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#201 Old 2nd Mar 2005 at 6:35 PM
Hello everyone!

I thought I might share my findings after downloading the EP!

Adult genetics/hair meshes work fine on the young adults for me. I am saddened though that the adult clothing doesn't work for the young adults though. The only problem I'm seeing right now is just the non-ep ready recolors, I practically had a whole blinking blue house, lol! That's what I get for not fixing them! Also, I haven't added any of my hacks yet, but I can verify that the N-L-A Painting (Merola's if I'm not mistaken) does work!

YAY! I hope everything works out for ya'll! :D

- Love Ashley
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#202 Old 2nd Mar 2005 at 6:47 PM Last edited by jinyc : 2nd Mar 2005 at 6:51 PM.
Motoki, it seems that careers have been the problem for me and many others in stalling the game. Sim2Pack...evil...evil...evil! Katt had 9 masked careers in her root folder.

TwoJeffs mentioned the prob with the phone hack above too and you are both correct. I didn't even bother sending a YD to a community lot. I saw the prob immediately. When I directed a Sim to talk on the phone they would just freeze.

For sanity's sake I hope JM fixes that hack before all others as life as we know it would be impossible with those incessantly ringing phones. I ahven't even thought to look for cell phones. I must remember to do that.

The last thing I did before taking a break was to install all of Exnem's objects. The kitchen counters and cabinets are all woriking. The new fridge, table with overhanging pots, the separate overhanging pots, the arm chairs and the cheese board are all blue. There babies will remain blue till the master fixes them.

Il Magnifico if you read this, can I use the Integ Fix myself or should I wait for Exnem?

The InSIm DEST version works in the game. All of the hacks I put back in so far work (with the exception of the PH glitch).

Now all we need is a fix to the careers and life will be good once more.
Field Researcher
#203 Old 2nd Mar 2005 at 6:48 PM
Joey.....you have a PM

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#204 Old 2nd Mar 2005 at 6:51 PM
I answered you Tug!
Test Subject
#205 Old 2nd Mar 2005 at 7:00 PM
Maybe you can help me jinyc.... I have reinstalled both Sims2 and the EP to start fresh. I have not added anything and the installations have been installed successfully BUT everytime I go to my neighborhood the screen goes nuts... Its blinking and the graphics are crazy! I need some suggestions, please! I am about to give up because I have installed the EP twice now thinnking that it is the problem!
The ModFather
retired moderator
#206 Old 2nd Mar 2005 at 7:06 PM
Jinyc, I fixed Exnem's fridge by myself and it was *very* hard. It's strange: the better the package were built, the harder is to fix them...
Since Exnem seems not to have fixed it yet, I'm going to post my corrected packages on his thread.

And to anyone interested: I've found another hack incompatible with the EP. It's the old "Move In for all ages" (moveinall.package) by Pinhead; no surprise that such an old hack doesn't work anymore!
The problem I had with this hack is that I couldn't click on the selected sim, thus preventing the pie menu ("College...", "Streak" and "Entertain...") to show up.
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#207 Old 2nd Mar 2005 at 7:45 PM
Jayboo your question is way too out there for my limited knowledge. I am sure someone will be able to help you soon once they read your post. Just stay calm and don't give up hope.

Il Magnifico I saw the fix and I am going to grab it. What I don't understand is will all the recolors be automatically fixed or do I have to use SimPE to fix just the recolors?

I am checking the hack forum religiously to see what works and what doesn't. I am also looking at the objects forum (where I first saw your fridge post).

I suggest that is an exercise we all should be getting used to.
Lab Assistant
#208 Old 2nd Mar 2005 at 8:30 PM Last edited by Eighty : 2nd Mar 2005 at 8:39 PM.
I removed the hacks/mods that I had downloaded from my Downloads folder, and installed the EP. CAS worked, but like other people, once I tried to enter a lot, the loading time took f o r e v e r and I shut down.

