots he'd installed; Ginger had told him that Gavin loved nature and Cyd wanted him to be able to enjoy his hobby. Gavin immediately started composting the plots.

Then he showed Ginger how Faith had gotten new seating for her chess table, as well as a comfy couch and chairs for a study area.

He'd also organized the art supplies near the easel, and the whole area now looked tidy and welcoming.

"And now," Cyd said to them, "Time to learn how to study so your homework won't take so long anymore!"

Gavin went first while Ginger played with her chess set, then after a brief break to potty-train the toddlers, it was her turn.

Gabriella and Gallagher got home then, and introduced Cyd to their friend Anthony, who really loved space.

Faith and Herb came over that evening, and Faith offered to make dinner for the family. Cyd happily accepted, as his cooking skills were not yet beyond much more than mac and cheese.

She asked Cyd how everything was going and he shrugged, "I really can't believe how easy it is. I thought six kids would run me ragged, but they are so smart and so fun--and so helpful, it doesn't really seem like work. Georgia's a bit grumpy, so she's less cooperative with her potty training, but overall everything is fine."

Faith made turkey for everyone, and they all sat down at the new dining table to enjoy it together.

Herb told stories about being trapped in a Turkish prison when he was young while the children pretended to find it fascinating.

Cyd was so impressed that these kids could be so fun-loving after losing their parents.

The next day, Cyd nearly wore out his hands clapping because ALL the kids came home with A+ report cards.

First Gavin,

then Ginger,

then Gallagher,

and finally Gabriella.

He clapped for them all as they danced and cheered in front of Cyd.

Then it was time for the birthdays of the little twins.

Ginger held Georgia in front of her cake as they all cheered for her to become a child.

Then it was Garrett’s turn and Georgia joined in the cheering for him.

Cyd then asked the two of them what they’d like for birthday presents.

"I like music, so maybe a piano?" Georgia told him.

Then it was Garrett's turn, and he chose a telescope. Cyd bought the less-expensive model; in addition to the cost, he didn't want to take the risk that any of the kids would go visiting aliens!

Garrett didn't care; he was thrilled!

Georgia went to change because she didn’t like her outfit while the rest sat down to enjoy a piece of birthday cake. Gallagher told a story about a rat named Ben that he’d met in the back yard.

Cyd listened to the kids chattering and laughing happily and thought this was the best thing he'd ever done in his life. Then Gallagher said, "When I grow up, I'd like to get married and have kids, but I'd have to be engaged first."

Ginger told him, "You don't have to be engaged first. Cyd has six kids and he's not!" Then she laughed as if it was a joke.

Cyd smiled and laughed. "Maybe that's something I should change?"

Cyd was able to go back to work the next day as he could send all the children to school together during his work hours. That evening, Ginger and Gavin offered to watch their siblings so Cyd could have a date with Mary-Sue. He told them his plan, and they wished him luck!

They met at FM, a fun karaoke bar and restaurant, and Cyd greeted her as though he hadn't seen her in years.

When they went to sing together, Mary-Sue had trouble keeping her mind on the notes. Because of her love of music, she could sing very well; Cyd not so much. But it was fun, and he knew he was off-key, and they laughed together at his ineptitude.

Mary-Sue asked him how it was going with the kids, and he filled her in on all the details.

"I feel like this is the best thing I've ever done," he told her. "And it makes me realize I'm definitely a family man."

Mary-Sue took his hands and kissed him. "That's one of the things I like about you," she told him. "But you're also a hunk," she said as she moved closer to his body. "How about we have a little woo-hoo before dinner?"

"I don't think we have time to get home and back before our reservation," Cyd said.

Mary-Sue took his hand and led him to the nearby photo booth. "Oh, I think this will do," she said as she sat on the seat.

Cyd didn't need any more persuading.

They heard some cheering from outside the booth as they were getting busy, but then discovered that they had apparently aroused the attention of the Countess!

Mary-Sue didn't want to get in trouble with THAT one, so she made an effort to charm her a bit so as not to incite the ire of the undead.

The Countess seemed placated, but Cyd was a little concerned, so he said, "Um, we need to leave for our dinner reservation, Mary-Sue."

They went to Bernard’s Botanical Dining and when they were seated, he said to her, "Well THAT was a surprise. I must admit I wasn't expecting a public romp!"

Mary-Sue chuckled. "Don't be a square," she told him, and laughed at his shocked expression.

"I didn't think I was a square," he bantered back at her. "I just didn't think YOU were an exhibitionist!"

"But you know what," he continued, "I love that about you. You are fun to be with and you keep me on my toes, and we laugh together, and we both like kids and well," he reached into his pocket and placed a small box on the table in front of her.

"Will you marry me?"

Mary-Sue admired the ring and gushed, "Oh Cyd, of course. I can't think of anything I'd like more. But what about the Newson kids? And Kaylynn and Mitch? Where would we live?"

Cyd reassured her, "We can work it out however you want. We can wait for some of the Newson kids to go off to college, and there'd be room for all of us, or we can live part time wherever. Whatever works for you, and for us."

Mary-Sue turned to him and said, "Then yes. Of course. I'd love to marry you."

Cyd stood and hugged her.

"This will be perfect," Mary-Sue told him.

Mary-Sue called a ride to go home then, and Cyd whistled happily to himself as he left to walk home. He passed the matchmaker as he left the club, and said to her, "No thanks! I won't need you!"

When Mary-Sue got home, she immediately told Kaylynn her good news.

"That's so wonderful!" Kaylynn squealed. "He seems really nice!"

"And I want you to know," Mary-Sue said, "That we both want to organize the living arrangements slowly, and you won't have to . . . "

She stopped suddenly, and gulped.

Kaylynn looked at her in concern, "Are you okay?"

Mary-Sue suddenly covered her mouth and ran for the toilet. She was in such a rush she couldn't even wait for the door to close before she threw up.

Mary-Sue flushed the toilet and wiped her face as she stood up. She stepped out of the bathroom and looked at Kaylynn.

"I know what that means!" Kaylynn said, "Congratulations!"

Mad Poster
#205 Old 14th Feb 2018 at 9:50 PM
wiggle with joy..sure glad the story goes on!

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Lab Assistant
#206 Old 14th Feb 2018 at 10:54 PM
Mary Sue and Cyd. Hmmmm.... interesting combination. If the Newsons get involved in the college shenanigans that will be fun too.
#207 Old 15th Feb 2018 at 1:33 PM
yay another baby! cyd and mary-sue seem like a great couple;but will tragedy happen? will the abbadons ruin this family too?

I May Be Life Dumb But I'm Sim Smart(mostly).
My Tumblr
Mad Poster
#208 Old 16th Feb 2018 at 3:18 PM
PS: many sims have been injured by doors. In my hood it is now against city code to install a toilet against a wall that JOINS the wall the door is on.. Looking at the unfortunate picture, the toilet at fault can be corrected by just turning it so it is ON the same wall as the door.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Original Poster
#209 Old 17th Feb 2018 at 3:52 PM Last edited by grumpy_otter : 19th Sep 2021 at 2:50 PM.
Default A Pleasant Story - Chapter Thirty - Expensive Peace

A Pleasant Story

Chapter Thirty

Expensive Peace

The Goth household was holding a vigil. Dina had not returned. Cassandra called Nina, who came over to sit with them. They felt helpless and angry. It was almost worse than a death. When someone dies, there are procedures to follow and arrangements to make. An alien abduction had no such closure. It was just a lot of waiting. Mortimer shifted between anger and sadness and despair.

The doorbell rang at 6:30 that evening and Alexander went to answer it.

He returned to the living room accompanied by Stella Terrano, who said, "Salutations to all occupants of the dwelling of Mortimer Goth. My designation is Stella Terrano and I am gratified to be summoned for the consumption of sustenance."

Mortimer jumped up to greet her. "I am so sorry, Stella; I completely forgot you were coming. We've had a bit of an emergency here. My wife . . . my Dina . . . "

Mortimer sat down heavily. He couldn't continue.

Cassandra stood and introduced herself to Stella, then explained, "Stella, my stepmother was using the telescope last night and was abducted by . . . well . . . aliens. She hasn't come back. I'm sorry we all forgot you were coming, but we have been so worried about her."

Stella stood silent for a moment, as though processing the information.

"Theft of human Dina occurred in the previous evening?" Stella queried. Cassandra nodded.

Stella continued, "Most regrettable situation has transpired. I offer reparations by removal of self from dwelling."

Stella moved as though to leave, but Cassandra interrupted her. "Oh no, won't you please sit with us? There's nothing we can do but wait."

Stella sat on the couch next to Mortimer and looked pleasantly around at the others, then spoke.

"Confusion occurs with me. Why is despondency the prevailing affectation? Alien invitations are temporary occurrences, are they not?"

Mortimer looked at her sadly. "Not in this house, it appears. This is our second abduction. The other was many years ago. My wife Bella . . . "

Cassandra took over speaking. "My mother was abducted many years ago, and never returned. And now Dina is gone also. We don't know why they haven't been returned."

"Bewilderment is essential impression. My participation is that seizing is transitory. Permanence indicates unusual glitch." Stella paused again, then continued. "Similarities between the particular theft victims would indicate solution. Were affinities shared between Dina and Bella?"

Everyone spoke at once, saying things like "they weren't at all alike except they were both kind" and "They were very different," and then Alexander's voice cut through and said loudly, "My mother was nothing like HER!"

Mortimer didn't seem to notice, but Cassandra looked at him in surprise as Alexander ran from the room. She'd thought Alexander liked Dina. Maybe he was just sad about all the trauma he'd experienced.

Stella stood and said, "Departure is required. Investigation of accomplices must commence. A narrative will be delivered upon completion of interrogation."

Mortimer said, "Let me walk you to the door. I'm sorry our dinner didn't work out. Maybe another time."

Stella turned to him brightly and said, "Agreeable conviviality at a forthcoming time would be enjoyable. Being in Mortimer's presence is gratifying. Good night."

Mortimer was startled as Stella leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek, then he waved goodbye as she left.

When he returned to the living room, Cassandra was paying close attention to Nina saying, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounded like Stella intends to talk to the aliens who abducted my sister. Is that what you guys heard her say?"

They all nodded slowly.

The next evening, Cassandra accepted an invitation to go out to dinner with Darren. She didn't want to leave her father alone, but he urged her to go. "I'll just do some reading and painting. It's okay. I want you to go. Take the car. It will be good for you to get out."

He tossed her the keys to Dina's sports car, and pushed her out the door. "Have fun," he said.

Cassandra picked up Darren and they drove to Londoste downtown. When they arrived, Cassandra took a few minutes to tell Darren about all the recent events, including what they thought Stella was going to try.

"So you think she's going to visit the aliens who took Dina?" he clarified.

Cassandra shrugged. "I'm not positive, but that's what it sounded like."

"Wow," Darren said, as they were seated. "I guess she'd know how to find them, if anyone would. But I just thought of something . . . "

Darren stopped speaking as the server approached and they gave their orders.

As she left, Cassandra asked Darren, "What was it you were going to say about Stella?"

"Oh!" said Darren. "We don't know what happens when someone is abducted, right? They are usually gone for a few hours and men sometimes come back pregnant, but the abductees have no memory of what happened."

Cassandra nodded. "That's what I've heard."

Darren continued, "My son's old girlfriend, Lilith, told him about her experience. She remembered being taken away, and remembered returning, but didn't have any recollection of what had occurred while she was gone, or how long she was gone. But your Mom was . . . "

Darren stopped at the look of sadness on Cassandra's face. "I'm sorry, we don't have to talk about your Mom."

Cassandra smiled at him. "It's okay. It just makes me sad to think about her."

Darren said, "My idea is . . . as far as we know, Dina and your Mom are the only two who haven't been returned right away. Why might that be? What do they have in common?"

Cassandra shook her head, "I don't know. Stella asked the same thing yesterday. They were very different people."