I read the advice about Clean Installer. I hadn't purposely downloaded ANY careers, but Clean Installer found FIVE of them.

Now, here's my question. What next? I tried to read the thread about this newest version of Clean Installer for instructions on how to use it, but it was 29 pages long,and didn't seem to be what I was looking for. Since I've been following all 9 pages of this one, I thought I'd try it here. Clean Installer has highlighted the careers in red, and has also highlighted some other things in pink. I assume that these are problem files, and I figured I'd go ahead and delete them. The problem is that I can't find said files in my Downloads folder... the name in Clean Installer doesn't seem to correspond to any files I can find in Downloads.

Am I just not looking hard enough?
Are these files somewhere else I don't know about?
Or is there something that I need to do with the Clean Installer program that I don't know about?

I'm confident that I found the source of my installation problems without any headache or trauma (thanks entirely to this site, and this thread :bow: ), but what next?

OK, I just realized that if I right-click on the name in Clean Installer, there is an option to "remove package." So, I'm removing the ones in red, and ALL the careers. New question: what about the stuff in pink?
Forum Resident
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#209 Old 2nd Mar 2005 at 10:02 PM
From what I understand the pink listings are dups of existing files and can be removed.

Don't remove all the red files. CI shows all hacks as red. I would delete the careers but uncheck the other hacks before deleting them. Oh, silly! I guess you could always re-D/L.

BTW, if you use Scan Folder in SimPE I believe it will list the file extention for the career. Not sure tho as I have been so busy doing all sorts of mumbo jumbo.

One thing is certain, careers are one of the biggest if not only cause of the game coming to a halt.
The ModFather
retired moderator
#210 Old 2nd Mar 2005 at 10:13 PM
To know which hack work and which don't, Sweet Daysies has made a very useful thread that reports all we need to know:
Test Subject
#211 Old 2nd Mar 2005 at 10:14 PM
Do skins stay on young adults or does it mess up? I was just wondering because I took them all out until I knew exactly what would hurt game play and what wouldn't.
Lab Assistant
#212 Old 2nd Mar 2005 at 10:53 PM
Quote: Originally posted by jinyc
From what I understand the pink listings are dups of existing files and can be removed.

Don't remove all the red files. CI shows all hacks as red. I would delete the careers but uncheck the other hacks before deleting them. Oh, silly! I guess you could always re-D/L.

BTW, if you use Scan Folder in SimPE I believe it will list the file extention for the career. Not sure tho as I have been so busy doing all sorts of mumbo jumbo.

One thing is certain, careers are one of the biggest if not only cause of the game coming to a halt.

Thanks! I won't bother with the pink ones, as everything seems to work fine now (so far). I went ahead & deleted all the red ones (before I read your response), but I'm not too worried, since the only stuff I 'd really miss are clothing, hair, & genetics (all of which are problem-free ).

If anyone is having problems, I'd highly recommend Clean Install... it was a quick & easy fix!

Psst-- :howdy: thanks to Jinyc for being the guinea pig and sharing your trials and tribulations. As a result, my install was ENORMOUSLY less difficult than it would have been otherwise!
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#213 Old 2nd Mar 2005 at 11:17 PM Last edited by jinyc : 2nd Mar 2005 at 11:29 PM. Reason: I never say it all the first time
Thank you for the sweet compliment Eighty but I could not have done it without the cuddling and support of Il Magnifico and Sweet Daysies.

MaryC the point is very moot. Your current adult skins do not work with Young Adults as Maxis has made thier wardrobe a new (and useless, I believe) classification. They will work as usual for actual adults so they should all be fine. Don't worry, as has been said, all Body Shop and Home Crafter items are automatically EP ready.

As an aside I just looked hopefully at Sims Expo and TSR to see if anyone had started making desirable clothing (particularly undies, swimsuit and athletics wear) for YDs. No such luck! I have been so immersed in making my game work these past two days that I found 62 pages of new clothing at TS2. I got thru 38 pages and then abruptly stopped because I would D/L nothing (an there ws quite a number of great things too).