Darren went on, "I'm not sure what it could mean, but if we can find out why those two weren't returned, maybe we could figure out a way to get them back."

Cassandra looked startled. "BOTH of them? Including my Mom? I can't imagine . . . I don't know what that would do to my Dad."

"I'm just babbling," Darren said. "I don't know if it's possible to get them back. I hope Stella will bring you some good news." He reached out his hand to caress Cassandra’s but she pulled it away.

“I’m sorry Darren. I just don’t feel like . . .” Cassandra faltered.

“It’s okay!” Darren said overenthusiastically as he dug into his plate to cover his embarrassment.

They finished their meals and paid for them, and Darren admired Cassandra and said, "I know you don't want to be away from your Dad too long, but I wish you would come back to my place," he said to her.

Cassandra looked at him and then shook her head. "I don’t think that’s a good idea," she told him, "I don’t know if that’s the right thing to do.”

"I understand," Darren said.

“In fact,” Cassandra continued, “I think it would be better if we just think of ourselves as friends. Things are so confusing I . . .”

She felt bad at the look of hurt that appeared on Darren’s face, but didn’t want to continue to lead him on. She’d fallen for him in the wake of Don’s betrayal, and she just wasn’t feeling the same way anymore.

Cassandra drove Darren home, and they said farewell at his house. Their goodbye was a bit wistful on his part, as he'd been hoping his relationship with Cassandra could move to the next level, but he'd take what he could get. He was happy that she seemed to trust him and appreciate his support.

Cassandra continued driving home and suddenly noticed Alexander walking down the street. She pulled over and directed him to get in the car.

"Where are you going?" she asked him.

Alexander shrugged. "I dunno. Just walking. Dad's driving me nuts. I just wanted to get out of there."

"What do you mean?" Cassandra asked, "What is he doing?"

"Talking crazy. He's babbling about Dina and Mom and aliens. I just got tired of it."

Cassandra said, "I'd better get home and check on him. Do you want to come with me?"

"Nah," Alexander said as he climbed out of the car. "I think I'll walk over to Dirk's and hang out for a while."

"All right," Cassandra said, "But don't be out too late, okay?"

"Yeah," Alexander said as he walked away slowly.

Cassandra wanted to talk to her brother more, but she was worried about her Dad and didn't want him to be alone if he was upset.

As she pulled into the driveway and got out, she saw her Dad come running out of the house, yelling.

"What are you doing with her car?" he said angrily, "This is Dina's car and . . . "

Cassandra began to interrupt to remind him he'd told her to take it, but then he continued, "I don't think you should be driving it, Bella!"

Cassandra looked at him in horror and said, "Dad, it's me, Cassandra. Bella's gone and . . . "

"None of your excuses!" Mortimer shouted. "You shouldn't be driving Dina's car!"

"Dad," Cassandra said gently, "It's me. I'm Cassandra. Dina and Bella are gone."

Mortimer suddenly started and opened his eyes wide. Then he looked at Cassandra and actually saw her for herself.

"Oh, I'm so sorry honey. I guess I was just upset."

“It's okay Dad," she said as she gave him a hug. "It will be okay. Why don't you go up to bed now? It's late."

Mortimer nodded and moved into the house and up the stairs. Cassandra sat down heavily in a living room chair.

Mortimer began to go into his bedroom, but then turned and continued up the stairs to the roof. He looked through the lens of the telescope hopefully, and began to quietly call out, "Bella? Dina? Are you out there?"

Cassandra waited downstairs until Alexander came home and tried to talk with him, but he said he was tired and just wanted to go to bed. She kissed him goodnight and headed up the stairs to check on her father. When she found his bedroom empty, she continued up to the roof, where she figured he'd be.

He turned away from the telescope as she approached and looked off into the distance.

"I was just hoping," he said. "Maybe I'd see them."

"I know, Dad, it's okay. Come down to bed now." Cassandra took his arm and guided him down to his bedroom. He seemed confused, but followed her directions and climbed into bed.

Cassandra went downstairs to make a call.

"Information? I'd like the number for a therapist."

The next morning, Cassandra drove Mortimer to the therapist's office. Mortimer was thinking of only one thing.

They sat in the waiting area until a red-headed woman came out and greeted them. "Mr. Goth? I'm Doctor Abbadon. Lamashtu Abbadon. Would you like to come in?"

Mortimer stretched out and Dr. Abbadon sat next to him.

"So what should I say?" he asked.

"You say whatever you want. Or nothing," she replied. "This isn't like a regular doctor's office where you are being examined. I will tell you that your daughter was concerned that you've experienced some recent trauma, so if you'd like to talk about that, that's what I'm here for."

Mortimer liked her; her voice was calm and soothing.

He said, "I've lost two wives to alien abduction. I don't know where they are--they could be living on alien planets somewhere."

"How does that make you feel?" Dr. Abbadon asked. "That your wives were abducted to alien planets?"

"Well, like crap, obviously," Mortimer replied. "I missed my first wife Bella, for years, and it took me a long time to love again. Then I loved my second wife Dina just as much, and right after we got married, she was taken."

"And what do you think about that?" Dr. Abbadon asked.

Mortimer looked at her. Was she kidding?

"I think it's unfair, of course," Mortimer told her, “Losing someone to aliens is horrible and I’ve lost two.”

"It does seem so," she replied. "Tell me about your second wife. What was she like?"

Mortimer sighed as he thought of her. "Dina was very beautiful. I mean, movie-star beautiful. Everyone thought so. I couldn't believe she was even interested in me. At first I just thought she was after my money, but after I got to know her I realized that wasn't true. She even signed a pre-nuptial agreement so that I would know she didn't care about my money."

"To be clear that I understand whether or not your beliefs were realistic or fantasy, how many simoleons did you have that you'd believe Dina was a gold-digger?" Lamashtu asked.

"My family is very old and established; I have over 500,000 simoleons, plus the mansion,” Mortimer explained. “But Dina didn't want any of it. She didn't even ask me to buy her things."

"How very interesting," Dr. Abbadon said as she stood and moved behind Mortimer. "Why don't you tell me more about her. I just need to stretch a little."

As Mortimer began to speak about Dina and his love for her, Dr. Abbadon removed a voodoo doll from her inventory behind Mortimer's back and began to cast a spell.

Mortimer felt a slight tingle as the spell took effect, but not enough to feel alarmed.

He closed his eyes as Lamashtu watched with satisfaction.

She sat back down and said quietly, "Now why don't you tell me about all the things you'd like to buy? If you simply think of them, they will appear. Then you could pick them up and have them with you. I think you would like to buy many expensive things."

Mortimer answered in a wooden, almost robotic, voice. "Yes. I would like to buy things. I will buy many expensive things. It would be good to have many expensive things. Like a fish."

“No, not like a fish. Expensive things like statues, and vases. You just need to say the names.”

Mortimer began to list the most expensive items he could think of from the Pleasantview shops, and they began to appear in Dr. Abbadon's office. Periodically he stopped listing things, and she would remind him to put them in his inventory, then encouraged him to continue buying.

He bought hundreds of items until finally they heard the "ding" that meant he did not have any simoleons left to purchase more.

"Well then," said Dr. Abbadon. "That's some good work there, Mr. Goth! I think now you should stand and put all those items into a gift box for me."

"Yes," said Mortimer, in that same wooden voice, "I think I should stand and put those things into a gift box for you."

"Very good, Mr. Goth," she said, as Mortimer handed her a collection worth more than 500,000 simoleons. "Very good indeed. I think now you will forget that we've had this discussion and you will feel refreshed and much more at peace."

"Yes," he said, "I feel at peace."

"You would like to go home now and be at peace."

Yes," he repeated, "I am at peace."

Lamashtu waved at Mortimer as he exited the office, then dialed her phone.

"Hey," she said when it was answered, "You'll never believe what I got."

In the waiting room, Cassandra stood and asked her father how the therapy session had gone.

"It was good," Mortimer said, "I feel at peace."

#210 Old 17th Feb 2018 at 4:26 PM
NOOOO MORTIMER WHY!!! of course it was another abbadon...someone ought to execute them all.

stella's getting better at her english,is she mortimers next wife?

I May Be Life Dumb But I'm Sim Smart(mostly).
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Forum Resident
#211 Old 18th Feb 2018 at 4:04 AM
and they're back
#212 Old 18th Feb 2018 at 3:48 PM
Grumpy_Otter, I have to ask, have you been taking inspiration from Star Trek: Voyager's Seven of Nine for Stella's interesting sentence structure? I can almost hear Seven saying the exact same things!

And as for the "therapist", I howled when I saw the name! Definitely "A Bad 'Un", however you wish to pronounce it
Keep it up!

No need to use my full name, "Selly" will do just fine.
Original Poster
#213 Old 21st Feb 2018 at 1:44 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Selly_2009
Grumpy_Otter, I have to ask, have you been taking inspiration from Star Trek: Voyager's Seven of Nine for Stella's interesting sentence structure? I can almost hear Seven saying the exact same things!

And as for the "therapist", I howled when I saw the name! Definitely "A Bad 'Un", however you wish to pronounce it
Keep it up!

What a great idea! I am a huge Voyager fan, but I wasn't consciously aware of channeling Seven. I started with a Yoda-like idea, then used a thesaurus to find alternate words for common things. But I love that I may have been influenced by my Borg sister.

And thanks for the nice comments. :-)
Mad Poster
#214 Old 21st Feb 2018 at 7:29 PM
Talented, you are. Also tricksy

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#215 Old 21st Feb 2018 at 8:38 PM

I'm still loving this, @grumpy_otter !
#216 Old 22nd Feb 2018 at 2:04 AM
Oooo, the twists and turns!!!

Find all of my Challenges in MTS Sims 2 Challenges "Ye Olde" Section:
Vllygrl's By George! Regency Play Style/Challenge; Regency/Victorian ROS;
The Medieval Charter Challenge & ROS for MCC;
The Crown of Laurels Challenge; & Besieged! New Medieval Challenge & Medieval ROS.
Original Poster
#217 Old 27th Feb 2018 at 3:22 PM
Just wanted to say hi and sorry that my pace of posting has slowed--much like Carla and Kaylie experienced, my family suddenly and unexpectedly expanded and five new people were added to my home. So necessarily, my Sims playing has had to take a back seat to caring for all the new arrivals. But I am still working on it--it will just move more slowly for a while.

Thank you all for all the supportive comments--this has been a super-fun journey!
Original Poster
#218 Old 20th Mar 2018 at 2:02 PM Last edited by grumpy_otter : 26th Nov 2021 at 2:21 PM.
Default A Pleasant Story - Chapter Thirty One - Investigating Cows - Part One

A Pleasant Story

Chapter Thirty-One

Investigating Cows - Part One

Carla returned home from a walk to find Kaylie and a stranger sitting at the kitchen table, surrounded by tools. With a cow sitting on the far end of the table. Then she took another look. That wasn’t a stranger—it was her friend, John Mole!

She walked up behind him and said, “Well hey there Hamster. How’s it going?”

John jumped up to give her a hug. “It’s so good to see you but I will thank you to forget that old nickname!”

Kaylie said, "John was just visiting. Now that you’re home, maybe We. Can. All. Go. Out. For. A. Walk.”

Carla and John understood she was speaking for the cow’s benefit and followed Kaylie outside.

When they were gathered in the yard, John began explaining what he'd learned. "I took the cow apart and was able to confirm the listening and transmitting devices. As near as I could tell, there are two location in town with receptors, but I wasn’t able to pinpoint the exact locations. I’ll need to bring in some equipment to track them accurately.”

“The cow has no receptors itself, so it is simply transmitting audio. But what it means is that somebody at receptor locations can listen to everything going on in any place that has a cow. That is, assuming every cow is the same."

Carla thanked him for the work she'd done, then asked, "Is there any way we can identify where the cows are?"

John shook his head. "Until I can get access to the receptors, I can't trace where all the signals are coming from. So the only way to find the cows is . . . find the cows."