I am just a tad discouraged about the clothing issue. I really think that Maxis could have let us know in advance that this new classification was coming so that (with a Body Shop update) our designers could have been making ready with more acceptible designs.

Now that our YD's walk like old farts (well, no longer thanks to TwoJeffs), I guess it's only appropriate for them to dress in unfashionable old fartsy garb (other than the daywear which is limited but merely okay).

Okay, rant finished.

EDIT: I just checked out the link to Daysies EP installation thread and it is the best!

It saved me a lot of testing of hacks and I moved the one's that are supposed to work back in game.

Hugs and kisses to Daysies!
Test Subject
#214 Old 3rd Mar 2005 at 3:06 PM
Has anyone tested Danny's NPC's and WooHoo girls and the DMA controller thing that comes with this set to see if they work ok with UNI... ??? I looked on his site but all he says is "should do" ! would be nice to know for sure lol

Test Subject
#215 Old 3rd Mar 2005 at 3:43 PM
Never sure where to post stuff here,so could somebody see my questions in my post here- http://forums.modthesims2.com/showt...?t=42282&page=2
I am stumped and sick with a flu that leaves me little patience to even play,let alone fix the problems to play.I just hope someone has this career thing figured out soon,hidden files confuse me.I never d/l'ed a career.I also tried playing with SL2's woohoo hacks and the multi painting,and InSim Dest. but still no option to go to class or do assignments?I'm hurting my ill lil brain here,lol. Thanks for any help/advice
Field Researcher
#216 Old 3rd Mar 2005 at 4:11 PM

If you downloaded S2L's whoo hoo hack before last night, you'll need to update, the old version wasn't University ready, but there is a fix out on the Sims 2 Living website already.

Test Subject
#217 Old 3rd Mar 2005 at 5:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Jorenne

If you downloaded S2L's whoo hoo hack before last night, you'll need to update, the old version wasn't University ready, but there is a fix out on the Sims 2 Living website already.


Thank you Jorenne,I will get the updated version in a bit.I'm not as concerned about teen woohooing atm,but more concerned why I can't play with my supposedly EP ready d/l's because from what I read it won't let me load a lot,when I play w/o my d/l's I get no option for class/assignment even though all that is in my d/l folder is Dest. InSim,which I read was EP compatible.I have read there are otherswith the non lot loading problems,I just don't know how or where to find if a carer is hidden in my game,hack scan shows nothing, Clean Installer runs out of memory way before my 17,000 d/l's load into it.
Thank you though for the updae on S2L mod,do you know if "TV News" was an original career in Sims2,it's the only odd one I've seen ingame as a career option.

"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." -Aristotle
Test Subject
#218 Old 3rd Mar 2005 at 5:20 PM
I have a couple of questions.
Does the wierd walk the young adults have go away after they leave university and go back into a regular neighborhood?
Do the alpha meshes for hair mess with the game? and finally
Does a new DL folder get made in the new university folder or do we still put our downloads in the original Sims2 folder?
Thank you for any help.
#219 Old 3rd Mar 2005 at 5:30 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ~Silicity~
Thank you Jorenne,I will get the updated version in a bit.I'm not as concerned about teen woohooing atm,but more concerned why I can't play with my supposedly EP ready d/l's because from what I read it won't let me load a lot,when I play w/o my d/l's I get no option for class/assignment even though all that is in my d/l folder is Dest. InSim,which I read was EP compatible.I have read there are otherswith the non lot loading problems,I just don't know how or where to find if a carer is hidden in my game,hack scan shows nothing, Clean Installer runs out of memory way before my 17,000 d/l's load into it.
Thank you though for the updae on S2L mod,do you know if "TV News" was an original career in Sims2,it's the only odd one I've seen ingame as a career option.