"That means a house-to-house search," Carla said. "I'm not working tomorrow, so I guess I know what I'll be doing while the boys are at school."

John told her to look for a small panel, where the cow's udder would be, that would indicate it was an electronic device and not just a sculpture.

"Speaking of the boys," Kaylie said, "It's time for Anthony’s birthday cake! Let's go back inside. John, can you stay and celebrate with us?"

“I wish I could,” he said as he gave her a hug, “but I’ve got studying to do. I am next in line for Head of SCIA and need to make sure to get my skills up.”

"Just watch what you say inside," John cautioned. "You don't want to give whoever is listening any private information."

As he hugged Carla he said, “If you ever want to switch over to the Intelligence track, I could use you.”

“Nah,” she laughed. “Once I’m Captain Hero I’ll be able to fly. Nothing could compare to THAT.”

They went inside and saw Anthony and Dustin having dinner together.

“You’d better not eat too much of that healthy stuff!” Kaylie said, “Or you won’t have room left for cake!”

“Oh yeah,” Anthony shouted as he jumped off his chair. “It’s time for me to be a teenager!”

Everyone gathered around to cheer Anthony on to his teenage self, blowing the noisemakers that every Sim carried with them at all times.

As they watched, Anthony blew out his candles and began his transformation.

He chose knowledge as his aspiration, since that was what inspired him more than anything. He shrugged at the clothes he was given, though.

They all sat down to enjoy some cake, then Beau cleaned up as Anthony launghingly asked, "Moms! Can I have some money to go to the mall with? I have GOT to get some better clothes!"

Carla said, “Sure, but do you want to go now with me and Kaylie? I need to get some things too.”

Anthony agreed, then Beau asked if he could go meet Tina at the park. Carla nodded and said, “I guess that would be all right. Dustin, do you mind staying with Tom?”

“Nope!” Dustin said. "We’ll have fun! But can I call Lainey and invite her for a visit? She said she'd see if her parents would let her come."

Kaylie and Carla glanced at each other, then both nodded. "That's fine, Dustin, " Kaylie said. "We'll find some space for her. If her parents are okay with . . . "

But Dustin wasn't listening anymore--he had run to the phone as soon as he heard "fine" and was already excitedly telling Lainey that it was okay for her to come.

He was disappointed however. Lainey was saying, "I'm so sorry Dustin, but my parents said I am too young to go for a three-day visit. But listen, I got accepted to college and I am going to go today. If you can also go soon, we can meet there."

"Oh gosh," Dustin said, "that would be great! Académie Le Tour, right?"

Lainey replied, "No, I was not accepted there. I got in to La Fiesta Tech. They are good also."

"Well I can go there, too!" Dustin exclaimed. He was privately a little relieved not to go to Académie Le Tour, since he knew that was where Angela had gone. He didn't really want to risk running into her.

"Well, I will leave now, and hope to see you soon," she said, and hung up.

Dustin was thinking quickly. Would Kaylie and Carla let him go to college right now?

He began explaining his plan to them.

"So Lainey is going to college right now and her parents won't let her visit and I have the Young Entrepreneur's Scholarship and the Orphan Assistance so I'll have enough money and La Fiesta is a really good school and . . . "

Carla interrupted him, "It's not the money, Dustin. It's just that we weren't expecting it so soon."

Kaylie added, "But if that is what you want, I don't think it's a bad idea. But how about you wait until tomorrow morning so we can have one more night as a family? We won’t be too long at the mall."

Dustin grabbed her and hugged her and said, "Thank you! Thank you!"

Tom was listening to their conversation, then turned and went sadly to his room. After Anthony and Moms went to the mall, Dustin went in to look at his little brother.

“I’m sorry Buddy. I’m going to miss you,” he said quietly. “But I have an idea for something I can do for you.”

Dustin went to his easel and began to paint.

Beau was having a good time at Woodland Park and in no hurry to leave for college until Tina wanted to go, too!

When they got to the mall they went to the clothing store and Carla told Anthony, “You pick out whatever you need and we’ll wait for you at the table by the vending machines.”

While Anthony was choosing his outfits, Carla said hello to Matthew Picaso, who seemed to be pregnant again, and introduced him to Kaylie.

Carla said, “So did you change your mind about the big telescope? Last I knew you had three infants and seemed fairly certain you didn’t want to get abducted again!”

Matthew laughed and explained, “Well, those two are so cute and Jessica and I both wanted a big family, so we decided to both have another!”

“So I set up the big telescope again and just waited and pretty soon they picked me up and brought me back, and I heard the happy maternity music, so I knew it had worked. It was a bit shocking, but not too bad since I knew what to expect this time.”

“And then Jessica and I tried for another and now she’s pregnant too!”

Carla congratulated him and promised they’d come visit the family very soon.

She and Kaylie went to sit down and wait for Anthony and when he was done he came and joined them and they admired his choices.

“Anthony,” Carla said, “We wanted to tell you something. When we adopted you, we had no idea that our lives would get overturned so quickly and we just wanted to say we’re sorry if you felt left out because we had to care for . . . “

Anthony interrupted them.

“I want you two to remember back to when I arrived. What was the first thing we did?”

Carla and Kaylie looked at each other, then back at Anthony.

Anthony continued, “Well, first we went to the mall and took pictures together.”

“And then we played in the playground.”

“And then you swung me around,” he said, looking at Carla.

“Then I picked out new clothes and when we got home I played redhands with you!” He looked at Kaylie this time.

“And then you helped me decorate my space room, just as I liked it. Trust me, I did not feel neglected. And when my brothers’ Mom got killed, it was fun having them with us even though they were sad. So don’t worry!”

Carla and Kaylie each gave him a hug, then Carla said, “You are the best kid in the world. Let’s go home.”

When they got back they saw Dustin and Beau hanging out in the front yard and waved and went inside.

Dustin was saying, "If you choose La Fiesta, I’ll save you space in my dorm!"

Beau looked at him seriously. “Are you going there just for a girl? Because I thought you wanted to do oceanography? You know La Fiesta Tech is in the desert, right?”

Dustin nodded, “Yeah, but I looked at their catalog and they have a great zoology program, so I could study those kinds of animals. I wasn’t really set on oceanography as a career—I was just working in that track because it was the best one. The girl is just a bonus.”

He grinned at Beau. “And wait till you meet her! Maybe she has a sister!”

Beau thought to himself that he didn’t really want to meet any other girls.

The next morning, the family gathered outside to watch Dustin while he called the college. He got his expected scholarships, then called the van to pick him up.

Tom turned his back and thought about factories, while Carla watched worriedly. She knew Tom was taking this hard. Dustin had been pretty much the only Dad he’d ever known.

Dustin told Tom, “I put something in our room for you to remember me by. And maybe you can come visit me at college once I am settled in!”

The van arrived and Tom waved sadly as Dustin left.

He turned and ran inside to see what Dustin had left him and found a painting of the picture they’d taken one day when they were goofing off in the yard.

When the school bus arrived, Tom joined his other big brothers and went off to school as Carla left to begin her cow search.

She started at the Traveller's home. In addition to looking for the transmitter, she wanted to ask about the necklace Dustin had gotten from them. Dustin had told her that he hadn't found it in the jewelry display at Twikkii Island where he thought they had gotten it.

Trent came out and greeted her and asked how all the boys were doing, and she gave him the news about Dustin going off to college, then asked about the necklace.

"It wasn't on Twikkii Island?" he pondered. "Well, my family and I have traveled all over, so it is possible we got that one at Takemizu Village or Three Lakes. I thought I remembered getting it on the island, but I could be wrong."

Carla thanked him for the information, then continued, "I was wondering if I could take a look around your house. We've been worried about possible . . . " she suddenly paused. She hadn't come up with a cover story for why she wanted to search peoples' houses, and she didn't want anyone to know about the cows yet, in case they'd say something that would tip off the listeners.

She thought quickly, and went on, "We've been worried about broken water pipes because of the danger of water build-up and . . . toxic mold," she finished lamely.

Trent didn't seem to find her story odd though, and invited her in.

She looked around the large living room carefully as she entered but didn’t see a cow.

“We’ve got three bathrooms and also a sink in the kitchen,” Trent said. “Do you want to start there?”

Carla agreed and Trent led her into the kitchen to show her the sink.

She saw the cow immediately, sitting innocently on the counter. She could even tell it had the panel.

Her work in this house was done, but Trent was looking expectantly at the sink, so Carla had to make a show of inspecting it.

“Helpful” Trent then showed her around to every bathroom in the house, joining her search for "toxic mold."

"I need to come up with a better cover story," Carla said to herself as she inspected the third one, "or I am going to become intimately familiar with the plumbing in every home in Pleasantview!"

At the next home she visited, Carla was better prepared, and simply told Tara Kat that she worked for the police force and was trying to meet everyone in the neighborhood to become familiar with their homes and locations in case of burglaries.

Tara invited her right in and was happy to meet her and showed her around her home.

Carla spotted the cow right away in the kitchen, but took a little time to meet Tara's housemates.

First there was Mickey.

Then she met Faline.

Finally she met Samantha, and commented to Tara that her kitties were certainly strikingly colored!

Tara laughed. "They've all become tops in their professions, but Samantha is in show business so I thought she should look like a star!”

She led Carla to the living room where she showed off three kittens sleeping in pet beds. “Oh, so cute!” Carla said, as Tara handed her one.

Carla snuggled the kitten and asked his name.

“I haven’t named them,” Tara said, “because they are all available for adoption. I didn’t want to get too attached.”

Carla put the kitten down and said, “Oh, do you think I could take one? I have a little boy who would love a kitten!”

Tara agreed and Carla said, “I need to call my wife and make sure it’s okay with her,” then phoned Kaylie. Kaylie thought it would be just the thing to make Tom feel better!

Carla thanked Tara then took the kitten home to show Kaylie before she continued on her inspection tour.

Kaylie assured her she’d get the kitten settled and sent Carla back out on her rounds. The kitten made himself at home right away after Kaylie installed a toy for him.

Carla went next to Nina Caliente’s and explained what she was doing going around to the homes in the neighborhood, but added, “I’ve been here so many times I don’t really need to inspect—I just wanted to see how you’re doing!” She’d spotted the cow right away so decided to speak with Nina briefly, then move along.

Nina seemed awfully sad though, so Carla asked her friend, “What’s wrong? Is it Don?”

Nina shook her head. “I wish. He’s fine. It’s Dina. She got kidnapped by aliens the other night and hasn’t been returned.”

“Oh no!” Carla cried. “That’s just like what happened to Mortimer’s first wife, right?”

Nina almost growled in her response. “Those bastard aliens are going to pay when I find out who they are.”

Carla assured Nina that she would try to find out what had happened. She’d only ever met one alien in town so far—a young man named Johnny who’d come over from Strangetown to visit the roller rink. She stopped on her way to her next visit to call him.

When she explained the situation, Johnny said, “Gosh Carla, I don’t know. That sounds weird. They usually return people after just a few hours. My Dad’s not here right now but I’ll ask him about it and call you back.”

Carla thanked Johnny, then proceeded to her next stop, the Kim household. Robert invited her in and said they were happy to have her come by. “We used to work in Hollywood so we have lots of valuable things, so this is a good idea.”

His wife Cynthia came over and said, “Robert, don’t talk like a snob. We decided to leave that life behind.”

To Carla she said, “This is our newest addition, our daughter, Little."

Carla laughed and said, "Little Kim?"

Robert nodded seriously. "I am not sure why everyone seems to find her name amusing. Our son Justin is in the kitchen if you want to meet him too.”

Carla went into the kitchen, where Justin was jumping rope. Behind him, she spotted the cow.

He stopped when she greeted him and said, “I know your kids from school! Anthony and Tom, right? We ride the bus together.”

“That’s right,” she said, “And we have two older ones as well.”