Tv news was not included in game it's a new option http://www.modthesims2.com/showthre...ght=news+career

silicity, can you put say one quater of you dls in a seperate folder and scan them that way? I put my recolors folder on my desktop and used the browse feature in clean installer, and it worked. If you have problems with it running out of memory, that should work for you.
#220 Old 3rd Mar 2005 at 5:34 PM
Quote: Originally posted by mom
I have a couple of questions.
Does the wierd walk the young adults have go away after they leave university and go back into a regular neighborhood?
Do the alpha meshes for hair mess with the game? and finally
Does a new DL folder get made in the new university folder or do we still put our downloads in the original Sims2 folder?
Thank you for any help.

It's only that age group that walks that way, when they turn adult they walk normally.

I have had no problems with new hair meshes so far.

Downloads go in the same place My Documents/EA Games/Sims2/Downloads
Test Subject
#221 Old 3rd Mar 2005 at 5:48 PM
Thank you so much, Katt. I've had my game since yesterday morning, but I haven't installed it yet. I'm really scared something won't work and I won't know how to fix it. I only have walls, floors, skins, clothes, hair and genetics in my downloads folder. I don't want to lose them.
Test Subject
#222 Old 3rd Mar 2005 at 6:05 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Katt1367
Tv news was not included in game it's a new option http://www.modthesims2.com/showthre...ght=news+career

silicity, can you put say one quater of you dls in a seperate folder and scan them that way? I put my recolors folder on my desktop and used the browse feature in clean installer, and it worked. If you have problems with it running out of memory, that should work for you.

Thanks so much for that information Katt,I just got the latest version of hack scan and ran it,it didn't find it or a few others I have like Insim DEST. or Multi-Painting.I looked in my downloads folder for the package file named TVNewsTeens,it's not listed in there,being I never intentionally downloaded ANY careers I have no idea where they get put in the game,where to find them to remove them? I do know that career is an option in my gameplay.
As far as doing a clean Install check in clumps.the CleanInstaller holds approximately 1000 d/l'as at a time,that would be 17 plus runs,and being seperated it would miss both of any dup.s or guid.'s that share the same files,this is already above my technicxal knowledge,SimPe took me a month to get brave enough to just use to scan to update for the EP.Not that I can play with them anyways since until I find this career and get rid of it,the lots won't load,and w/o d/l's I just am having no fun playing with maxis content only,the clothes,makeup,etc are troubling to even look at for me.I guess I'll have to do 18 clumps of CleanInstaller and hope for the best.I wish I knew how to find nd delete that career though.
Thanks for your help!

"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." -Aristotle
Test Subject
#223 Old 3rd Mar 2005 at 6:24 PM
Default Sims 2 EP Univ. and games programs in general
This is just a reminder to all my fellow Sim players and modders no matter what it is and what you installed but just ALWAYs remember to DEFRAG your computer after installing anything on your computer not before or days after but after every game or application you install this make your games run smoother and with no problems do scandisks and remember to terminat any processes in the backgound and other un necesary things.

Other than that if anyone has played the new EP let me know if all the mods we have been using works in the game OH and if your current sims in sims2 can be used in the new game
#224 Old 3rd Mar 2005 at 6:28 PM
Quote: Originally posted by mom
Thank you so much, Katt. I've had my game since yesterday morning, but I haven't installed it yet. I'm really scared something won't work and I won't know how to fix it. I only have walls, floors, skins, clothes, hair and genetics in my downloads folder. I don't want to lose them.

If that is all you have in there, you should be fine.
#225 Old 3rd Mar 2005 at 6:40 PM
Default Me too!
Quote: Originally posted by happenin_holly
U got the EP already?! I'm in England so I have to wait until March the 11th! I can't wait; I ordered it ages ago!

I haven't ordered it, but I am getting fed up of American members talking about it! I'm British, by the way. I am about to explode!
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