A dog and a cat marched into the kitchen and Justin introduced them. “The dog is Gabby, and Cheech is my kitty.”

Carla patted the dog and said “Hey, it's nice to meet you!" Then to Justin she said, "Can I ask you something? Your Dad looks really familiar but I didn't want to mention it."

"Yeah," Justin said. "He and Mom were in a TV show about space. She played the captain of a starship that was lost and he played the leader of a rebellion that got lost too. They meet up and he becomes her first officer."

"Oh yeah," Carla said, "I remember that! I was always hoping those two would get married on the show!"

"I think everyone did," Justin explained. "But the producers didn't pay much attention to what the fans wanted."

"So how did they end up in Pleasantview?" Carla asked him.

"They did the show for a while after I was born, but decided it was too hard to have a family and be famous. So they retired and we moved here. They've got normal careers now. Well, sort of normal. Mom wants to be a rock star."

Carla thanked the family and continued on her rounds.
Original Poster
#219 Old 20th Mar 2018 at 2:04 PM
Sorry again about the long delay--just as my home life was getting under control, I jammed my thumb--really badly. So I was all wrapped up for a while and couldn't type! But here's a new chapter, and I hope to keep moving at a good place now!
#220 Old 20th Mar 2018 at 8:29 PM
oh yay another update! i hope eventually,the abbadons get what they deserve and i keep thinking carla will get killed...

I May Be Life Dumb But I'm Sim Smart(mostly).
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Mad Poster
#221 Old 21st Mar 2018 at 5:21 PM
Yea, the story continues!

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Lab Assistant
#222 Old 21st Mar 2018 at 11:12 PM
Ouhhh! John Mole. Yes! The plot thickens. I am glad Carl is OK. Brandi was bad enough.
Original Poster
#223 Old 26th Mar 2018 at 8:44 PM Last edited by grumpy_otter : 19th Sep 2021 at 3:53 PM.
Default A Pleasant Story - Chapter Thirty Two - Investigating Cows - Part Two

A Pleasant Story

Chapter Thirty-Two

Investigating Cows - Part Two

Carla's next stop was the police station. She already knew there was a cow there, but she hadn't been able to reach Carl since returning from Twikkii Island with Dustin, and she'd been worried a little based on Dustin's description of the body he'd found.

She walked into the empty lobby and confirmed that the cow had a panel underneath. It was definitely a listening device.

A little nervously, she called out for Carl, who was supposed to be there based on the last schedule she'd seen. But she was nervous--what if he didn't answer?

She breathed a sigh of relief as Carl came into the lobby from the hallway.

"Hello sister!" He said in his strange and oddly formal voice. "It is good to see you! But what are you doing here? You are not working here today, are you?"

Carla hesitated before she replied. She knew the cow was listening, but she had to find out if Carl was drugged, or being controlled somehow. She didn't know what to say. She paced a little as she thought, and suddenly got an idea. When they were kids, they'd had a cat named "Hat and Scarf," a name Carl had come up with as a joke because "Mittens" was such a common name for cats.

She said to him, "I was just thinking about that cat we used to have, remember? Her name was Snowball, right? She was funny!"

Carl looked at her for a moment, then replied, "Oh yes! I remember Snowball. She was a great cat."

Carla's heart dropped into her stomach. She didn't know what it was yet, but she'd confirmed that something was very wrong with Carl.

Carl continued, "I have a break now. Would you like to take a walk with me?"

As much as she'd like to spend time with her brother and find out what was wrong with him, Carla had too many houses left to visit. She shook her head and said, "Not today, Carl. I've got some errands to run."

He stepped toward her and took her arm, leading her outside.

"I insist," he said. "We have so much to catch up on."

Carla resisted a little, but he was stronger and led her out into the courtyard. He pulled her to a spot far from the door to the police station, then released her arm and leaned close to her.

"All right," he whispered in his normal voice, "What do you know?"

Carla was startled. "Carl! Are you okay? What's going on? I thought you were, well . . . "

"Do you think 'Hat and Scarf' is a name I wouldn't remember?" he said. "Now again, tell me what you know."

"I know we had to come out here because the cow is listening," she said.

Carl nodded. "That's why I played along with 'Snowball.' We don't want to tip them off that we know anything. So far, I've got them fooled that I'm working for them. I've been acting dim-witted to throw them off."

"Well, you did it well. I thought you'd turned into an idiot or they were drugging you or something," Carla said.

"I need to get back inside so they don't get suspicious," Carl said, "So tell me quickly what you know."

Carla explained to him what she'd been doing, about Dustin's work and what they'd found on Twikkii Island. When she mentioned the body, Carl nodded.

"That's Seth Abbadon. He did something to anger Yukionna and she had him 'taken care of.' I think she runs the whole family in their various enterprises--all illegal. They moved into Pleasantview about a year ago, and they've been slowly taking over. "

Carla interrupted to ask him for more details but he said, "Later--let's meet up somewhere safe. You keep identifying the houses with cows and I'll call you when I get off work."

Carla gave him a hug of relief and left to continue her search. She was so glad that Carl was okay, but she was also worried that he was undercover with such a family. Playing at double agent was a dangerous game.

She continued on her cow search and next visited the Ottomas home. She met Peter outside and gave him her story and he was friendly and welcoming.

As he led her inside, she scanned for the cow but couldn’t see one, so just told him the same story she’d told Tara Kat and the Kims. He told her she was welcome to walk around.

As she moved toward the back of the house she met Tommy, who said he knew Anthony from school.

“He’s a teenager now,” she said, “just like you!”

She met Samantha Ottomas in the bedroom and Carla noticed she was pregnant. Samantha filled her in on the rest of the family.

“David, our eldest, just went off to college. Sharla is next and she’s at work right now. You met Tommy, and we have twin girls too. They’re upstairs.”

"Wow," Carla said, "Five kids and another on the way! You have a full house here!"

Samantha laughed. "You don't know the half of it! Peter's mother lives with us, too."

Carla said, "My Dustin just left for La Fiesta Tech last night! Maybe he'll meet David there!"

"I'm sorry you can't meet my mother," Peter said, "but she has a new boyfriend and has been spending a lot of time out of the house. I hope she'll spend more time home once the new baby comes--we could use some help then! But she might be having too much fun."

Dora was.

You can go upstairs if you’d like to meet the twins, also,” he said.

Carla climbed the stairs and turned down the hallway and stopped suddenly. There were the twins all right.

Carla smiled nervously and said, “Uh, hello. I’m Carla.”

“Hello Carla,” the twins said together. “Come and play with us.”

“Come and play with us, Carla.”


“And ever.”

“And ever.”

Carla shrieked, “No thank you!” and ran back down the stairs. She was catching her breath in the living area when she spotted the cow. She confirmed that the cow had the transmitter panel. They'd all had it so far, and this one was no exception. She wanted to know how all these cows had made their way into peoples' homes, but didn't want to ask where the listeners might hear. She didn't want anyone getting suspicious about her motives.

Carla said goodbye to the many members of the Ottomas family and headed for the mall. She thought she remembered seeing a cow in the hair salon, but wanted to confirm.

She stopped in shock at a sudden thought. If they were listening, they'd heard her cover stories, and knew that she'd first said "toxic mold" and had changed her story later. "Dammit," she thought to herself. "That was careless. Well, I can't do anything about it now. Maybe they don't listen to everything."

As she entered the mall and walked toward the salon, a man was loudly yelling from the center platform, but Carla was focused on her mission and ignored his ranting.

His voice carried in her ears as she passed by.

"And lo as it is written, 'this is chemistry: that we walk in obedience to the commands of plumbob. As you have heard from the loading screen, plumbob's command is that you walk in chemistry. There are many deceivers, who do not acknowledge plumbob and any such person is the deceiver and the anti-plumbob.'"

Carla found a cow in the salon as she'd expected.

She began to wander around the mall to see if there were more cows and was browsing the Holiday Store when Priya Thomason greeted her. Carla knew her and her husband Alec because she and Kaylie had eaten at restaurants where they worked when they were dating. She also remembered meeting Priya's ex-husband Sanjay at Brandi's memorial.

Priya greeted her happily, then said, “Alec is just out here. Why don’t you come say hi? He’s been judging a cooking competition.”


Carla followed her and saw Alec near the photo booth, which had a cow on the ground next to it. After greeting Alec, she thought of a way she could avoid an inspection of their home.

“Oh,” she said, “Look at that cow. I wonder where you can buy them?”

Alec looked at it and said, “We have one like that, but Priya bought it.”

Priya looked at him, startled. “I didn’t buy it! I thought you did!”

Carla had gotten what she needed to know and quickly made her excuses to leave. As she exited the mall, the yelling man was continuing with his rants.

“And when you speak to Plumbob, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to speak standing in the code and on the loading screen to be seen by others. But when you speak to Plumbob, go into your closet and close the door to speak to Plumbob, who is unseen. Then will Plumbob, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

Carla thought it would be nice if he followed his own instructions.

Carla was getting tired and thought the large and creepy house on the outskirts of town would be her last stop that day. She could continue the search tomorrow. Plus she wanted to get home to see Tom meet his kitten!

As she approached the house, she saw Kaylynn coming toward her.

Kaylynn said, “I’m just out for a walk. What are you up to?” Carla explained her mission of visiting the homes to “get to know everyone.”

Kaylynn squealed, “Oh, can I come with you? I’ve always wanted to see inside this house!”

“Um, sure,” Carla said, as she couldn’t think of a good reason to say ‘No’ quickly enough. She supposed she could distract Kaylynn from the cows if they found any.

She needn’t have worried; their knock at the front door wasn’t answered.

Carla planned to leave but Kaylynn had already started walking around to the back. Carla was glad she’d followed when she found a cow near the back door. She examined it quickly then put it back. It had the panel, all right.

Kaylynn then shouted for her to join her. “Hey, come see this!” she yelled.

Carla joined her and looked at the old statue Kaylynn was pointing at.

“Isn’t that freaky?” Kaylynn said. “It looks like a really nice statue but it’s gotten all gunked up. You’d think they’d have enough money to take care of it if they can live here in this mansion.”

Carla agreed, then said they needed to go.

Their departure was interrupted, however. As they walked down the driveway, two large guard dogs came towards them and Kaylynn yelled.

Carla didn’t hesitate. She stepped forward strongly and said, “STOP!” then commanded the dogs to sit. They, recognizing the authority in her voice, obeyed. The bigger one asked for a belly rub, and Carla complied while Kaylynn watched the other one nervously.

“How did you do that?” Kaylynn asked.

“It was part of my training. Most guard dogs are trained to chase, not to fight. I took a chance that these two would be the same.” Carla then continued to herself, “Phew, luckily!”

Kaylynn shyly patted the smaller dog. “They seem nice!”

“Just don’t run,” Carla said. “Then we’d be prey.”

They said goodbye and Carla continued on her way home.

Back at the house, the teenagers were very excited about Tom’s kitten and wanted to set up a way to surprise him with it. Before they could come up with a plan though, the schoolbus arrived and Tom walked in the house.

The four of them stood still and tried to look innocent, then Anthony laughed. “Smooth, guys!”

He turned to Tom and said, “We’ve got a surprise for you! Close your eyes and I’ll direct you.”

Anthony guided Tom into his room where the kitten was napping in the bed Kaylie had set up. When he opened his eyes, Tom squealed and picked up the kitten and cuddled him.

“Is he mine? What’s his name?” Tom asked.

“He IS yours, so you get to name him,” Kaylie said.

“I’ll think real hard about something good,” Tom said.

Carla ordered a fancy dinner delivered and they all sat down to enjoy it. She and Kaylie certainly hadn’t planned to end up with four kids— and a kitten! —but it seemed to be working out all right.

Mad Poster
#224 Old 28th Mar 2018 at 12:24 AM
Yep, love it. But hope for a happy-ever-after!

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Mad Poster
#225 Old 24th Apr 2018 at 6:40 PM
And now, just hoping for MOAR!

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
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